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OXF3000N hoài bão khát vọng ambition
OXF3000N (adv prep.)xung quanh vòng quanh around
OXF3000N gian (nhà) nhịp (cầu) chuồng (ngựa) bays: vòng nguyệt quế bay
OXF3000N thủ đô tiền vốn chủ yếu chính yếu cơ bản capital
OXF3000N đường cong đường vòng cong uốn cong bẻ cong curve
OXF3000N chu kỳ chu trình vòng quay vòng theo chu kỳ đi xe đạp cycle
OXF3000N đánh thắng đánh bại sự thất bại (1 kế hoạch) sự tiêu tan (hy vọng) defeat
OXF3000N làm chán nản làm thát vọng làm trì trệ depressing
OXF3000N chán nản thất vọng phiền muộn suy yếu đình trệ depressed
OXF3000N liều mạng liều lĩnh tuyệt vọng desperate
OXF3000N làm chán ngán làm thất vọng disappointing
OXF3000N thất vọng disappointed
OXF3000N sự chán ngán sự thất vọng disappointment
OXF3000N được chờ đợi được hy vọng expected
OXF3000N đập tan (hy vọng...) làm nổ nổ explode
OXF3000N tài chính tài trợ cấp vốn finance
OXF3000N sự đầu tư vốn đầu tư investment
OXF3000N vốn tự nhiên đương nhiên naturally
OXF3000N khă năng triển vọng possibility
OXF3000N viễn cảnh toàn cảnh triển vọng mong chờ prospect
OXF3000N (n)tròn vòng quanh xung quanh round
OXF3000N kho sự trữ hàng dự trữ vốn stock
OXF3000N quay xoay vặn sự quay vòng quay turn
OXF3000N xoắn cuộn quắn sự xoắn vòng xoắn twist
OXF3000N trong vong thời gian trong khoảng thời gian within

like: vôn
hoffen hi vọng 希望 xīwàng
kreisen lượn vòng 环绕 huán rào
ehrgeizig hoài bão, tham vọng 有雄心的 yǒu xióng xīn de
verzweifeln an tuyệt vọng, chán nản 绝望 jué wàng
enttäuscht thất vọng 失望的 shī wàng de
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng 失望 shīwàng
hoffentlich hy vọng là 但愿 dànyuàn
hoffen hi vọng
kreisen lượn vòng
der Umweg Đường vòng
ehrgeizig hoài bão, tham vọng
die Kurve Đường vòng
verzweifeln an tuyệt vọng, chán nản
die Hoffnung hy vọng
die Enttäuschung thất vọng
enttäuscht thất vọng
der Blutkreislauf vòng tuần hoàn máu
die Umleitung Đường vòng
der Ehrgeiz hoài bão, khát vọng, tham vọng
die Umdrehung vòng quay
der Blumenkranz vòng hoa
der Strafraum vòng cấm địa
die Hängematte chiếc võng
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng
das Echo tiếng vọng
hoffentlich hy vọng là

Ich hoffe, dass es morgen genauso sein wird. Mình hy vọng ngày mai cũng vậy. (Lektion 10, Nr. 96)
Ich hoffe, dass mit Oma alles in Ordnung ist. Em hy vọng là bà vẫn khoẻ. (Lektion 18, Nr. 206)
Ich hoffe, es ist niemand gestorben. Tôi hy vọng là không ai bị chết. (Lektion 19, Nr. 225)
Er hofft, dass die Kunden die Sachen trennen, die sie wegwerfen. Anh ấy hy vọng khách hàng sẽ phân loại rác khi họ vứt. (Lektion 30, Nr. 392)
Ich hoffe, Sie antworten mir möglichst bald. Tôi hy vọng, quí vị trả lời nhanh nhất như có thể. (Lektion 47, Nr. 676)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Gut, dann werde ich sie in einer halben Stunde abholen. Tốt quá, vậy tôi sẽ lấy nó trong vong nửa tiếng nữa. (Lektion 58, Nr. 826)
Ich bin wirklich enttäuscht von ihm. Em thật sự thất vọng về anh ta. (Lektion 61, Nr. 864)
Trang sieht den Blutkreislauf. Trang nhìn vào vòng tuần hoàn máu. (Lektion 66, Nr. 947)
Von einer Umleitung wird Tri daran gehindert, auf dem schnellsten Weg zur Arbeit zu fahren. Bằng đường vòng đã cản trở Trí trên con đường nhanh nhất đi tới chỗ làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 954)
Verzweifelt ruft sie Tri an: Tuyệt vọng cô điện thoại cho Trí: (Lektion 68, Nr. 969)
Ich hoffe, der Mechaniker wird sich bis morgen das Auto anschauen und alle nötigen Teile besorgen. Anh hy vọng, tới sáng mai người thợ cơ khí sẽ xem xét xe và chăm sóc tất cả các bộ phận cần thiết. (Lektion 68, Nr. 977)
Ausdauernd und ehrgeizig ist der Löwe. Kiên nhẫn và tham vọng là sư tử. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1138)
Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen mit diesen Informationen helfen konnten. Chúng tôi hi vọng những thông tin trên có thể giúp ích cho anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1357)
Ich hoffe, ich konnte Ihnen weiterhelfen. Tôi hi vọng tôi đã giúp được anh / chị phần nào. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1391)
Bei Zahlung innerhalb von 14 Tagen gewähren wir Ihnen 2% Skonto. Nếu thanh toán trong vòng 14 ngày chúng tôi sẽ khuyến mại 2% cho quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1574)
Sie werden Ihre Bestellung innerhalb von zwei Tagen erhalten. Quý khách sẽ nhận được hàng trong vòng hai ngày. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1602)
Bitte bezahlen Sie diese Rechnung innerhalb von 30 Tagen. Xin vui lòng thanh toán hóa đơn trong vòng 30 ngày. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1606)
Ich hoffe, dass Sie alle das Protokoll der letzten Sitzung nochmals durchgelesen haben. Tôi hi vọng quý vị đều đã đọc qua biên bản của cuộc họp lần trước. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1652)
Bitte schicken Sie uns das ausgefüllte Formular innerhalb von 5 Werktagen per Post zu. Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi tờ khai đã điền đầy đủ qua đường bưu điện trong vòng 5 ngày. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1697)
Ich hoffe, dass ich mein bisher theoretisch gelerntes Wissen in die Praxis umsetzen kann. Hy vọng tôi có thể áp dụng các kiến thức lý thuyết đã được học vào thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1742)
Ich bin ehrgeizig und selbstsicher. Tôi là người có tham vọng và tự tin. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1819)
Sind Sie ehrgeizig? Anh / Chị là người có tham vọng phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1922)
Ja, ich bin ehrgeizig. Mein Ehrgeiz hilft mir meine Ziele zu erreichen. Vâng, tôi là người có tham vọng. Tham vọng của tôi giúp tôi đạt được mục tiêu. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1938)
