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EVP twenty

3000TH: ยี่ yeeF two (used only for the twenties)
3000TH: ยี่สิบสอง yeeF sipL saawngR twenty two (22)
3000TH: ยี่สิบเอ็ด yeeF sipL etL twenty one (21)
3000TH: ยี่สิบ yeeF sipL twenty (20)
5000FR: vingt twenty
5000FR: vingtaine about twenty
5000FR: vingtième twentieth
5000FR: vingt-quatre twenty four
5000FR: vingt-cinq twenty five

twenty-one billion Hai mươi mốt tỷ Numbers
three hundred twenty-four Ba trăm hai mươi tư Numbers
I need twenty seconds. Tôi cần hai mươi giây. Dates and Time
Twenty-one businessmen eat a cake. Hai mươi mốt doanh nhân ăn một cá ibánh. Jobs 1
Now it is twenty to three. Bây giờ là ba giờ kém hai mươi. Places
Twenty-eight days before Hai mươi tám ngày trước Past
My family went to France last year. Gia đình của tôi đã đi đến Pháp vào năm ngoái. Past
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai mươi chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
The concert started twenty minutes ago. Buổi hoà nhạc đã bắt đầu hai mươi phút trước. Arts

After he had lost his job, he went to America. Sau khi anh ấy bị mất việc làm, anh ấy đã đi sang Mỹ. * 096
After he went to America, he became rich. Sau khi anh ấy đi sang Mỹ, anh ấy đã trở nên giàu có. * 096
Although she went to college, she can’t find a job. Chị ấy không tìm được chỗ làm, mặc dù chị ấy có bằng đại học. * 099
She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. Chị ấy có bằng đại học. Tuy vậy chị ấy không tìm được việc. * 099

