妇女排卵期不正常就不易受孕. Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
低血压不正常地低的血压 Abnormally low blood pressure.
低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量 An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.
恐光症,光恐怖对光线不正常或不合情理的畏惧 An abnormal or irrational fear of light.
钙质沉着钙盐沉积于体内某一部件或组织的不正常状况 An abnormal condition in which calcium salts are deposited in a part or tissue of the body.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.