我对发生的每件事的细枝末节都记得清清楚楚。 I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened.
桦树有光滑的皮和细长的枝。 The birch has smooth bark and slender branches.
他用欧芹的嫩枝点缀在鸡上。 He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley.
扫帚梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用 A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.
他身体的重量把树枝压弯了. The branch began to give under his weight.
猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。 The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.
图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。 The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.
他从玫瑰树上剪下一枝插条。 He took a cutting from a rose.
他用斧头砍掉了朽烂的树枝. He struck off the rotten branches with an axe.
划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。 In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
他用树枝在泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。 He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped.
柏枝作为悲哀象征的柏树枝 Cypress branches used as a symbol of mourning.
橄榄枝是和平的象征。 The olive branch is the emblem of peace.
他朝著树枝(不停地)砍, 直到砍下为止. He hacked (away) at the branch until it fell off.
不要忽略枝节问题。 Don't neglect minor issues.
那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝. With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.
他正用一把大剪刀剪树枝。 He is cutting the branches with a pair of shears.
这个树枝已从树干上脱落了. The branch has separated from the trunk of the tree.
暴风雨把树枝从树干上刮了下来. The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk.
那作家常以细枝末节来混淆实质问题. The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.
我看到他正在给玫瑰修剪枝条。 I found him pruning his roses.
这些灌木的蔓生枝条该剪了. These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush.
这蛾子停在树枝上, 其颜色和树枝几不可辨. Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.
请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
一枝步枪瞄准著人质的头. The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head.
枝肋哥特式拱顶上的一种用于加固的肋,连接主肋上的交点或凸饰 A reinforcing rib used in Gothic vaulting to connect the intersections and bosses of the primary ribs.
斜向性向倾斜或与水平成角度的方向生长的倾向。用于植物的根、茎或枝 The tendency to grow at an oblique or horizontal angle. Used of roots, stems, or branches.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管 Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.