Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000D: xa away weg
OXF3000D: đường nhỏ lane Weg
OXF3000D: off off weg
OXF3000D: con đường path Weg
OXF3000D: đường road Weg
OXF3000D: tuyến đường route Weg
OXF3000D: đường way Weg

ENDE: away weg
ENDE: lane Weg
ENDE: off weg
ENDE: path Weg
ENDE: road Weg
ENDE: route Weg
ENDE: way Weg

Did he find the way? He could not find the way. Anh ấy đã tìm được đường không? Anh ấy đã không tìm được đường. * 084
Why could you not find the way? Tại sao bạn đã không tìm được đường? * 084
I could not find the way because I had no city map. Tôi đã không tìm được đường, bởi vì tôi không có bản đồ thành phố. * 084
How did you find the way? Bạn đã tìm thấy đường như thế nào? * 087
I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. Tôi sợ rằng chuyến xe buýt cuối cùng chạy mất rồi. * 094
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. Tôi đã không tìm thấy đường, nếu không tôi đã đến đúng giờ. * 098

like: weg
wegen do, vì
einfacher Weg đường đơn giản
der Weg con đường
wegwerfen vứt đi
der Radweg Đường dành cho xe đạp
der Umweg Đường vòng
der Fluchtweg Đường tẩu thoát
sich bewegen cử động
wegbringen dời đi, dọn
die Wege verzweigen sich những con đường chia ngả
einen Weg begradigen làm thẳng một con đường
unbeweglich không cử động
Norwegen Na Uy

wegen 由于 yóuyú
einfacher Weg 简单的路径 jiǎndān de lùjìng
wegwerfen 扔掉 rēngdiào
Radweg 自行车道 zì xíng chē dào
Umweg 绕远 rào yuǎn
Fluchtweg 逃跑路线 táo pǎo lù xiàn
sich bewegen 移动 yí dòng
wegbringen 带走 dài zǒu
Wege verzweigen sich 道路分岔 dàolù fēnchà
einen Weg begradigen 把一条路改直 bǎ yī tiáo lù gǎi zhí
unbeweglich 不动的 búdòng de
Norwegen 挪威 Nuówēi

Wegen des Einkaufens wird Tri hungrig, durstig und müde. Vì đi mua sắm nên Tri cảm thấy đói, khát và mệt. (Lektion 6, Nr. 51)
Sie ist wegen der großen Fenster sehr hell. Do có cửa sổ rộng nên mọi thứ sáng sủa hơn. (Lektion 16, Nr. 170)
Er kennt den Weg zum Bahnhof genau. Anh ấy biết rõ đường đến nhà ga. (Lektion 19, Nr. 212)
Er fragt die Frau, die am Ticketschalter arbeitet, nach dem günstigsten Weg zu fliegen. Anh ấy hỏi người phụ nữ đang làm việc ở quầy bán vé về đường bay rẻ nhất. (Lektion 20, Nr. 231)
Er ist wegen des kalten Wetters ein wenig niedergeschlagen. Er ruft Trang an. Anh ấy ngã gục do trời lạnh. Anh ấy gọi điện cho Trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 248)
Ich bin eine sichere Fahrerin. Sie müssen den Weg finden. Tôi là một người lái xe cẩn thận. Anh phải nhìn đường đó. (Lektion 28, Nr. 373)
Wegen der neuen Besucher gibt es auch etwas mehr Müll. Do có thêm người mới nên cũng có thêm nhiều rác thải. (Lektion 29, Nr. 384)
Er hofft, dass die Kunden die Sachen trennen, die sie wegwerfen. Anh ấy hy vọng khách hàng sẽ phân loại rác khi họ vứt. (Lektion 30, Nr. 392)
Die Eltern von Trangs Nachbarskindern sind jeden Samstag weg. Bố mẹ những đứa trẻ hàng xóm của Trang cứ thứ bảy là đi vắng. (Lektion 35, Nr. 480)
Tri möchte sie in ihrer neuen Wohnung besuchen, aber er kennt den Weg nicht. Tri muốn thăm căn phòng mới của Trang, nhưng anh ấy không biết đường. (Lektion 37, Nr. 520)
Trang erklärt ihm den Weg am Telefon. Trang chỉ đường cho anh ấy qua điện thoại. (Lektion 37, Nr. 521)
Gibt es keinen einfacheren und schnelleren Weg, um zu dir zu gelangen? Không có đường nào đơn giản hơn và nhanh hơn đế đến chỗ em sao? (Lektion 37, Nr. 529)
Auf dem Weg zurück lächelt er die ganze Zeit. Trên đường về anh luôn tủm tỉm cười. (Lektion 39, Nr. 564)
Trang sitzt im Zug. Sie fährt wegen Weihnachten nach Hause. Trang ngồi trên tàu. Cô ấy về nhà nhân dịp lễ Giáng sinh. (Lektion 41, Nr. 583)
Sind Sie wegen einer Geschäftsreise im Zug? Cô đi công tác à? (Lektion 41, Nr. 585)
Ich bin schon unterwegs! Ich beeile mich! Em đang trên đường rồi! Em đang đi gấp đây. (Lektion 53, Nr. 748)
Wir aber waren mit dem Rad unterwegs. Nhưng chúng con du lịch bằng xe đạp. (Lektion 55, Nr. 786)
Unausgeschlafen und schlecht gelaunt steht Tri auf und macht sich auf den Weg zur Arbeit. Trí dậy với tình trạng thiếu ngủ và tâm trạng xấu, rồi anh chuẩn bị lên đường đi làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 952)