like: went
all is well, all went well mọi sự tốt đẹp

24 I'm twenty (20) years old. Tôi hai mươi tuổi.
50 I'm twenty- ve (25). Tôi hai mươi lăm.
69 He's twenty-four (24). Anh ấy hai mươi tư.
150 She's twenty-six (26). Cô ấy hai mươi sáu.
582 Sonia went to the movies three (3) times last week. Sonia đi xem lm ba lần tuần trước.
604 Steve always goes to work by car. > Yesterday he went to work by car. Steve luôn đi làm bằng xe hơi. Hôm qua anh ấy đã đi làm bằng xe hơi.
608 We often go to the movies on weekends. > Last Sunday we went to the movies. Chúng tôi thường đi xem lm vào cuối tuần. Chủ nhật vừa rồi chúng tôi có đi xem lm.
619 We went to the movies, but we didn't enjoy the lm. Chúng tôi đã đi xem lm, nhưng chúng tôi không thích bộ lm.
638 I went to bed before ten-thirty. Tôi đã đi ngủ trước mười rưỡi.
639 We went to Hong Kong last month. Chúng tôi đã đến Hong Kong tháng trước.
650 I went to the mountains. Tôi đi lên núi.
657 We went to the beach yesterday. Chúng tôi đã đi ra bãi biển hôm qua.
681 It wasn't raining when we went out. Trời đang không mưa khi chúng tôi đi ra ngoài.
719 It was raining when we went out. Trời đang mưa lúc chúng tôi đi ra ngoài.
730 Was Lara busy when you went to see her? Lara có bận lúc cậu đến gặp cô ấy không?
813 Gunter's favorite movie is Star Wars. He's seen it twenty (20) times, but I've never seen it. Bộ lm yêu thích của Gunter là Chiến tranh giữa các vì sao. Anh ấy đã xem nó được hai mươi lần còn tôi chưa xem bao giờ.
873 twenty-one (1821). Mexico đã trở thành một nước độc lập từ năm một nghìn tám trăm hai mươi.
874 The bus is late. We've been waiting for twenty (20) minutes. Xe bus đến muộn. Chúng tôi đã đợi được hai mươi phút.
881 When was the last time you went on vacation? — A year ago. Lần gần đây nhất cậu đi nghỉ là lúc nào? - Một năm trước.
882 Mungeol and Weonhye have been married for twenty (20) years. Văn Kiệt và Viện Huệ đã lấy nhau được hai mươi năm.
883 EN Mungeol and Weonhye got married twenty (20) years ago. Văn Kiệt và Viện Huệ lấy nhau cách đây hai mươi năm.
905 Is Oliver here? — No, he's gone home. He went home. Có Oliver ở đó không? - Không, anh ấy về nhà rồi. Anh ấy đã về
He's already gone home.'> 913 He's already gone home.'> Serge isn't here. He went home. > He's already gone home. He's already gone home.'> ☊ Serge không có ở đây. Anh ấy đã về nhà. > Anh ấy đã về nhà rồi.
969 Kenji went home. Kenji đã đi về nhà.
978 Keiko went out at ve [o'clock] (5:00). Keiko đã ra ngoài lúc năm giờ.
996 We went there on vacation two (2) years ago. Chúng tôi đã đi nghỉ ở đó hai năm trước.
1181 I went to bed early because I was tired. Tôi đã đi ngủ sớm vì tôi mệt.
1182 The shopping mall was built about twenty (20) years ago. Cửa hiệu mua sắm được xây cách đây hai mươi năm.
1289 It's Qasim's birthday next Monday. He'll be twenty- ve (25). Thứ hai này là sinh nhật Qasim. Anh ấy sẽ tròn hai mươi lăm tuổi.
1667 How many students are there in the class? — Twenty. Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi.
1669 Is there a bus from downtown to the airport? — Yes, every twenty (20) minutes. Có xe bus chạy từ trung tâm đến sân bay không? - Có, hai mươi phút một chuyến.
1673 There are twenty-six (26) letters in the English alphabet. Có hai mươi sáu chữ cái trong bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh.
1715 There are twenty-four (24) hours in a day. Có hai mươi từ giờ trong một ngày.
1722 Last week I went back to the town where I was born. It's very di erent now. There have bea lot of changes. Tuần trước tôi trở về thị trấn nơi tôi sinh ra. Bây giờ nó đã khác rất nhiều. Đã có nhiều thay đổi.
1731 It's Kelly's birthday today. She's twenty-sev(27). Hôm nay là sinh nhật Kelly. Cô ấy hai mươi bảy tuổi.
1799 Have you ever beto Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year. Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Eveline đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái.
1864 Claude went to college, didn't he? — Yes, he studied psychology. Claude có đi học đại học đúng không? - Đúng, anh ấy học tâm lí học.
2024 The president went on talking for hours. Tổng thống tiếp tục nói chuyện trong nhiều giờ.
2031 A few years later, he went on to become the manager of the company. Vài năm sau anh ấy tiếp tục trở thành giám đốc công ti.
2130 When was the last time you went shopping? Lần gần đây nhất cậu đi mua sắm là khi nào?
