他经常给当地报纸写文章。 He constantly writes articles for the local paper.
这是我从当地干部那里了解到的情况。 That's what I've learnt from the local cadres.
这位足球教练受到了当地报纸的批评。 The football coach was criticized by the local paper.
社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。 There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors.
我认为直截了当地告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.
当地地主常常虐待农民。 The local lords often treated the peasants badly.
当地人选举了六名立法委员。 Six legislators were elected by local people.
实际上我对当地的法律并不熟。 I am not really familiar with the local laws.
当地画家将要在这个风景点举办展览。 The local artists will hold an exhibition on the landmark.
反动统治者发现要征服那些被压迫的当地人是很困难的。 The reactionary rulers found it very difficult to bring the oppressed natives under.
当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。 All the local clergy attended the ceremony.
他们的婚礼由当地牧师主持。 Their nuptials were performed by the local priest.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了. The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958.
他早早退休, 摆脱了工作的羁绊而加入了当地的几个俱乐部. Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
当地政府一位官员来看他。 An official of the local government called to see him.
当地一家商店的老板担心新开张的超级市场会抢走他的饭碗。 The man in the local shop is worried that the new supermarket will take the bread out of his mouth.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价。 Baked bean is on offer this week at the local supermarket.
她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。 Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
据说惊人的大量有毒物质正堆在英国最大的化学物品废品站里……当地政府……对……堆在它门口的垃圾理所当然地感到忧虑。 A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.