again + One more time, once more
against + in opposition to; disagreeing with
anything + thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions
begin + To do the first part of an action; to start
behind + In or toward the back
bring + to take or go with someone to a place
business + A company formed for making profit
certain + Being sure about something; without doubt
certainly + (said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen)
clothing + The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie
continue + To do something without stopping, or after pausing
continuous + Happening, existing, or being performed without stops
definitely + Without question; beyond doubt
dinner + The main meal of the day, usually in the evening in the US
drink + To put water in your body through your mouth
during + At some point in the course of an event or thing
engine + machine that changes energy into mechanical motion
evening + The last part of the day and early part of the night
everything + All of the things mentioned
explain + To make clear or easy to understand by describing
final + Being the last thing in a series
finally + After a long time or some difficulty
find + To discover something by looking for it
fine + Good, acceptable or satisfactory
finger + One of the five long parts of the hand
finish + the end of something; completion
happiness + state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction
imagination + ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images
imagine + to think creatively about; form mental picture of
indeed + actually; in fact; in reality
inform + To give information or facts about something
information + collection of facts and details about something
inner + Concerning the inside part of something
inside + being in something
instead + When one thing is replaced by another
insurance + Payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death
insure + to buy protection against possible loss/damage/injury
interest + to make someone want to know about something
into + Going inside something
involve + To have or be included as a part of something
involvement + act or process of joining in a particular activity
join + To bring something close to another, to become one
kind + One type of thing
king + royal male ruler of a country (inherited from family)
line + mark that is long, straight and very thin
machine + piece of equipment used to do work
main + Most important; most often used
mainly + mostly; usually; being the largest part
mind + part of humans that allows us to think or feel
mine + That thing that belongs to me
minute + unit of time equal to 60 seconds
morning + early part of the day before 12 pm
mountain + very high piece of land, higher than a hill
nine + 9
nineteen + 19
ninety + 90
nothing + Not anything, not a single thing
pain + strong feeling of hurt or discomfort
paint + to apply something; coat
rain + Drops of water that fall out of clouds in the sky
ring + To produce a sound from a bell, alarm or telephone
since + from the time in the past that
sing + To make musical sounds with your voice
singer + person who sings, often as a profession
single + Only, merely
skin + outer layer of an animal or human
something + thing that is not yet known or named
spring + time of year when plants start growing after winter
surprisingly + In an unexpected manner ; to an unexpected degree
thing + something you cannot remember the name of
think + To have an idea, opinion or belief about something
train + vehicle that carries people and runs on rails
uncertainty + The feeling that you don't really know what will happen
win + To succeed in a game or contest
wind + natural movement of outside air as part of the weather
window + opening in a wall or door to let in light
wine + alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
winner + person or thing that wins a contest or race
winter + coldest season of the year
within + Not beyond the limits of a particular space, time or range
appoint + To officially choose a person for a job, position
appointment + time you arranged to meet someone or do something
bin + type of container, usually for trash
bind + To wrap something with rope
blind + Unable to see; with eyes that cannot see
brain + The part of the head that thinks and controls your body
chain + series of (metal) connected links or rings
combination + act or result of mixing things together
combine + To mix several things together to form one thing
complain + To say something is wrong and should be changed
contain + To hold something inside something else
convince + To persuade someone, or make them feel sure
criminal + Involving illegal activity ; relating to crime
determination + will to achieve a goal despite difficulties
determine + To control exactly how something will be or act
disappoint + To not meet the expectations of others or yourself
discipline + Instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control
engineer + one whose job is involved with engineering
entertain + To take care of guests by offering them food or drink often at your home or in a restaurant
entertainment + activity make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc
examination + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
examine + to test your knowledge or ability
fascinate + Attract or interest greatly
finance + control of money a person/business has access to
financial + Involving money
gain + To get something wanted, needed or valued
grin + To show the teeth because you are amused ; smile
inch + 1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters)
include + to make someone/something part of a group
income + Earned money from work, investments or business
increase + to make or become something larger in size or amount
increasingly + more and more; in greater degree or amount
indicate + To show something, direct attention to or point out
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
individual + single person, looked at separately from others
industrial + Concerning industry or people involved in industry
industry + Factories or businesses that make certain products
influence + to affect what happens; change something (indirectly)
injure + Do physical harm or damage
injury + Physical or emotional harm or damage that a person experiences
innocent + Free from evil or guilt
