神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统 A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system.
神经外科学神经系统中任何部分的外科学 Surgery on any part of the nervous system.
人类通过自动化扩展了人类神经系统的功能思维和决断的才能。 He extends his nervous system and his thinking and decision-making faculties through automation.
据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.