他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。 His left arm was hurt in an accident.
她踩着他受伤的脚,他疼得缩了回去。 He winced as she stood on his injured foot.
他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。 He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.
摩托车手必须戴头盔保护自己免受伤害。 Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury.
从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
她受伤後获得保险公司的赔偿. She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
他很容易受伤, 因为他很轻易就相信别人。 He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily.
救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。 An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.
他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt.
他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈. He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.
那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.
英格兰队某些主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱. England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
她头部受伤以致终身耳聋. The head injury deafened her for life.
把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。 Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
他就是那个多处受伤的人。 He is the person with multiple injuries.
他多处受伤,其中三处骨折。 He had several injuries, including three fractures.
医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。 The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg.
这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭. The injured dog had to be destroyed.
护士给我受伤的胳臂裹上绷带。 The nurse wound a bandage round my wounded arm.
变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质 Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.