action + Something that a person or thing does
addition + Fact of adding something; thing that is added
additional + Further or added
afternoon + time after 12:00 and before the evening meal
alone + Without anyone or anything else
along + At a point on a line
among + In the center of some things; in relation to several things
anyone + Any person
beyond + On or to the farther side; in addition to
billion + number 1,000,000,000
bone + hard piece of your body that forms the skeleton
collection + group of similar things gathered as a hobby
concern + feeling of worry or anxiety
consider + To think carefully about something
consideration + careful thought; thinking about something
continue + To do something without stopping, or after pausing
continuous + Happening, existing, or being performed without stops
control + To direct or influence the behavior of something
conversation + when you talk with other people; discussion or chat
depend on + To rely on for support (financial or emotional)
educational + Intended to teach or inform
everyone + Every person; everybody
expectation + belief or hope that something is going to happen
explanation + details or reasons given to make something clear
expression + act of making your thoughts and feelings known
front + Opposite of back; the forward part of an object
honest + Good, truthful, sincere, or faithful; trustworthy
imagination + ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images
information + collection of facts and details about something
long + large distance from one end to the other
mention + To refer to or talk or write about something
million + 1,000,000
money + Coins or notes we use to pay for things
month + one of 12 28-31 day periods in the year
monthly + Occurring about once every 4 weeks
nation + area or region controlled by a government and army
national + Concerning a nation as a whole
none + Not any of a group
once + One time; one instance
one + number 1
only + just one; just that amount or thing; not more than
onto + Movement towards a certain direction, or into a certain area
person + man, woman or child
personal + done by or to a particular person; individual
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
phone + To talk to someone using a telephone
position + specific location where someone or something is
preparation + act of making ready for a purpose or activity
presentation + act of giving a formal talk about something
prison + place the court puts criminals as punishment; jail
prisoner + Someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime
protection + Being kept from harm
question + To ask for or try to get information
reason + explanation for why something occurred or was done
reasonable + Fair and sensible; appropriate
reasonably + In a fair and just manner
relation + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
relationship + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
responsibility + state of being dependable or reliable
responsible + Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner
second + 2nd; the one following first
secondary + Being of less importance than something else
secondly + Concerning a point or reason after the first
situation + condition, location or position
someone + person who is not known or named
son + male child; friendly way of addressing a boy
song + Some music with words in verse
soon + At a time not long from now
station + place where you can catch a train or a bus
stone + hard, solid piece of rock
strong + Having big muscles; physically powerful
strongly + With strength or in a strong manner
suggestion + idea about what someone should do
telephone + machine used to talk to someone who is far away
television + device that broadcasts programs, movies or show
tonight + night following this day
upon + More formal term for on
wonder + Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing
wonderful + producing feelings of enjoyment or delight
wrong + Not right, incorrect; not true; bad
application + formal request for job, building permission etc
association + organization of people with the same interest
attention + focus of your thoughts on something
attraction + interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum
belong + To be a member of a particular group and feel welcomed
bond + To become joined or connected, e.g. using glue
button + small round piece material used to fasten clothing
champion + person who fights for or supports strongly
championship + sports competition to find the best player or team
combination + act or result of mixing things together
common + typical, normal; not unusual
comparison + Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things
competition + fighting against others when trying to win something
concentrate + to pay great attention to a task; focus
concentration + paying ( a lot of) attention to a task
condition + the state of living you are in, e.g. good health
confuse + To make something unclear or hard to understand
confusion + Not knowing what to do; state of disorder
connect + To join or attach things together
connection + something that joins things together; being joined
constant + Happening frequently or without pause
constantly + frequently or without pause
contact + To get in touch with someone
contain + To hold something inside something else
contract + legal agreement, e.g. for doing work for money
contribute + To donate, give (money) or help to something
contribution + Helping a cause by giving money, things, services
convince + To persuade someone, or make them feel sure
creation + act of making something
decision + choice made after thinking; final judgment
depression + medical condition in which a person's sadness stops him/her from living his/her life normally
