请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。 Please send me a receipt for the money.
这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。 The items are listed in order of importance.
为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。 We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data.
根据定义,首都是一个国家的政治文化中心。 By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a country.
根据解剖结果,此人死于心脏病发作。 According to the result of the dissection, the man died from heart attack.
据说法国人是世界上最浪漫的民族之一。 It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.
首都一片平静,然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱。 The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
这堡垒占据控制地位. The fort occupies a commanding position.
据说我们的祖先是猴子。 It is said that our progenitors are monkeys.
据说他已经成为一名党员了。 It is said that he has became a Party member.
据信这种生物来自外太空。 These creatures were believed to have come from outer space.
据报道说,明天有日环食。 It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow.
我恐怕没有抓住你的论据的思路。 I'm afraid I've lost the thread of your argument.
我不得不承认他的论据有力. I was compelled to (ie I had to) acknowledge the force of his argument.
附近没有酒店, 至少据我所知没有. There's no pub round here, leastways not that I know of.
根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的。 It's not always wise to go by appearances.
你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。 You may use an online printer to print out the data.
我们根据有效法律保护投资者的利益。 We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect.
据目前情况看,我们不能按时完成任务了。 As things stand, we won't finish the job on time.
据预报说今天的空气湿度是百分之六十。 It's said by forecast that the humidity in the air today is 60%.
我们可以根据你的特殊需要设计保险单。 We can tailor the insurance policy according to your special needs.
这三个人根据各自的能力被分配了工作。 The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.
我们根据恐龙的一些骨头重组恐龙的原貌. We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.
根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。 According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately.
我们每人各据一间小小的办公室,与其他人分隔开。 Each of us is boxed off( from the others)in his own little office.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
我认为这些数据是最近才得到的,但我乐于接受改正。 I believe these figures are the most recent available but I am open to correction.
据说如果你在看见流星时许个愿,愿望就会实现。 It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
据报道,就宾客的舒适程度来说,这家宾馆管理得很好。 The hotel was, from all accounts, very well run as far as the comfort of the guests was concerned.
年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
担保一种字据或保证,通常为书面的,以保证某种产品或服务的质量或耐用性 A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
敌人占据了这个城镇。 The enemy occupied the town.
声波是根据其振幅来测量的. Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.
据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。 It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.
据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。 The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
根据圣经的说法,我们可以活到七十岁。 According to the Bible, we can expect to live for three score years and ten.
根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days' paid holiday a year.
根据条约, 中国将于1997年7月1日收回香港。 According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.
君主,领主根据封建法律,应对之效忠和服役的长官或君主 A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law.
他的音乐据说是"好"或"了不起"。 His music is said to be "good" or "great".
据说哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492.
仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据. Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。 It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.
这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这一看法。 This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.
据《圣经》所叙, 上帝按自己的形象创造了人. According to the Bible, God created man in his image.
罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。 The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
用来分隔或组织计算机程序元素或数据元素的字符或字符串。例如括号、空格符、算术运算符、if(如果)、“BEGIN"等。 A string of one or more characters used to separate or organize elements of computer programs or data; for example, parentheses, blank character, arithmetic operator, if,"BEGIN".
她键入了所有的新数据。 She keyed in all the new data.
指控他的证据不足信。 The evidence against him was flimsy.
本人认为此案证据不足. The case, I would submit, is not proven.
无实质的,无价值的,无根据的 Lacking substance, value, or basis.
据天气预报报道, 明天晴. Tomorrow is going to be fine according to the forecast.
我已经把数据输入到计算机中了。 I have inputted the data into a computer.
该文件据称是一项正式声明. The document purports to be an official statement.
地产的发展逐渐占据了农田. Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development.
据说总统已经秘密逃往边境了。 It is said President has escaped to the border in secret.
根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.
市长要根据议会的议案来制定政策。 The mayor must make policies in accordance with the bill passed in the Congress.
这一计画是以经济发展的设想为依据的. The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
据点提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置 A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement.
一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。 All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules.
这是我所能找到的最令人信服的证据,以证明我的观点。 This is the most convincing evidence that I can find to prove my point.
我的依据只是谣传而已. I have only reports to go on.
他分别审查每一证据。 He examined each piece of evidence in isolation.
你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。 You shouldn't arrest him without warrant.
应该承认他的论据中有逻辑性. You have to accept the logic of his argument.
根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.
根据规定,申请者一律需经笔试。 It is laid down that all applicant must sit a write exam.
我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.
警方根据所获情报, 突然搜查了那个俱乐部. Acting on information received, the police raided the club.
争辩在讨论或辩论中据理力争的行为或实例 The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate.
他们挑战那家公司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。 They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.
敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。 The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds.
如果阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。 If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence.
一家生物工艺开发公司正在根据自然滋生毒素的原理研制新型农药系列产品。 A biotechnology company is developing a range of new pesticide based on naturally occur toxin.
数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。 The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.
据说谁要摸了这棵树,谁就要倒霉;如果他摘了一片叶子,他就会死。 It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die.
为了加强数据的保护,防止非法的存取,用于评价计算机系统、存储空间和运行过程完整程度的一种指标。 A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.