Von einer Umleitung wird Tri daran gehindert, auf dem schnellsten Weg zur Arbeit zu fahren. Bằng đường vòng đã cản trở Trí trên con đường nhanh nhất đi tới chỗ làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 954)
Als Tri abends zurück zum Parkplatz kommt, bleibt er - unfähig sich zu bewegen - stehen: Khi Trí quay lại bãi đậu xe vào buổi tối, anh đứng sững lại- không thể cử động được: (Lektion 67, Nr. 960)
Ich rufe wegen des Besprechungstermins morgen an. Tôi gọi để hỏi về cuộc họp ngày mai. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1237)
War es schwer, den Weg hierher zu finden? Anh / Chị tìm đường đến đây có khó không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1464)
Deswegen schlage ich vor, das neue Modell erst im nächsten Jahr auf den Markt zu bringen. Do vậy tôi đề nghị chúng ta nên tung mẫu sản phẩm mới này ra thị trường vào năm sau. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1657)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Würden Sie sich über Regeln hinwegsetzen, wenn es Ihnen einen persönlichen Vorteil bringt? Anh / Chị sẽ không tuân theo nội quy nếu nội quy đó không mang lại lợi ích phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1921)
Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für Ihren weiteren beruflichen Weg. Chúng tôi chúc anh / chị mọi điều tốt nhất trong sự nghiệp. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1990)
Kannst du bitte diese alten Kartons wegwerfen? Anh / Chị có thể mang vứt thùng carton cũ này được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2023)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)

to have an accident accident
She retired early on account of ill health. on account of sb/sth
The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers. on account of sb/sth
advise sb: Her mother was away and couldn't advise her. advise
All of the food has gone. all
allow sb to do sth: His parents won't allow him to stay out late. allow
He is not allowed to stay out late. allow
I've been so alone since you went away. alone
We got there early but Mike had already left. already
anticipate sth doing sth: I don't anticipate it being a problem. anticipate
He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder. appeal
Move the cursor to a blank area of the computer screen. area
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
There must be a way around the problem. around
arrange with sb (about sth): I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. arrange
arrest sb for sth: She was arrested for drug-related offences. arrest
She was under arrest on suspicion of murder. arrest
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor. arrow
As you were out, I left a message. as
He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice. aside
They were impatient at the delay. at
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
avoid doing sth: They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away. avoid
awake to do sth: He awoke to find her gone. awake
aware of sb/sth: She slipped away without him being aware of it. aware
Christmas is still months away. away
away from sb/sth: The station is a few minutes' walk away from here. away
Go away! away
Put your toys away. away
The bright light made her look away. away
There were ten children away yesterday. away
Sorry, he's away. away
away from sb/sth: She was away from work for a week. away
I'm awfully sorry about that problem the other day. awfully
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
They are here because of us. because of
Put that away before it gets broken. before
begin at...: The path begins at Livingston village. begin
behave yourself: I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away. behave
He was shot from behind as he ran away. behind
If you can only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing (= better than taking no exercise at all). better
Sound travels better in water than in air. better
You'd better go to the doctor about your cough. had better/best (do sth)
What's the betting that he gets his own way? what's the betting...?, the betting is that...
