他们的意见分歧很大。 They differ widely in their opinions.
我们必须消除分歧以挽救公司. We must sink our differences and save the firm.
反对党利用内阁的分歧而捞取(政治)资本. The Opposition parties made (political) capital out of the disagreements within the Cabinet.
经过了这麽多年,你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。 It will be difficult for you to smooth over your difference after so many years.
他们之间存在的分歧应通过协商解决。 The difficulty among them should be resolved by consultation.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
你们消除分歧, 言归於好罢. Settle your differences and be friends again.
经过了这麽多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易. It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.