西湖美得难以描述。 The West Lake was beautiful beyond description.
形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。 The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 The book portrays the life of an actor.
警察让我描述一下这事是怎样发生的。 The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.
赏心悦目的生动描述 A luscious, vivid description.
他的描述很笼统, 用处不大. His description was too general to be of much use.
印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.
局部解剖学对某一解剖后的局部或部分的研究或描述 The study or description of an anatomical region or part.
风景不如你描述的那么好。 The scene is nothing like what you described.
船长在航海日志中描述了这次事故。 The captain described the accident in the ship's log.
他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。 His book describe the march of the civilization of a primitive society.
在计算机安全学中,一种对存取受到控制的实体的特征的描述。 In computer security, a description of the characteristics of an entity to which access is controlled.
你描述得恰到好处. You've hit it on the nose!
观看锦标赛的观众们丢下的废物,实非笔墨所能描述。 The rubbish left behind by the Cup Final crowd beggars description.
描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。 A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values.
概要用简明的形式,并通过减少或保留其要点来对资料内容进行的描述;摘要 A presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points; an abstract.