Heute zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie in 3 Monaten 400 neue Kunden gewinnen. Hôm nay tôi sẽ chỉ cho quý vị cách thu hút được 400 khách hàng mới trong vòng 3 tháng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2087)
Ich schreibe Ihnen, weil ich von Ihrem Service sehr enttäuscht bin. Tôi viết thư này vì tôi rất thất vọng về dịch vụ của quý vị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2469)
Ich bin von der Qualität Ihrer Produkte schwer enttäuscht. Tôi đặc biệt thất vọng về chất lượng sản phẩm của quý vị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2470)
Wir erwarten Ihre Zahlung innerhalb von 10 Tagen. Chúng tôi chờ đợi sự thanh toán của ông / bà / quý vị trong vòng 10 ngày tới. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2540)
Wenn Sie den Rechnungsbetrag nicht innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage an uns überweisen, müssen wir unsere Forderung gerichtlich geltend machen. Nếu ông / bà / quý vị không chuyển khoản cho chúng tôi số tiền trong vòng 10 ngày tới, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ đến sự can thiệp của luật pháp. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2542)

931 This is Yvonne. — Yes, we've already met. Đây là Yvonne. - Vâng, chúng tôi đã gặp nhau rồi.
1990 Yvonne tends to forget things. Yvone hay quên đồ đạc.

a fatal accident (= in which sb is killed) accident
accurate to within 3 mm accurate
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
The debate was a pretty disappointing affair. affair
I hope the children are all right. all right
It had been her lifelong ambition. ambition
political/literary/sporting ambitions ambition
ambition of being/doing sth: She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. ambition
ambition to be/do sth: His burning ambition was to study medicine. ambition
motivated by personal ambition ambition
She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition. ambition
the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people anger
We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. anything
The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal. appeal
She desperately wanted to win her father's approval. approval
She cradled the child in her arms. arm
He put his arms around her. around
The bus came around the bend. around
We're expecting a new arrival (= a baby) in the family soon. arrival
At the roundabout take the third exit. at
She's hopeless at managing people. at
If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden. back
The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days. balance
She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. balance
a band of outlaws band
The best we can hope for in the game is a draw. best
We're hoping for better weather tomorrow. better
Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team. bitter
bitterly disappointed/ashamed bitterly
Book early to avoid disappointment. book
born (out) of sth: She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. born
It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have expected it). bound
I am anxious not to build up false hopes (= to encourage people to hope for too much). build sth up
Their ambitions were finally dead and buried. bury
No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days. cancel
to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000 capital
a capital offence capital
She carried her baby in her arms. carry
Our cat is hopeless at catching mice. catch
the centre of a circle centre
Fame hasn't really changed him. change
chat away (to/with sb): Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends. chat
Cycling is a cheap way to get around. cheap
Cut out two circles of paper. circle
Draw a circle. circle
She walked the horse round in a circle. circle
a circle of trees/chairs circle
The children stood in a circle. circle
I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here. clear
I hope it clears up this afternoon. clear up
By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners. clear
He's hoping to go to college next year. college
Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. come up to sth
He's hoping to compete in the London marathon. compete
The project should be completed within a year. complete
The conclusion of the book was disappointing. conclusion
They will give us the money on one condition—that we pay it back within six months. condition
We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion. contribute
The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks. copy
to give a cry of anguish/despair/relief/surprise/terror, etc. cry
They were hoping for a better pay deal. deal
an increase in deaths from cancer death
deliver (to sb/sth): We promise to deliver within 48 hours. deliver
She was in the depths of despair depth
The prisoners grew increasingly desperate. desperate
Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. desperate
Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted. desperate
I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room. desperate
a desperate bid for freedom desperate
She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself. desperate
His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. desperate
Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life. desperate
desperate (for sth): He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything. desperate
I'm desperate for a cigarette. desperate
desperate (to do sth): I was absolutely desperate to see her. desperate
desperately ill/unhappy/lonely desperately
They desperately wanted a child. desperately
She looked desperately around for a weapon. desperately
You have destroyed my hopes of happiness. destroy
a diamond ring/necklace diamond
