轮船横着停泊在港口里。 The ship was anchored athwart at the harbor mouth.
一座雄伟的大桥横亘在大江之上。 A magnificent bridge spans the river.
他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。 They made rude remarks about her appearance.
用绳子穿著的旗子横悬在街道上. Flags had been strung up across the street.
哪怕是出了再小的差错,老板也会对他横加斥责。 His boss will jump on every little mistake he makes, no matter how trivial.
当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。 The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.
高大的树木成拱形横跨过那条河. Tall trees arched across the river.
反动派越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。 The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.
跨着以便跨过或横过;横跨 So as to straddle or bridge; astride.
乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。 The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside.
曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕,有纵横交错的运河网。 Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
苏丹非洲北部一地区,位于赤道以北,撒哈拉大沙漠以南,从大西洋沿岸横贯大陆至埃塞俄比亚山脉 A region of northern Africa south of the Sahara and north of the equator. It extends across the continent from the Atlantic coast to the mountains of Ethiopia.
乘客不得横过铁路。 Passengers mustn't cross the rails.
有人看见那瞎子横过街道。 The blind man was seen cross the street.
他那专横的口气激怒了大家。 His peremptory tone irritated everybody.
做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋. Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise.
他行事专横, 我们大家都讨厌他这种作风. He domineered, and the rest of us hated it.
柱,杆建筑物框架中横梁的支撑物 A support for a beam in the framework of a building.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
骑自行车横越美国? 听起来有些冒险. Cycle across America? Sounds a bit dodgy to me.
束帆索一种绳子或帆布带,用来把一个卷叠的帆置于一横木或斜桁上 A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff.
我想他在讲演中所要说的每个问题,对你来说,都可能是老生常谈,但是,因为我不是人类学家,我倒觉得它趣味横生,资料丰富哩。 I dare say anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you but since I'm not an anthropologist I found it very interesting and informative.
失事的火车横在铁轨上. The wrecked train lay aslant the track.
我们横渡时风浪一定很大。 Storm when we transverse is certainly very big.
他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。 He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.
有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨. The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line.
这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了. I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle.
守门员用手掌将球托出了球门的横木。 The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar.
她反复地给孩子们说,他们不可以独自横过马路。 She drummed it into the children that they must not cross the road alone.
横跨结构,桥,渡口横跨或横渡的地方或使用的工具 A place at which or the means by which a crossing is made.
他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上. He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles.
山的支脉一列山或丘的横岭 A spur of a mountain range or hills.
罗缎有窄的横棱纹的一种丝或人造丝的紧密织物 A closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs.
侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。 The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting.
成群结队的犯罪分子整夜横行霸道,令村民们惊恐不已。 Groups of law-breakers have been rampaging about all night, putting fear into the villagers.
横向性某些植物或其器官安排他们自己以正确的角度而得到一种刺激的趋向 The tendency of certain plants or their parts to arrange themselves at right angles to a stimulus.
围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下 A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines.
横越…的航道穿过(船)的航向,航线或路线 Across the course, line, or length of.
游行者打著横幅, 上有大字`禁止使用核武器'. The marchers carried banners with the words `No Nuclear Weapons' in large letters.
并排横排紧密地一个挨一个地排列着的士兵、交通工具或装备 A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.