The betting is that he'll get his own way. what's the betting...?, the betting is that...
the border between Sweden and Norway between
One of the guards moved to block her path. block
His way was blocked by two large bouncers. block
The water was bubbling and boiling away. boil
the city where the protest movement was born born
We broke our journey in Oxford (= stopped in Oxford on the way to the place we were going to). break
The ship was broken up for scrap metal. break sth up
Burglars had broken in while we were away. break in
She brushed the fly away. brush
All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress. build up (to sth)
He's away on business. business
I'll call round and see you on my way home. call
call to do sth: He was out when I called to see him. call
The game was called off because of bad weather. call sth off
Were there any calls for me while I was out? call
All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. cancel
Don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away. cancel
Who's taking care of the children while you're away? take care of sb/sth/yourself
Carry on with your work while I'm away. carry on (with sth), carry sth on
The museum needs to find ways of raising cash. cash
Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene (= time in a different place) will do you good. change
Steps are being taken to implement a ceasefire through diplomatic channels. channel
He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery. charge
a charge of theft/rape/attempted murder charge
charge sb with sth/with doing sth: He was charged with murder. charge
Cycling is a cheap way to get around. cheap
As the dust cleared, we saw that the whole ceiling had come down. clear
It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal). clear
Stand clear of the train doors. clear
(+ adv./prep.): The cameras clicked away. click
From here the path climbs steeply to the summit. climb
close sth (for sth): The museum has been closed for renovation. close
That comes a long way down my list of priorities. come
The company has come a long way (= made lot of progress) in the last 5 years. come
come for sth: I've come for my book. come
We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities. complaint
The pathway is formed from large pebbles set in concrete. concrete
Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family. consideration
Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. contact
The path continued over rough, rocky ground. continue
He continued on his way. continue
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract). contract
The children are completely out of control since their father left. be/get/run/etc. out of control
Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? correct
They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend. correctly
a country lane country
Of course, there are other ways of doing this. of course
They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract. court
We seem to have a crossed line (= a telephone call that interrupts another call because of a wrong connection). cross
I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress. cut sth out
He was so excited about the good news that he danced a little jig. dance
We're going away in a few days/in a few days' time. day
decide to do sth: We've decided not to go away after all. decide
to live in the depths of the country (= a long way from a town) depth
Let's stop and ask for directions. direction
The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work. direction
dislike sb/sth doing sth: He disliked her staying away from home. dislike
Our parents live some distance away (= quite far away). distance
He was arrested on drug distribution charges. distribution
Where the path divides, keep right. divide
He did six years (= in prison) for armed robbery. do
You'd better see a doctor about that cough. doctor
Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands. downward
We heard him drive away. drive away, drive sb/sth away
Someone drove the car away in the night. drive away, drive sb/sth away
Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk). drunk
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. due
A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off. dust
the beneficial effects of exercise effect
embarrassed about sth: She's embarrassed about her height. embarrassed
Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat. empty
an environmental group/movement (= that aims to improve or protect the natural environment) environmental
Diet and exercise are equally important. equally
He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain. escape
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
Every single time he calls, I'm out. every
They were watching her every movement. every
Everything had gone. everything
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
Excuse me, is this the way to the station? excuse me
I don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day. exercise
The mind needs exercise as well as the body. exercise
He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her. exit
expert (at/in/on doing sth): He's an expert at getting his own way. expert
We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away. keep an eye on sb/sth
My birthday's still a fair way off (= it's still a long time until my birthday). fair
far (from, away, below, etc.): The restaurant is not far from here. far
Far away in the distance, a train whistled. far
We watched their ship moving gradually farther away. farther
The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud. fast
I had to run away for fear (that) he might one day kill me. for fear of sth/of doing sth, for fear (that)...
