Beginner Level Advanced Level



to pierce, cross xuyên qua

OXF3000: xuyên qua through
OXF3000N qua xuyên qua through
OXF3000D: xuyên qua through durch
OXF3000D: xuyên qua through hindurch
OXF3000D: xuyên qua through zu Ende

like: xuyên qua

Durch enge Gassen muss er sich durch die Altstadt schlängeln. Xuyên qua ngõ nhỏ anh phải ngoằn ngèo qua thành phố cổ. (Lektion 67, Nr. 955)

She peeped through the crack in the curtains. crack
He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. gear
He winced as a sharp pain shot through his leg. sharp
The elephant smashed its way through the trees. smash
All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. thought