他们要求立即付款。 They demand prompt payment.
我用了一个邮资已付的信封。 I use a prepaid envelope.
政府还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。 The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.
你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
我们得省吃俭用来付帐. We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills.
他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
今天我请客。我来付。 It's my treat today. I'll pay.
他是个很难对付的人。 He was a difficult man to deal with.
现在该对付我的家庭作业了. It's time to tackle my homework.
我从未用过人民币付款。 I've never made payment in Renminbi before.
买房者下星期付定金。 The purchaser of the house will pay the deposit next week.
现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 Pay half now and the rest later.
我们将按月分期付款买房。 We will pay for houses by monthly installments.
我一文不名,因此不能付钱给你。 I haven't a bean, so I can't pay you.
他以一张欠条代替现金付给我们。 He gave us an I.O.U. in lieu of cash.
及时付款正是我们所盼望的。 What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment.
他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。 His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.
我以为他要请客,但结果是各付各的。 I think he was treating, but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.
我们为这一项目付出了大量的时间和精力. We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project.
他应该主动提出付款--他有的是钱, 别忘了. He should have offered to pay he has plenty of money, after all.
我们的电费已经高得付不起了--得节省些了. Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize.
我希望我能穿一件深色的衣服把这个正式场合应付过去。 I hope I can get by in a dark suit for this formal occasion.
我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。 I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.
因此有效对付这些常见病就是我们最迫切需要解决的问题。 So the effective handling of the common diseases constitutes our most urgent problem.
如果孩子上了私立学校,他的父母就要为孩子的教育付学费。 If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.
银行随时兑换见票即付的汇票。 The bank receives drafts payable at sight at any time.
防御工事已筑好,准备对付敌人进攻。 The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack.
战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款. The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies.
这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象. The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
有些工程师认为,既然为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。 Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
他们上学你要付学费吗? Do you have to pay for their schooling?
她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。 She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience.
美元的买入价是100美元付864元人民币。 The buy rate of US dollar note be846 yuan per hundred dollar.
想到将要发生的事,她语音中充满了惊异。“我的态度是:事情发生了,设法应付,但避免正面冲突。” A note of surprise filled her voice at the prospect."My attitude is to roll with what happens, " she said.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
他已准备好应付任何事。 He stands ready for anything.
把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 Add up all the money I owe you.
学生需要有人指导他们来应付为他们所开设的一大堆课程,从中选出最适合他们的课程。 Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
信用证凭汇票付款。 L/c is payable against your draft.
将应付的钱重新集拢起来 Re-collect monies owed.
我会给你一磅作为先付部分。 I will give you a pound in part payment.
人民不惜付出任何代价也要争取和平. The people wanted peace at any price.
商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货. The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.
我们每 月要付300英镑抵押贷款. We're paying out 300 a month on our mortgage.
出租人可驱逐不付租金的承租人。 The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent.
我们难以继续支付分期偿还的抵押贷款. We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.
他卑鄙地剥削穷人,要他们为他工作,却短付工资。 He dishonorably exploited the poor by making them work for less pay.
对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。 Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
若不付费用, 就要停止供应电力[煤气]. If you don't pay your bills they'll disconnect your electricity/gas.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
付款可用下列任何一仲方式:现金,支票或用信用卡。 Payment may be made in any of the following ways, by cash, by cheque, or by credit card.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
订费按季度交付. Subscriptions should be paid quarterly.
你必须为此付出代价。 You'll have to pay for that.
货款可以分期支付. The price of the goods is payable in instalments.
我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用. In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday.
如果他们拒绝收支票,我们将不得不付现金。 If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash.
我军收复了该市,但为此付出了沉重代价。 Our troops recapture the city, but they pay a heavy price for it.
如果你不能用现金购房, 也可以分期付款。 If you can't pay for the house in cash, you can buy it on installment.
出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous.
他的工作不仅要处理难题而且也要应付突来的挑战。 His job is not only to dispose of problems but (also) to meet unexpected challenges.
那天早些时候迫使敌人放弃给我军的阵地现在需要布置起来,对付那必然的反攻。 Positions surrendered to our troops earlier in the day had now to be prepared against the inevitable counter-attack.
交付将立法议案交归委员会的行动 The act of referring a legislative bill to committee.
这些村子里的农民常常以实物偿付帐单。 Farmers in these small villages often pay their bills in kind.
付给医院医疗费是有违她的社会主义原则的. Paying for hospital treatment goes against her socialist principles.
该诗仍然享有版权, 因此你必须支付引用费. The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it.
在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。 In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire.
在补偿贸易中,付款以货物而不是用外汇进行。 In compensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange.
这个商店可用支票和信用卡付帐, 当然也收现金. The shop will accept cheques and credit cards, not forgetting (ie and also) cash, of course.
我们的付款方式,是以不可撤消信用状见票即付汇票支付。 Payment will be made by paying your sight draft under our irrevocable letter of credit.
药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。 The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism.
对于贵方的发票金额,贵方可开出以我方为付款人,自发票出具之日起三个月后付款的汇票。 For the amount of your invoice you may cover yourself by drawing upon me at three months from the date of the invoice.
这些房子是免付捐税的。 These houses are exempt from paying rates.
我薪水的大部分都用来付房租了. Most of my salary goes on/in (paying) rent.
他们履行合同后,我才付钱。 I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract.
出版商付给他雇佣的文人很低的费用。 The publisher paid his hacks low.
我的一部分津贴被扣去付了饭费。 Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals.
进贡的义务支付贡金或缴纳贡税的义务 The obligation to make such a payment.
付新地毯的款用去了我的一部分储蓄。 Paying for that new carpet has eaten into my savings.
他有幽默感, 这是他对付他们的敌对行动的唯一手段. Humour was his only weapon against their hostility.
在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。 In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
新上任的警察局长很快就让人感觉到他不是平庸之辈。他的主张一付诸实施镇里犯罪情况就少多了。 The new chief police officer quickly made his presence felt, and there was much less crime in the town after his ideas were put into practice.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
我可以用信用卡付款吗? May I pay by credit card?
你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的. You'll pay later for your follies.
你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。 Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity.
分期付的款可於每月最後一日交付. Instalments are payable on the last day of the month.
我身上没带现钱,明天付你行吗? I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?
他动辄发脾气,你要小心地对付他。 He gets angry ever easily; you must handle him with kid gloves.
在预订时交付定金是一般的[普遍遵守的]惯例. It is accepted/standard practice to pay a deposit with one's order.
他们要他付损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还. They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.
按季收付的款项按季度发放或收到的津贴、工资或付款 A monetary allowance, wage, or payment made or received quarterly.
他加了一个避免条款,大意是:如果汇率下跌超过去5%,付款将被修改。 He adds a let- out clause to the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate fall by more than5%.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.