诊断通过评价病人的病史、体检情况和阅读试验数据的方式对人体机能进行检验或对人体引起病痛的原因进行鉴别的行为或过程 The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.
欧洲新闻界常把里根先生描绘成钉住卡扎菲上校不放,譬如说对叙利亚则睁一眼闭一眼。据说叙国也有化学武器,并与恐怖活动有关。 And in the European press, Mr. Reagan was frequently portrayed as fixated on Colonel Qaddafi, turning a blind eye, for example, to Syria, which is also said to have chemical weapons and has also been tied to terrorism.
据说该明星病重. The star is reportedly very ill.
这儿是共和主义运动的据点。 Here is a stronghold of republicanism.
他不根据前提推理因而论证无效. This non sequitur invalidates his argument.
他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。 He is acting under rule23 of the union constitution.
这种费用是根据收入高低滑动折算的. Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income.
将数据恢复到先前已知或规定的状态。 The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state.
推断由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为 The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.
根据法律规定青年人年满十八岁必须参军。 "According to the law, a young man should enlist when he is18."
根据社会工作者的建议把那孩子与其父母隔离了. The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers.
以提高功效为依据可以证明采取这种措施是正确的。 Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。 The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
根据牛顿第一定律,如果不对物体施加力的话,静止物体会一直保持静止。 According to Newton's first law, a body at rest will remain at rest until a force is applied to it.
数据通信中,由接收方向发送方传送应答字符作为肯定回答的传输过程。 In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender.
一种低速输入设备,它将图形和图象数据转换成用于数字计算机的二进制数值输入。 A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer.
该案因证据不足而撤销. The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.
根据英国法律,哈拍特无罪。 According to English law, Hubert is innocent.
他根据情况,变换治疗方法。 He varies the treatment according to circumstances.
他出示假证据,这就是蔑视法庭。 He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance.
辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分. The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
在足够的证据面前,这个罪犯屈服了。 In the face of enough witness, the criminal caved in.
数据库中包含有某个实体信息的字段。 In database, a field that contain information about an entity.
罢工的办公室人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.
陪审团根据证据作出结论, 认定她有罪. The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty.
他惯常坐在桌旁的位置被一个陌生人占据了。 His habitual place at the table was occupied by a stranger.
她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据. Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.
出示确凿的证据之后,对方不得不作出让步。 After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to back down.
根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。 In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.
多个数据对象的结构化汇集,以形成一种数据类型。 A structured collection of data objects, forming a data type.
这些新的事实连同其他证据已证明在押者无罪. These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence.
票据交换结算总额票据交换所中每天进行的交易总额 The total of claims presented daily at a clearing-house.
警方声称这男子是被谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。 The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。 I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。 He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base.
律师的论点所依据的前提是,人们在没有被证明有罪之前都是无罪的。 The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty.
他建立了产品控制标准数据,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本分析系统。 He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department.
表处理语言用于处理包含有表格的数据的编程语言,被广泛地运用于人工智能研究 A programming language designed to process data consisting of lists. It is widely used in artificial intelligence research.
在分时系统中,终端和其它设备进行一次数据交换,从而完成一个特定的动作或产生一个特定的结果。例如,输入客户的存款金额并修改客户的余额。 In systems with time sharing, an exchange between a terminal and another device that accomplishes a particular action or result; for example, the entry of a customer's deposit and the updating of the customer's balance.
据说兔子有不止一个洞穴。 It's said that a rabbit usually will have more than one burrows.
据说那种植物可用来治肝炎。 It is said that the plant can be used to treat hepatitis.
据说他腿瘸了,是一次事故造成的。 It's said that his lameness resulted from an accident.
对于非授权用户其意义是隐蔽的数据。 Data whose meaning is concealed from unauthorized users.
据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。 A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。 The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.
原告方面以两名证人所提供的证据提起诉讼。 The prosecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
空头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
当数据从一个设备传送到另一个设备时,用于补偿数据流速率差或事件发生时间差的一种例行程序或存储器。 A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。 In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
拮据极度缺乏或贫穷;贫困 Extreme want or poverty; destitution.
他们是这样宣称的,但他们有证据吗? So they alleged, but have they any proof?
这杆梭镖是江西根据地时代传下来的。 The spear descends from the Jiangxi-base days.
汇编指编辑好的一套数据、一篇报道或一部选集 Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is compiled.
对於执行死刑, 赞成与反对的双方都有强有力的论据. There are strong arguments for and against capital punishment.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
某些证据表明“快速眼动睡眠”可能是大脑长期适应生活经验形成的。 Some evidence suggests that Rapid Eye Movement Sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences.
计算机是一种快速、精确的符号加工系统,它能接收、存储、处理数据并产生输出结果。 A computer is a fast and accurate symbol processing system. It can accept, store, process data and produce output results.
抗辩一种表示反对的方法即:同意对方论据中的事实,但是否定对方基于这些事实的辩护 A method of objecting that admits the facts of the opponent's argument but denies that they sustain the pleading based upon them.
诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出 A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.
据说惊人的大量有毒物质正堆在英国最大的化学物品废品站里……当地政府……对……堆在它门口的垃圾理所当然地感到忧虑。 A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.