老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。 The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.
鳝鱼很长而且很难抓住。 Eels are long and difficult to catch.
我儿子抓住我的手不撒开。 My son grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go.
他抓住我的领子把我拉倒他面前。 He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
我恐怕没有抓住你的论据的思路。 I'm afraid I've lost the thread of your argument.
我给他这一机会,他立刻抓住不放。 When I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once.
在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。 In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials.
狮子抓住猎物,把它吃了。 The lion seized its prey and ate it.
这些被警察抓住的犯罪分子只是些小鱼,他们的头子却跑掉了。 These criminals arrested by the police are only minnows, their leader has escaped.
他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。 He ran fast enough to catch the thief.
他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。 He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower.
他设法抓住悬崖表面向外伸出的岩石. He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff face.
她抓住我的袖子. She held me by the sleeve.
他偷看我的论文时,我当场抓住了他。 I caught him peeping at my paper.
鹰用爪抓住了老鼠. The eagle held a mouse in its claws.
蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。 The spider can catch insects by cobweb.
那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了. The thief was caught by the hotel dick.
她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓. Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.