insist + To strongly state your opinion without changing it
instance + an example of something; case
instruction + information about how to do or use something
instrument + device that is used for creating music
intend + To plan or want to do something
intense + Very strong, great or extreme in degree
intention + aim or purpose
interview + To formally ask questions about a given topic
introduce + to make someone known to another by name
introduction + making someone known to another by name
investigate + To try to find out facts; to carry out research
investigation + search for information about something
invitation + when someone asks another to attend an event, etc
invite + To ask someone to go somewhere or do something
magazine + weekly or monthly publication with pictures and stories
maintain + To keep, exist or continue without changing
maintenance + keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it
medicine + a substance used in treating illness or pain
minor + Not so large in size, not important or valuable
minority + part that is less than half of the whole; a small part
opinion + a person's thoughts on a topic
ordinary + Normal or usual
original + being first made, thought or performed; fresh
originally + At first; in the beginning
pink + One of the colors people can see:
plain + very simple/ordinary; not decorated; not striped
print + To make many copies of a page, magazine or book
printer + machine that makes copies of papers and documents
remain + To be left behind, to continue to exist
remind + To make someone remember something
ruin + To destroy or spoil something, to make it useless
sink + large bowl in a kitchen or washroom for washing things
spin + To turn around repeatedly
string + Thick thread; thin rope
swing + outdoor seat that hangs by two ropes, often from a tree
thin + not thick; not wide in size
tiny + very, very small
twin + Two children born from same mother at same time
wing + part of an animal's body that is used for flying
administration + The work of running something, e.g. a business
airline + company that flies passengers in its planes
clinical + Concerning the treatment or observing patients
coin + A small, flat piece of metal used as money
complaint + Saying something is wrong and should be changed
constraint + Thing that prevents you moving or acting; restriction
curtain + piece of cloth used to cover a window
decline + To not accept an invitation or offer; refuse
define + To explain the meaning of words
definition + explanation of word's meaning, as in dictionaries
distinct + clearly different in nature from something else
distinction + special quality that makes something different
distinguish + To be a feature to make something clearly different from others
dominate + To control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in
eliminate + To completely remove; to get rid of
extraordinary + Beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable
genuine + Being real, actual, and not false or artificial
grain + seeds of plants used for food
guideline + rule, instruction or principle
hint + To indicate what you think, feel, know without saying it directly
incentive + Something that encourages a person to work hard
incident + event, usually unusual or important
incorporate + To include or involve as part of something else
independence + having the freedom to make your own decisions
independent + making your own decisions; not controlled by others
index + written or printed (usually alphabetical) list
infant + child in the beginning stage of life; a baby
infection + act or state of becoming INFECTED with a disease
inflation + continual rise in the prices of products
initial + Existing or occurring at the beginning
initially + At first; originally
initiative + ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else
innovation + new invention or idea that is created
input + To put in information, advice or opinions
inquiry + request for information
insight + very good understanding of something a clear idea about how something works
inspire + To make someone have the desire to do something
install + To set up a piece of EQUIPMENT so that it is ready to use
institution + organization created for a particular cause or purpose
institutional + Being related or similar to an institution
integrate + to combine together; make into one thing
intellectual + person who uses the mind intelligently
intelligence + ability to learn things or to consider situations
interaction + process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING
interior + Being the inside part of something; being inside something
internal + Within or inside
international + done or relating to several countries, not just your own
interpret + to translate what is said into another language
interpretation + explanation of the meaning of something
intervention + act of coming between two or more parties in a situation or disagreement to try to change the result
invent + To create something useful for the first time
invest + To use resources to build for the future
investment + something purchased hoping its value will increase
investor + person who spends money to help business grow
joint + point at which two things meet (e.g. a road)
link + To join or connect together
margin + edge or border of a page on above, below
minimum + lowest number or amount that is possible
origin + point at which something begins or is created
outline + To overview or summarize the important points of something
principal + Being of the most importance
principle + natural law that explains how things work
protein + substance found in some foods, such as meat, that is needed by the body to stay healthy
province + area that a country or nation is divided into
retain + To continue to have or use, keep the quality
routine + Happening or done regularly or frequently
stain + To mark or change the color of something so it looks dirty
strain + To use too much energy that you hurt yourself
sustain + To maintain, lengthen or continue to do something
minister + an official who heads a government department
online + connected to the internet
in + Being inside something
point + To indicate something with your finger to others
shine + To be bright because light hits it e.g. the sun
QUINTILLION + the number that is represented as a one followed by zeros

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