我了解一些世界上的神秘宗教。 I know some world's mystic religions.
政治和宗教是人们平常交谈的主要话题。 Politics and religion are daily topics of conversation.
我要报一宗盗窃案。 I want to report a theft.
我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。 We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs.
教义问答法常用于宗教教学。 The catechism is used for religious instruction.
这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。 The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。 He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.
他们是在他们因宗教信仰而受到迫害之后来到美洲的。 They came to America after being persecuted for their religious beliefs.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
他们并非同宗。 They are not of the same blood.
他精通世界上的神秘宗教。 He is an expert on the world's mystical religions.
我对宗教问题和道德问题不感兴趣。 I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality.
宗教是一个必须慎重处理的问题。 Religion is a subject that must be approached with great delicacy.
作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。 As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.
节日,喜庆日享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间 An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.
世界上有许多种宗教信仰。 There are many religions in the world.
摩门教派是1830年在美国成立的一个宗教团体。 Mormons are a religious group founded in USA in 1830.
中世纪时期的宗教文化;音乐文化;口头文化 Religious culture in the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.
自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人 One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
献身的一种短暂的宗教服务 A short religious service.
这宗事故是人为过失造成的。 The accident was caused by human error.
教皇是众多基督徒的宗教领袖. The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.
非教派的不受宗教派别约束的或与宗教别无联系的 Not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination.
教师希望给小学生读宗教故事来提高他们的修养. The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories.
他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。 He was troubled by religious doubt.
骡子既无足以自豪的祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望的子孙。 A mule have neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里? Where's the file of our recent correspondence?
向往的目标具有强烈、执著的宗教信仰的目标和抱负 A goal to which adherents of a religious faith or practice fervently aspire.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
牟利罗,巴托洛米奥·埃斯特巴1617-1682西班牙风俗、肖像和宗教题材的画家,比如圣灵怀胎1668 Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668).
(古罗马)占卜官古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情 One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.
我已决心应该让我的孩子们在他们的父亲的宗教里抚养成人,倘使他们能够了解何谓“宗教”的话。 I am determined my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it be.