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violin vĩ cầm

EVP violin
Geige đàn viôlông Musik

GBENDE: 小提琴 violin Geige
CORE: violin + + + + + + +

ENDE: violin Geige
ENDE: violin Violine

violin vĩ cầm Arts
The sound of the violin is really good. Âm thanh của vĩ cầm thật là hay. Arts

like: violin

He has been described as the world's greatest violinist. great
The cello is lower than the violin. low
a sonata for violin and piano piano
play (sth): to play the piano/violin/flute, etc. play
She was learning to change her hand from first to third position (= on the strings of a violin ). position
It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. practice
succeed as sth: He had hoped to succeed as a violinist. succeed
He taught himself to play the violin. the