他的拒绝浇熄了我们的热情。 His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
闪光装置如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的装置 A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign.
往日激情将熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。 The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
请将香烟熄灭. Please extinguish your cigarettes.
因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out.
为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。 I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.
熄灯後不许说话. No talking after lights out.
蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了. The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out.
要是你在晚上加足煤,炉子便通宵不会熄灭。 The stove will remain in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening.
所有的灯都熄灭了。 All the light went out.
所有的灯都熄了, 周围一片黑暗. All the lights went out and we were left in the dark.
当飞机上的灯一下子熄灭时,旅客显得很紧张,但当机长告诉他们这只不过是一次电气故障,很快就会修好时,他们才放下心来。 The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.