留心那条狗, 有时候咬人. Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people.
新闻——当有人咬狗、或者打劫酒店之时。 News- when a man bite a dog or rob a hotel.
我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。 I was gnashing my teeth with rage.
那个邮递员被一只恶狗咬了。 The postman was bitten by a fierce dog.
他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。 Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.
他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。 He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.
那条狗是危险的畜牲,它咬人。 That dog is a dangerous brute; it bites people.
被虫蛀的被虫钻透或咬啮的 Bored through or gnawed by worms.
老人对著那条要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓它走。 The old man brandishes his walking stick at the menace dog.
你招惹那条狗, 它会咬你的. If you provoke the dog, it will bite you.
它常被用作治疗蛇咬伤的民间药物。 It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bite.
咬文嚼字者爱用言辞多于思想或实质的人 One who favors words over ideas or substance.
那鱼轻咬[浮向/咬著了/吞下了]鱼饵. The fish nibbled at/rose to/took/swallowed the bait.
【谚】吠犬不咬人。 Barking dogs seldom bite.
你为什么老是咬指甲? Why are you always biting your nails?
你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗? Are your mosquito bites still itching?