2207 After getting o work, she went straight home. Sau khi tan sở, cô ấy về thẳng nhà.
2209 Feeling tired, I went to bed early. Cảm thấy mệt, tôi đã đi ngủ sớm.
2249 English has one (1) alphabet with twenty-six (26) letters. Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh có hai mươi sáu chữ cái.
2251 Today I learned twenty (20) new vocabulary words. Tôi nay tôi học được hai mươi từ mới.
2273 Milena went to the prison to visit her brother. Milena đã đến nhà tù thăm em trai của cô ấy.
2379 The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua.
2390 She went out without any money. Cô ấy đã ra ngoài mà không mang tiền.
2436 Neither restaurant is expensive. > Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive. Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt.
2450 go wrong went wrong. Kì nghỉ của chúng ta đúng là một thảm hoạ. Thứ gì hỏng được cũng hỏng hết.
2455 When we were on vacation, we went to the beach every day. Hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ, chúng tôi ngày nào cũng ra bãi biển.
2512 I met someone whose brother I went to school with. Tôi đã gặp một người mà anh trai người đó từng học cùng tôi.
2517 I recently went back to the town where I grew up. Tôi mới trở về thị trấn nơi tôi lớn lên.
2519 Do you remember the day we went to the zoo? Cậu có nhớ cái ngày chúng ta đi vườn thú không?
2522 I went to see the doctor, who told me to rest for a few days. Tôi đã đến gặp bác sĩ, người mà bảo tôi nghỉ ngơi vài ngày.
2560 EN As the movie went on, it became more and more boring. Khi bộ lm tiếp tục, nó càng ngày cành chán.
2627 When we went to Munich, our guide spoke English uently. Hồi chúng tôi đi München, hướng dẫn viên của chúng tôi nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy.
In spite of not feeling well, she still went to work.'> 2653 In spite of not feeling well, she still went to work.'> Although she wasn't feeling well, she still went to work. > In spite of not feeling well, she still went to work. In spite of not feeling well, she still went to work.'> ☊ Mặc dù cô ấy không khoẻ nhưng cô ấy vẫn đi làm. > Dù cô ấy không khoẻ, cô ấy vẫn đi làm.
2686 After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened. Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra.
2705 I'll see you AT noon, ON Wednesday, ON the twenty- fth, IN December. Tôi sẽ gặp cậu vào buổi trưa, Thứ tư, ngày hai mươi lăm tháng mười hai.
2706 I'll see you IN the morning, ON May thirty- rst (31st), twenty-fourteen (2014). Tôi sẽ gặp cậu vào buổi sáng, ngày ba mươi mốt tháng năm năm hai nghìn không trăm mười bốn.
2732 We went ON a cruise last week, and there weren't many people ON the ship. Chúng tôi đã đi trên một con du thuyền tuần trước và không có nhiều người trên tàu.
2749 The train was traveling AT a speed OF one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. > The train was traveling AT a speed OF two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control. Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái.
My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> 2768 My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> My salary has increased from two thousand dollars ($2000) a month to twenty- ve hundred ($2500). > My salary's increased BY ve hundred dollars ($500). > My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350). My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> ☊ Lương của tôi đã tăng từ hai nghìn dollar một tháng lên hai nghìn năm trăm dollar. > Lương của tôi đă tăng thêm năm trăm dollar.
2780 The last twenty (20) years has seen a tremendous decrease IN crime. Hai mươi năm nay đã có một sự giảm dữ dội về số vụ phạm tội.
2875 When you went to the movies with your boyfriend, did he pay for the tickets? Khi cậu đi xem lm với bạn trai, anh ấy có trả tiền vé không?
2921 Xavier went to college but dropped out after a couple semesters. He's what we call a college drop-out. Xavier đã đi học đại học nhưng đã thôi học sau vài học kì. Anh ấy là kiểu mà chúng ta gọi là sinh viên bỏ học.
2938 Oscar left home at the age of eighteen (18) and went o to Spain. Oscar bỏ nhà ở tuổi mười tám và đi đến Tây Ban Nha.
2966 There are two (2) universities in the city, and students make up twenty percent (20%) of the population. Có hai trường đại học trong thành phố và sinh viên chiếm hai mươi phần trăm dân số.

