反复呼喊抗议口号 Chanted defiant slogans.
这种衣料经得住反复洗涤。 This dress material will withstand repeated washing.
反复听到同样的抱怨,你难道不烦吗? Don't you weary of hearing the same complaints over and over again?
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
理事们花了大半个钟头反复认真讨论了这个问题。 The trustees spent the best part of an hour chewing the matter over.
她反复地给孩子们说,他们不可以独自横过马路。 She drummed it into the children that they must not cross the road alone.
这个侦探反复琢磨想弄明白那个窃贼是怎样逃跑的。 The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.
我很高兴经过反复磋商我们就合同条款取得一致意见。 I am glad that we have agreed on term of the contract after repeated negotiation.
反复记号通常有两个竖直的附点组成的记号,指示应重复的节段 A sign usually consisting of two vertical dots, indicating a passage to be repeated.