土星是依次离太阳的第六颗行星。 Saturn is the planet sixth in order from the sun.
我们应该依照规定行事。 We should act in conformity with the rules.
我依恋故乡的一草一木。 I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
学生依次朗读他们各自的作业。 The pupils took turns in reading out their work.
人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。 Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful.
这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。 The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.
慈善事业依靠自愿捐赠. Charities rely on voluntary donations/contributions.
这木筏依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。 The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.
什麽事都不要依靠他--他光会说空话。 Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.
她依旧是那个老样。 She still looks her old self.
依照你的指示我去了那个地方。 I went to the place in conformity with your instructions.
这一计画是以经济发展的设想为依据的. The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。 Making resolution on new year's day is a custom that still prevail.
一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。 All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules.
越狱犯依然在逃. The escaped prisoner is still at large.
我的依据只是谣传而已. I have only reports to go on.
他依法应得的遗产被人骗走了. He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance.
我能看到他们的家依旧是那个地方孤独的和无家可归的人的避风港。 I could see that as of old their house was a port of call for all the lonely and the lost of the district.
有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨. The dim outline of a house could be made out.
一群武装盗贼袭击了无依无靠的旅客。 Armed thieves descended on the helpless travelers.
对於我们凡人来说,生活依旧。 Life goes on for those of us who remain here below.
玛丽的母亲去世了, 她父亲依然健在. Mary's mother is dead but her father is still alive.
照字面的与一词或数个词的确切或主要意义一致的;依照或维持这一意义的 Being in accordance with, conforming to, or upholding the exact or primary meaning of a word or words.
请把这份文件依次传递给他人。 Please hand on the document to others.
这个国家很大程度上依靠农产品的出口。 The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agricultural commodities.
以提高功效为依据可以证明采取这种措施是正确的。 Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
盲人在很大程度上依靠触觉. Blind people rely a lot on touch.
在废墟中依然挺立着几根柱子。 Several columns among the ruins still stood upright.
那个吸血鬼依附于他人希望获得钱财。 The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money.
尽管他碰到一些困难,但他对自己的成功依然满怀信心。 Although he met with some difficulties, he was none the less sure of his success.
律师的论点所依据的前提是,人们在没有被证明有罪之前都是无罪的。 The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty.
我听说有人能回忆起童年甚至婴儿时期的一些往事,但是我的过去依依稀稀,我确实记不清了。 I hear of people recalling incidents from their early childhood—and even their infancy—but my dim and distant past is very dim indeed to me.
他越来越依赖她了. He grew increasingly to rely on her.
老虎的踪迹仅依稀可见. Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.
找个工作,别再依赖你的父母了。 Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.
现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.
依照常规大臣在这种情况下应该辞职. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
热冶,火法冶金一种冶炼矿石的程序,如熔炼,它依靠热的作用 An ore-refining process, such as smelting, dependent on the action of heat.
老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。 Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.
他们依赖公众的赈济。 They are dependent on public charity.
许多人皈依他们父母所属的教派。 Many people adhere to the church of their parents.
自给自足的不依靠别人的帮助、关心或资助的;自力更生的 Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting.
在这个可怕的地方呆了将近4个星期的时间,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。 During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
绅士可能有钱、或者可能依赖朋友过活;绅士的准则是,无论他怎么穷也罢,他依然是拒绝做任何有用的工作的。 A gentleman may have money or may sponge on his friends; the criterion of a gentleman is that however poor he may be he still refuses to do useful work.