determination + will to achieve a goal despite difficulties
direction + Describes the way you are going, e.g. North
discussion + Any long communication about some particular topic
economic + Having to do with trade, industry, and money
economy + total of all the goods, services and wages in an area
election + process of choosing someone by voting
emotion + a feeling such as sadness, anger or love
emotional + causing, feeling, or appealing to the emotions
environment + The natural world in which plants and animals live
environmental + Of the natural world in which plants and animals live
examination + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
fashion + style of dress or activity popular at some time
generation + People born and living at about the same time
illustration + picture that helps explain something
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
instruction + information about how to do or use something
intention + aim or purpose
introduction + making someone known to another by name
investigation + search for information about something
invitation + when someone asks another to attend an event, etc
iron + hot heavy metal object used to smoothen clothes
lesson + something done to learn or teach something; class
limitation + act of controlling or reducing the size of something
location + particular position or area
mission + a special assignment that is given to a person or group
moon + round object circling the Earth at night
observation + remark or comment on something you noticed
occasion + time when something happens or takes place
occasionally + not very often; sometimes; seldom
operation + Functioning; use
opinion + a person's thoughts on a topic
opposition + act of disagreeing or trying to stop something
organization + formal group of people with a particular purpose
pension + regular payments you receive after you retire
pollution + act or result of releasing dirty or dangerous substances into an environment
population + number of people who live in a country, area etc
possession + Having or owning something
production + process of making something on a large scale
profession + job requiring special education or skills
professional + About a job such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc
qualification + official record proving a certain standard or level
reaction + feeling or action in response to something
reckon + to believe or expect that something is true
recommendation + official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice
reduction + Making something smaller ; reducing something
region + part of a country, of the world, area, etc
regional + Concerning a particular area
registration + act of recording information on an official list
rely on + To depend on someone or something
representation + act or action of representing something
season + One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
section + One of the parts that form something
selection + process of choosing someone or something carefully
tension + feeling of anxiety and inability to relax
tone + sound of a voice that reveals emotion or meaning
tongue + part of the body that tastes food; it is pink or red and is inside the mouth
tradition + way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time
traditional + Involved in a tradition
union + organization of workers to look after their needs
variation + Something almost the same as another but different
version + particular form of something and other forms
weapon + Something that is used for fighting
abandon + to leave someone you should stay to take care of
abortion + A medical operation to end a pregnancy
accommodation + place to stay, often a hotel
acquisition + Process of acquiring; thing that is acquired
administration + The work of running something, e.g. a business
alongside + Side by side with something
assumption + something you believe to be so, but aren't sure of
carbon + chemical element with an atomic number of 6
celebration + party/event where people rejoice over something
ceremony + special social or religious event
commission + group officially put in charge of e.g. education
communication + talking to people; giving information to people
compensation + (money) given or received as payment for loss
component + One of the parts that consists something
composition + way in which something is put together e.g an essay or piece of music
concept + abstract idea of something or how it works
concert + Musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers
conclude + To stop or finish; to come to the end of something
conclusion + judgment or opinion after thinking for a while
concrete + hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water
conduct + To direct, lead or guide something
confidence + feeling that you can do well at something
confident + feeling that you can do well at something
confirm + To provide evidence to establish the truth of
conflict + To have opposite ideas; to disagree; To not match
consequence + outcome of an event; result
consequently + therefore; as a result of something
conservative + Resistant to change
considerable + large in size, amount, or effect
consist + To have as an essential, necessary or main part
consistent + In agreement or consistent or reliable
constitute + To appoint to an office, function, or dignity
constraint + Thing that prevents you moving or acting; restriction
construct + To build or create something
construction + act of building something; thing that is built
consult + To discuss something to make a decision
consultant + expert who gives (paid) advice
consume + To eat, drink, buy or use up something
consumer + person who uses goods or services; individual buyer
