尽管他帮助过我,可是我还是恨他。 I hate him albeit he helped me.
我恨他那讨厌的品行。 I hate his obnoxious behavior.
我痛恨铺张浪费的行政机关。 I hate the prodigal administration.
在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。 I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。 In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
这小孩子要表明对大人的憎恨就难免受罚。 The child cannot express his hatred of adults with impunity.
我恨不得我很富有. I wish I were rich.
男孩儿们恨不得马上就出发. The boys were champing to start.
他的话激起了我的仇恨。 His words stirred up my hatred.
他对敌人有强烈的仇恨。 He has a strong animosity against his enemy.
我晕船, 恨不得立刻上岸. I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.
所有这些都使他充满了对剥削阶级的仇恨。 All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes.
我总感觉到她因某种缘故而对我怀恨在心。 I always have a felling that for some reason she bears a grudge against me.
仇恨常常源於恐惧. Hatred often springs from fear.
感到厌恶的,感到憎恨的 Feeling repugnance or loathing.
他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油. His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.
爱情、 喜悦、 憎恨、 恐惧、 嫉妒都是强烈的感情. Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.
他处于悔恨的海洋中。 He was in an agony of remorse.
他心中的愤恨有增无减。 The resentment festered in his mind.
她在一阵悔恨之中把情人的信都烧了. In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover's letters.
她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。 Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.
他饱受悔恨的煎熬. He suffered agonies of remorse.
卡尔整天带着一副愤恨不平的样子,好像大家都有意怠慢或伤害他。 Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him.
大多数人痛恨虐待儿童。 Most people abhor cruelty to children.
爱、喜、恨、惧、悲都是情感。 Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions.
她待他那种屈尊纡贵的样子, 他十分愤恨. He resented the way she patronized him.