fine sb (for sth/for doing sth): She was fined for speeding. fine
The match was finely balanced throughout. finely
We had to fire him for dishonesty. fire
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
With a firm grip on my hand, he pulled me away. firm
fit to do sth: Your car isn't fit to be on the road! fit
Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby. flat
All flights between New York and Washington have been cancelled due to fog. flight
flood sth: She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks. flood
to improve traffic flow (= make it move faster) flow
fold sth (away/down/up): The bed can be folded away during the day. fold
The lane follows the edge of a wood for about a mile. follow
Follow me please. I'll show you the way. follow
Daniel was shifting anxiously from foot to foot. foot
I'm going away for a few days. for
I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. force
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune. fortune
The door opened, blocking his forward movement. forward
Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown. freedom
The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun. freeze
I fully understand your motives. fully
The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds fund
That's funny—he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. funny
Can you stand a bit further away? further
Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain. gain
leaves moving gently in the breeze gently
The path ran gently down to the sea. gently
She can't get over her shyness. get over sth
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. get round/around sth
It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away. give sth/sb away
Has your headache gone yet? go
I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone. go
Has she gone yet? go
He's been gone an hour (= he left an hour a go). go
She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there). go
Just go away! go away
They've gone away for a few days. go away
I'm going away on business. go away
I'll go ahead and tell them you're on the way. go ahead
It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving. be no good, not be any/much good
I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health). do good, do sb good
He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. hang
She put the knife in a drawer, out of harm's way. out of harm's way
I prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way. out of harm's way
hate to do sth: He hated to be away from his family. hate
I haven't got to leave till seven. have to
I heard a car drive off. hear
I hear you've been away this weekend. hear
It was heaven being away from the office for a week. heaven
Hold on! This isn't the right road. hold on
Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. honest
hundreds of miles away hundred
He had to leave in a hurry. in a hurry
He resigned because of ill health (= he was often ill). ill
Going away to college has made me much more independent. independent
indicate sb/sth (to sb): She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us. indicate
inform sb + speech: 'He's already left,' she informed us. inform
Two players are out of the team because of injury. injury
We had to move inside (= indoors) when it started to rain. inside
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
I'm not bothered about the cost—you're the one who's making an issue of it. issue
the place where the two paths join join
join sth: The path joins the road near the trees. join
joke that...: She joked that she only loved him for his money. joke
'I'm not sure that's a good way to do it.' 'Let me be the judge of that.' judge
I'm just off (= I am leaving now). just
The child was dragged away, kicking and screaming. kick
I nearly killed myself carrying that suitcase all the way here. kill
We made the journey by land, though flying would have been cheaper. land
We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse. lane
He resigned largely because of the stories in the press. largely
Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year. late
The receptionist led the way to the boardroom. lead
learn (that)...: He'll just have to learn (that) he can't always have his own way. learn
leave sth: I hate leaving home. leave
let sb/sth do sth: They won't let him leave the country. let
As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved). light
Please move; you're right in my line of vision (= the direction I am looking in). line
He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. line
We're a long way from anywhere here. long
It's a long way away. long
They had long since (= a long time before the present time) moved away. long
Will you be away for long? for (so) long
look (to sb) as if.../as though...: It doesn't look as if we'll be moving after all. look
Who's going to look after the children while you're away? look after yourself/sb/sth
Your cheque must have got lost in the post. lost
A revolver is the only way to stop a mad dog. mad
He got mad and walked out. mad
The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival. mainly
He has his career path clearly mapped out. map sth out
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion. measure
You can't leave in the middle of the meeting! middle
I'm not walking—it's miles away. mile
youths imprisoned for minor offences minor
a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine model
Prices continue to rise month after month (= over a period of several months). month
We're mostly out on Sundays. mostly
Newton's laws of motion motion
The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick. motion
Do not alight while the train is still in motion (= moving). motion
Rub the cream in with a circular motion. motion
move sb: We were deeply moved by her plight. move
It's your turn to move. move
move away: She's been all on her own since her daughter moved away. move
Share prices moved ahead today. move
(+ adv./prep.): The government has not moved on this issue. move
The bus was already moving when I jumped onto it. move
Phil moved towards the window. move
You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays (= because it is so crowded). move
You can't move for books in her room. move
move sth: I can't move my fingers. move
There's room for another one if you move up a bit. move over
Her new job is just a sideways move. move
Don't make a move! move
Every move was painful. move
She felt he was watching her every move. move
the women's/peace movement movement
the Romantic movement (= for example in literature) movement
a mass movement for change movement
hand/eye movements movement