contemporary + Being of the time being discussed
content + information in something, e.g. a book or computer program
contest + struggle or competition between rivals
context + set of facts surrounding a person or event
contrast + to compare; to show clear, obvious differences
controversial + Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
convention + large formal assembly
conventional + Following the common attitudes and practices
convert + To change form, character, or function to another
cooperation + instance when someone agrees to work with at least one other person, to get something done
corporation + big company or a combination of several companies
correspond + To have similarity or equality with something
criterion + standard used to make judgments or decisions
definition + explanation of word's meaning, as in dictionaries
demonstrate + To show how something works (e.g. product)
demonstration + Explanation of how something works (e.g. product)
description + Something that tells you what something is like or looks like
destruction + Damaging something so badly that it no longer exists
dimension + measurable extent of length, width, or height
distinction + special quality that makes something different
division + act of dividing; something that divides
edition + form in which a book, magazine, or other text is released
electronic + Operating by use of electricity; digital
equation + mathematical statement showing things to be equal
evaluation + judgment about the value or condition of something
evolution + scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in
exception + Something different or not included
exhibition + public event at which an object or group of objects is put on display for people to look at
expansion + act of EXPANDING or becoming bigger
extension + extra time allowed to complete something
fiction + book or story including ideas , people and events that are not real
formation + process of creating, or making into a particular shape
foundation + underground base on which building is constructed
function + what something is intended to be used for; purpose
functional + useful; not just for decoration
implementation + act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect
implication + possible effects or results from an action or event
impression + effect or feeling resulting from an experience
infection + act or state of becoming INFECTED with a disease
inflation + continual rise in the prices of products
innovation + new invention or idea that is created
institution + organization created for a particular cause or purpose
institutional + Being related or similar to an institution
interaction + process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING
international + done or relating to several countries, not just your own
interpretation + explanation of the meaning of something
intervention + act of coming between two or more parties in a situation or disagreement to try to change the result
legislation + act or process of writing and passing laws
monitor + electronic screen on which you can see images
motion + a movement; the process of moving
motivation + mental drive in a person that makes him or her do something
negotiation + a formal discussion to reach an agreement
notion + idea or opinion about doing something
obligation + duty that must be performed because of a law, rule, agreement, or promise
opponent + person that you are competing against in a game or contest
participation + act of being involved in something
passion + powerful, positive feeling about something
perception + way in which one sees or understands something
permission + right to do something as allowed by another
personality + person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts
personnel + group of people who work for a company
phenomenon + fact that can observed and studied
portion + part of a whole
promotion + act of advertising a product to people
proportion + amount that is a part of a whole thing
provision + clause in a legal document
publication + process of producing a book, magazine
recognition + Accepting that something is true or that it exists
reflection + image that you see in a mirror, glass, or water
regulation + official rule that controls how something is done
religion + set of beliefs about a god or gods
reputation + common opinion that people have about someone
resolution + formal statement of the desires or decisions of a group
respond + To say or write to answer the question
response + Something said or written as an answer to something
restriction + law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something
revolution + sudden significant change
sanction + action taken to force a country to obey laws
satisfaction + happy feeling because of something that you did
session + meeting or series of meetings of a body, such as a court or legislature
solution + Something that ends a problem
sponsor + To help someone or something succeed by giving them money
transition + change from one state, movement, place, or subject to another
transportation + act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
vision + ability to see things with your eyes
zone + area of space used for a particular reason
trillion + 1,000,000,000,000
quadrillion + number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros
honor + Respect given to someone who is admired
online + connected to the internet
education + process of giving or receiving teaching
monday + second day of the week; the day after Sunday
on + Located on surface of something e.g. a table or wall
option + possibility out of several that can be chosen; choice
QUINTILLION + the number that is represented as a one followed by zeros