他们也许妒嫉他的成功。 They may feel jealous of his success.
他那许多妒嫉的言行妨害了他们的婚姻生活。 His many little jealousies harmed their marriage.
他虽然表面上很有礼貌地同他同事打招呼,但心里却充满了妒忌。 He greeted his companion politely enough, but inside he was smouldering with jealousy.
爱情、 喜悦、 憎恨、 恐惧、 嫉妒都是强烈的感情. Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.
他嫉妒她挣的比他多. He grudges her earning more than he does.
他一直对我心怀嫉妒. He has been harbouring/nursing a grudge against me.
【谚】妒忌决不会致富。 Envy never enriched any man.
急欲获得的妄想权力或荣誉的;嫉妒的 Covetous of power or honor; envious.
我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出於嫉妒? Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?
别让她在你们之间挑拨--她就是太忌妒了。 Don't let her make mischief between you she's only jealous.