第一只小鸟醒来了,男孩还能听见珍珠鸡在他的前边叫着。 The first bird woke and the boy could hear the guinea-fowl calling ahead of him.
今天她戴了一条珍珠项链。 She wears a pearl necklace today.
她用细尼龙线把珠子串了起来。 She strung the beads with a fine nylon.
警察找回了被盗的珠宝。 The police recovered the stolen jewellery.
那些男孩子为几支圆珠笔而争吵起来了。 The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.
草上沾满了露珠. The grass was sprinkled with dew.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. These biros retail at/for 70p.
那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。 The hat was decorated with colored beads.
蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.
在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。 The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.
拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔. Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.
工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台 A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.
那位妇人对找回被盗的珠宝感到非常高兴。 Th woman was delighted at the recovery of her stolen jewels.
珠母般的具有珍珠般的光泽的 Having a luster resembling that of pearls.
他惊讶得眼珠子差一点跳出来。 His eyes nearly jumped from their sockets in surprise.
珍将她的珍珠项链送到了好几个市场,但是没有找到买主。 Jane send her pearl necklace to several market, but find no purchaser.
苏珊将珍珠项链送给了孙女。她觉得,珍珠配在孙女年轻脖子上会显得更加漂亮。 Susan gave her pearls to her granddaughter, round whose young throat she felt they would be displayed to greater advantage.
她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。 She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.
你用圆珠笔或铅笔书写均可. You may write in biro or pencil.
那位发言者遭到了连珠炮般的追问。 The speaker was bombarded with questions.
细绳上悬的珠子 Beads on a string.
这家商店也销售廉价珠宝。 The shop sells baubles as well.
所以真珠质的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。 As a result, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer that can wear thin over time.
小心点,哈里,你再这样盯着别的女人,她会把你的眼珠抠出来。 Be careful, Harry, she'll scratch your eyes out if you so much as glance at another woman.
该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。 The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.
金银线镶边衣物的装饰必镶边,如流通带、饰带或金属珠子 Ornamental trimming for a garment, as braid, lace, or metallic beads.