你一定会被那美丽的景象所感动的。 You will never fail to be moved by the beauty of the sight.
庆祝活动呈现一派宏伟的景象。 The celebrations provided a magnificent spectacle.
他被那可怕的景象吓呆了. He stood aghast at the terrible sight.
那幅画和当时的景象完全一致。 The drawing is on all fours with the scene at that moment.
集市的景象光怪陆离, 纷然杂陈. The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.
秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。 As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
亲眼看见这一派兴旺繁荣景象的穷人们也开始想沾光发财了。 The poor, who can see this boom with their own eyes, are starting to want their share of the cake.