She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed. movement
Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. movement
Power comes from the forward movement of the entire body. movement
Troy watched her every movement. movement
There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth. movement
enemy troop movements movement
the mass movement of herds of wildebeest movement
a deeply moving experience moving
a moving story/speech moving
the moving parts of a machine moving
a moving target moving
He didn't move a muscle (= stood completely still). muscle
a narrow bed/doorway/shelf narrow
The horse may be nervous of cars. nervous
new ways of doing things new
I'm not normally allowed to stay out late. normally
'Can I throw this out?' 'Certainly not.' not
Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space. now
The course will have to be repeated owing to pressure of numbers (= too many students). number
I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health. occasion
She had the oddest feeling that he was avoiding her. odd
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's? of
I called him but he ran off. off
I must be off soon (= leave). off
Summer's not far off now. off
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
Keep off the grass! off
I want about an inch off the back of my hair. off
Officially, he resigned because of bad health. officially
We didn't know how we would cope once the money had gone. once
The police have opened an investigation into the death. open
operation (on sb/sth) (for sth): Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. operation
order (to do sth): The general gave the order to advance. order
We're going away in June but other than that I'll be here all summer. other than
Your guess was a long way out (= completely wrong). out
We're away over (= until after) the New Year. over
We're over the worst of the recession. over
He overcame a strong temptation to run away. overcome
Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. partly
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station. pass
a concrete path path
the garden path path
Follow the path through the woods. path
The path led up a steep hill. path
a coastal path path
He threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle. path
The avalanche forced its way down the mountain, crushing everything in its path. path
Three men blocked her path. path
a career path path
the path to success path
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
Perhaps you would be good enough to let him know we are on our way. perhaps
He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. personally
persuade sb to do sth: Try to persuade him to come. persuade
He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him. pile
The signpost pointed straight ahead. point
It's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions. possible
Please suggest possible ways in which you would improve the existing program. possible
She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages. possibly
Pour away as much fat as possible from the roasting pan. pour
It wouldn't be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend. practical
small, precise movements precise
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
When they set out they were well prepared. prepared
She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work. pressure
A band of high/low pressure is moving across the country. pressure
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it). process
We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn't move. push
push at sth: She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. push
He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away. push
Put that knife down before you hurt somebody! put sth down
It's a great book. I couldn't put it down. put sth down
I'm just going to put the car away (= in the garage). put sth away
the Queen of Norway queen
Over half of those questioned said they rarely took any exercise. question
Are you sure this is the quickest way? quick
Her quick hands suddenly stopped moving. quick
She walked quickly away. quickly
quit sth: He quit the show last year because of bad health. quit
'It will all be gone tomorrow.' 'Can I quote you on that? ' quote
I listen to the radio on the way to work. radio
a reading lamp/light (= one that can be moved to shine light onto sth that you are reading) reading
He was excused by reason of (= because of) his age. reason
reflect that...: On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well. reflect
refuse to do sth: He flatly refused to discuss the matter. refuse
relate how, what, etc...: She related how he had run away from home as a boy. relate
Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. remove
repeat sth: I am not, repeat not, travelling in the same car as him! repeat
I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job. reservation
Take what you want and throw the rest away. rest
The long skirt restricted her movements. restrict
retire (from sth): She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health. retire
reveal sb/sth to be/have sth: Salted peanuts were recently revealed to be the nation's favourite snack. reveal
She had been reviewing the previous week on her way home. review
a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm (= the ability to move in time to a fixed beat) rhythm
We got rid of all the old furniture. get rid of sb/sth
Is this the right way to the beach? right
Are you sure you've got that on the right way round? right
ring (up): David rang up while you were out. ring
I'm ringing about your advertisement in the paper. ring
You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. rob sb blind
a rough track rough
We live roughly halfway between here and the coast. roughly
He pushed her roughly out of the way. roughly
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
The earth moves round the sun. round
There must be a way round the problem. round
Which is the best route to take? route
route (from A to B): the quickest route from Florence to Rome route
an escape route route
a cycle route (= a path that is only for cyclists ) route
the route to success route
There are a number of routes to qualifying as a social worker. route
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. routine
She was very rude about my driving. rude
He waved her rudely away. rudely
They turned and ran when they saw us coming. run
The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared. run
I often go running before work. run
He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. run away (from sb/...)
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away. run away (from sb/...)
