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EVP wipe

3000TH: เช็ด chetH to wipe
5000FR: essuyer to wipe, dry, mop, dust
5000FR: anéantir to annihilate, wipe out, ruin, vanish
CORE: wipe + + + + + + +
NGLS: wipe + To clean or dry something with a cloth
WNS: (v.) [swipe] move something with a swiping motion
WNS: (v.) [wipe]

like: wipe
to get rid of, eliminate, wipe out bài trừ
to wipe one’s mouth chùi miệng
to wipe one’s tears chùi nước mắt
to wipe clean, polish chùi rửa
to exterminate, destroy, annihilate, wipe out, stamp out diệt
extermination, genocide; to exterminate, wipe out diệt chủng
to kill, wipe out, exterminate communists diệt công
to (completely) wipe out diệt hết
to wipe out corruption diệt tham nhũng
to eliminate, wipe out diệt trừ
to exterminate, wipe out completely diệt tuyệt
to wipe out gột rửa
to wipe clean lau chùi
to wipe one’s face lau mặt mũi
to wipe one’s sweat lau mồ hôi
to destroy, annihilate, wipe out, extinguish; extinct tiêu diệt
to wipe out, suppress tiểu trừ
chase, pursue, wipe out, exterminate, eradicate tiễu trừ
annihilate, exterminate, wipe out tuyệt diệt
to uproot, wipe out tẩy trừ
to erase, cross out, obliterate, wipe out, rub out xóa
to efface, obliterate, fade away, wear away, eradicate, wipe out xóa nhòa
to wipe out, erase xóa sạch
to make mincemeat of somebody, wipe the floor with somebody ăn tươi nuốt sống

to wipe sth clean clean
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth. cloth
The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population. entire
Please wipe your feet (= your shoes) on the mat. foot
She wiped the sweat from her face. sweat
Ann wiped a tear from her eye. tear

essuyer essuie tes larmes
anéantir vous êtes venus ici pour m’anéantir