Everything went according to plan. according to
After an hour I went home (= when an hour had passed). after
In the afternoon they went shopping. afternoon
She went to London with the aim of finding a job. aim
A car alarm went off in the middle of the night (= started ringing). alarm
The coffee went all over my skirt. all
I've been so alone since you went away. alone
The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether. altogether
analyse what, how, etc...: We need to analyse what went wrong. analyse
We went to Japan last April. April
After leaving school, Mike went into the army. army
They went ahead and sold it behind my back. behind sb's back
She woke up briefly and then went back to sleep. back
Did she leave a message before she went? before
The bell went for the end of the lesson. bell
An alarm bell went off. bell
We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday. bicycle
Suddenly the screen went blank. blank
The exam results went up on the board. board
I went to the school at the bottom of our street. bottom
They went over budget (= spent too much money). budget
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
House prices went up by 10%. by
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. by
Several cars went off the rails. car
I went into the bedroom to change. change
We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge. check sth in
clap sb/sth: Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize. clap
The sun went behind a cloud. cloud
They went to Italy on a coach tour. coach
He gained confidence when he went to college. confidence
We went there a couple of years ago. couple
crash into sth: A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus. crash
Marie says he went crazy, and smashed the room up. crazy
The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage. crazy
Over twenty prisoners were crushed into a small dark cell. crush
(+ adv./prep.): The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep. curl
We went for a cycle ride on Sunday. cycle
All the lights went out and we were left in the dark. dark
Suddenly the phone went dead. dead
Tom went off in the direction of home. direction
We watched as the sun went down. down
They went for a drink. drink
We went swimming and then lay in the sun to dry off. dry off, dry sb/sth off
He went to an expensive clinic to dry out. dry out, dry sb out
He's in his early twenties. early
empty sth: He emptied the ashtrays, washed the glasses and went to bed. empty
She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all. equally
Everywhere we went was full of tourists. everywhere
Nick went on the French exchange. exchange
She went to college with great expectations. expectation
They went to extraordinary lengths to explain their behaviour. extraordinary
She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. fame
The farther north they went, the colder it became. far
The black and white flag went down, and the race began. flag
Everything went up in flames (= was destroyed by fire). flame
The road went on for miles and miles. for
He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail. freedom
They met again after a gap of twenty years. gap
We went for a gentle stroll. gentle
Half an hour went past while we were sitting there. go
+ noun: The gun went 'bang'. go
The whistle went for the end of the game. go
go to/into sth: She went to sleep. go
The children went wild with excitement. go
'How did your interview go?' 'It went very well, thank you.' go
They came at six and went at nine. go
She has been to China (= she went to China and has now returned). go
The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. go
She went sobbing up the stairs. go
She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying. go
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. go through sth
Suddenly all the lights went on. go on
She became more and more talkative as the evening went on. go on
She hesitated for a moment and then went on. go on
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
The gun went off by accident. go off
The bomb went off in a crowded street. go off
Suddenly the lights went off. go off
The car skidded and went into a tree. go into sth
I went round to the post office. go around/round (to...)
The weeks went slowly by. go by
He said nothing but just went on working. go on doing sth
All her property went to her eldest son (= when she died). go to sb/sth
go doing sth: She went without eating for three days. go without (sth)
As time went on he grew more and more impatient. grow
I went to the theatre club as Helen's guest. guest
The gun went off by accident. gun
I went to a few parties and had a good time. have
He (= the man we are watching) went through that door. he
He went through hell during the trial. hell
She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters. history
She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court. hit
We went on holiday together last summer. holiday
After a month, they went back home to America. home
He went into the house. house
We went on a tour of the house and grounds (= for example, at a country house, open to the public). house
He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. however
hurry sb: I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. hurry
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong. idea
She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). identity
I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient. impatient
We went out in the rain. in
She opened the door and went in. in
We all went, me included. include
She went to a lawyer for some independent advice. independent
He went to inform them of his decision. inform
Lee was ill so I went instead. instead
They went on a long train journey across India. journey
She kept a diary for over twenty years. keep
He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him. knee
I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house. knowledge
She married in her late twenties (= when she was 28 or 29). late
Suddenly all the lights went out. light
I was talking to John when the line suddenly went dead. line
The ball went over the line. line
He locked up the shop and went home. lock up, lock sth up
The party went on long into the night. long
The team won and the fans went mad. mad
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. make sth up
The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never make it. make it
When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank (= I couldn't remember anything). mind
I went to Paris on Thursday, and came back the following Monday. Monday
She went to Australia to start a new life. new
I went back to visit my old school. old
They all went off in one direction. one
I went through the items on the list one by one. one by one
He underwent a three-hour heart operation. operation
One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash. other
I went swimming while the others played tennis. other
Suddenly all the lights went out. out
I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. over
We went for a walk in the park. park
I was stopped as I went through passport control (= where passports are checked). passport
There's a bus at twenty minutes past the hour (= at 1.20, 2.20, etc.). past
A week went past and nothing had changed. past
She paused the DVD and went to answer the phone. pause
pick sb/sth: Pick a number from one to twenty. pick
She went over to the crying child and picked her up. pick sb/sth up
She went bright pink with embarrassment. pink
Everything went exactly as planned. plan
The car went out of production in 2007. production
He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset. quiet
I was twenty years old and ready for anything. ready
He stammered something and went very red in the face. red
She went red as a beetroot. red
She went red as a beet. red
The remaining twenty patients were transferred to another hospital. remaining
We went out to a restaurant to celebrate. restaurant
We went for a ride on our bikes. ride
It was Monday you went to see Angie, right? right
Well, in round figures (= not giving the exact figures) we've spent twenty thousand so far. round
He went round interviewing people about local traditions. round
We went for a sail. sail
We have lived in the same house for twenty years. same
We went for a walk along the sand. sand
satisfy sb/yourself (that)...: Once I had satisfied myself (that) it was the right decision, we went ahead. satisfy
They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings). scene
My brother and I went to the same school. school
She went into the kitchen in search of (= looking for) a drink. search
In the evening we went to see a movie. see
They said goodbye and went their several ways. several
The shadows lengthened as the sun went down. shadow
'Where's Mum?' 'She went shopping.' shop
Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him. shut
Britain's workers went sick (= did not go to work because they were ill) for a record number of days last year. sick
A path went up the side of the hill. side
The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans. similarly
Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. since
It's twenty years since I've seen her. since
How long is it since we last went to the theatre? since
She sang the baby to sleep (= sang until the baby went to sleep). sing
He went and sat beside her. sit
The interview went smoothly. smoothly
Off she went without so much as (= without even) a 'goodbye'. so
There were twenty or so (= about twenty) people there. ... or so
It was still painful so I went to see a doctor. so
Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year. sort
Without speaking, she stood up and went out. speak
She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells. spell
They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs. in spite of sth
He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come). step
I was so tired I went straight to bed. straight
She went straight from college to a top job. straight
The seamen went on strike in sympathy with (= to show their support for) the dockers. sympathy
The experiment went terribly wrong. terribly
There were fewer than twenty people there. than
Do you remember when we went to Norway? That was a good trip. that
We went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days. there
I went to see if my old school was still there. there
'Where are John and Liz?' 'They went for a walk.' they
The bullet went straight through him. through
As time went by we saw less and less of each other. time
She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. up
The temperature went up to 35°C. up to sth
She went upstairs to get dressed. upstairs
She went to visit relatives in Wales. visit
I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes. wait
I went to the park and had a wander around. wander
We went the long way round. way
The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. when
While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction. while
She went white as a sheet when she heard the news. white
The crowd went wild. wild
We went to New Zealand last winter. winter
If you went to see him, he would be delighted. would
a twenty-year-old man year

vingt elle inventait dix, vingt, cent prétextes
vingtaine une vingtaine de personnes auraient été interpellées
vingtième la chambre obscure, au vingtième étage, cuit à gros feu
vingt-quatre Air France propose toujours vingt-quatre vols quotidiens
vingt-cinq ils nous envoyaient quinze, vingt, vingt-cinq films de plus