She moved away like a ship in full sail (= with all its sails spread out). sail
scare tactics (= ways of persuading people to do sth by frightening them) scare
The thieves got scared and ran away. scared
We scratched some of the dirt away. scratch
Move your cursor to the top of the screen. screen
to travel by sea sea
We left port and headed for the open sea (= far away from land). sea
The committee has been searching for new ways to tackle youth unemployment. search
It's not a very secure way to make a living. secure
You ought to see a doctor about that cough. see
What is it you want to see me about? see
see sb/sth doing sth: She was seen running away from the scene of the crime. see
He has a very good sense of direction (= finds the way to a place easily). sense
He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. set
The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. set sth up
They set out on the last stage of their journey. set out
They said goodbye and went their several ways. several
We shan't be gone long. shall
It seems such a shame to throw perfectly good food away. shame
Ghostly shapes moved around in the dark. shape
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. sharply
shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. shift
I shifted uneasily under his gaze. shift
a short walk short
She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg. shout
show sb sth: I'll go first and show you the way. show
Peter has been off sick (= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks. sick
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
a sideways move sideways
Get out of my sight! (= Go away!) sight
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
He could see no way out of the situation. situation
I couldn't sleep because of the noise. sleep
She slid out while no one was looking. slide
We took a slightly more direct route. slightly
The path sloped gently down. slope
The elephant smashed its way through the trees. smash
She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement. smooth
I might be away next week. If so, I won't be able to see you. so
So I had a couple of drinks on the way home. What's wrong with that? so
social mobility (= the movement of people from one social class to another) social
You can't solve anything by just running away. solve
Sound travels more slowly than light. sound
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
She stood rooted to the spot with fear (= unable to move). spot
The springs in the sofa have gone (= they no longer return to their original position). spring
The trail starts just outside the town. start
Stay there and don't move! stay
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
The path grew steeper as we climbed higher. steep
The path climbed steeply upwards. steeply
He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come). step
The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow. stop
stop sb/sth: He was stopped by the police for speeding. stop
a straight road straight
He blew out a stream of cigar smoke. stream
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem... sum up, sum sth up
We're going away in the summer. summer
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them). superior
sure about sth: Are you sure about that? sure
They were surprised to find that he'd already left. surprised
Five suspects have been detained for questioning. suspect
They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion. suspicion
He was arrested on suspicion of murder. suspicion
We swam out (= away from land) to the yacht. swim
Swimming is a good form of exercise. swimming
to throw a switch (= to move a large switch) switch
to clear the table (= take away the dirty plates, etc. at the end of a meal) table
I tackled him about the money he owed me. tackle
She was playing with a knife, so I took it away from her. take
Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. take sth in
The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it. tell
Does he have a temperature (= is it higher than normal, because of illness)? temperature
Do you remember when we went to Norway? That was a good trip. that
So that's it—the fuse had gone. that's it
I'm usually out during the day. the
I'll just clear away the breakfast things. thing
Can anybody think of a way to raise money? think of sth/sb
The path led through the trees to the river. through
'Did you stop in Oxford on the way?' 'No, we drove straight through.' through
The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout. throughout
I don't need that—you can throw it away. throw sth away
That old chair should be thrown away. throw sth away
You must take the exam—you can't throw away all that work! throw sth away
She hoped that getting this job would finally be her ticket to success. ticket
Can you tidy away your clothes, please? tidy sth away
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. tight
It was on the way to the station. to
She turned her head away. turn
They approached a twist in the path. twist
He lay there, unable to move. unable
He was being totally unreasonable about it. unreasonable
You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone. be no use (to sb)
The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated. value
The couple moved outside her field of vision. vision
I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. wake
He set out on the long walk home. walk
a circular walk walk
wander away/off: The child wandered off and got lost. wander
Don't wander off the subject—keep to the point.` wander
Part of the path had been washed away by the sea. wash sb/sth away
The rain had washed away the footprints. wash sb/sth away
It seems such a waste to throw good food away. waste
I hate to see good food go to waste (= be thrown away). waste
She stood and watched as the taxi drove off. watch
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. wave
She waved me away impatiently. wave
The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity. way
You came all this way to see us? way
We still have a ways to go. way
Which way (= for which party) are you going to vote? way
the best/quickest/shortest way from A to B way
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
to ask sb the way way
We went the long way round. way
Get out of my way! I'm in a hurry. way
Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way. way
Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way. way
Don't worry, if she seems quiet—it's just her way. way
I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. out of the way
I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way. out of the way
I'd better be on my way (= I must leave) soon. on your/the/its way
The letter should be on its way to you. on your/the/its way
He stopped for breakfast on the way. on your/the/its way
She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out. on your/the/its way
She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home. all the way
You'll have to move—you're in my way. in the/sb's way
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. in the/sb's way
I will be away for a couple of weeks. week
You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you? will
A gust of wind blew my hat off. wind
wish sb/sth/yourself + adv./prep.: She wished herself a million miles away. wish
He was forced to withdraw from the competition because of injury. withdraw
They had gone two days without food. without
I've worked out a new way of doing it. work sth out
The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before. be worse off (than sb/sth)
Let them do their worst—we'll fight them every inch of the way. do your worst
When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me. would
write sb: Write me while you're away. write
You said you knew the way. you