It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration. difficulty
I hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage. disadvantage
Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans. disappoint
I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested. disappoint
The movie had disappointed her (= it wasn't as good as she had expected). disappoint
His latest novel does not disappoint. disappoint
disappointed (at/by sth): They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game. disappointed
I was disappointed by the quality of the wine. disappointed
disappointed (in/with sb/sth): I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you! disappointed
I was very disappointed with myself. disappointed
He was disappointed to see she wasn't at the party. disappointed
disappointed (that...): I'm disappointed (that) it was sold out. disappointed
disappointed (not) to be...: She was disappointed not to be chosen. disappointed
a disappointing result/performance disappointing
The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved. disappointing
The team has had a disappointing start to the season. disappointing
Book early for the show to avoid disappointment. disappointment
To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip. disappointment
He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive. disappointment
a bitter/major disappointment disappointment
That new restaurant was a big disappointment. disappointment
He's suffered a whole string of disappointments this week. disappointment
disappointment to sb: I always felt I was a disappointment to my father. disappointment
She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness. downward
He drew a circle in the sand with a stick. draw
It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. dream
drive sb to sth: Those kids are driving me to despair. drive
She only got where she is today through hard work and a driving ambition. driving
I hope it stays dry for our picnic. dry
Each day that passed he grew more and more desperate. each
I hope my job's safe. Life is hard enough as it is. enough
There was no hope of escape from her disastrous marriage. escape
She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for 'The Times'. eventually
The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her. excite
excited (at sth): I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad. excited
an exciting prospect/possibility exciting
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
excuse sb for sth/for doing sth: I hope you'll excuse me for being so late. excuse
Leave the roundabout at the second exit. exit
expect to do sth: I expect to be paid promptly for the work. expect
expectation (of sth): We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery. expectation
expectation (that...): There was a general expectation that he would win. expectation
The expectation is that property prices will rise. expectation
I applied for the post more in hope than expectation. expectation
She went to college with great expectations. expectation
Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children. expectation
Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations. expectation
Their frustration needs some form of expression. expression
His face fell (= showed disappointment, sadness, etc.) when he read the headlines. face
There is still a faint hope that she may be cured. faint
They didn't want to raise any false hopes, but they believed her husband had escaped capture. FALSE
She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. fame
Within a few minutes she was fast asleep (= sleeping deeply). fast
the 2010 World Cup Finals (= the last few games in the competition) final
The report found that 30% of the firms studied had failed within a year. find
I hope it stays fine for the picnic. fine
They hope to form the new government. form
form sb/sth (up) (into sth): to form a line/queue/circle form
This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle. formula
She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune. fortune
That ring must be worth a fortune. fortune
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. free
She has a wide circle of friends. friend
She came round the corner at full speed. full
The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds fund
Can you all gather round? I've got something to tell you. gather
He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it. get over sth/sb
I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it. get round/around to sth
get doing sth: I hope to get around to answering your letter next week. get round/around to sth
I was hoping you would give me a job. give
We'd given up hope of ever having children. give sth up
to go round in a circle go around/round
She often goes around barefoot. go around/round
go doing sth: It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. go around/round
I went round to the post office. go around/round (to...)
a gold bracelet/ring/watch, etc. gold
Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow. good
a disappointing year of little growth in Britain and America growth
guarantee to do sth: We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. guarantee
The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air) in dismay. hand
You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead. hang around (...)
I hope nothing (= nothing unpleasant) has happened to them. happen to sb/sth
She tried her hardest not to show how disappointed she was. hard
help sb (to) do sth: The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations. help
She struggled to hide her disappointment. hide
We had high hopes for the business (= we believed it would be successful). high
An eagle circled high overhead. high
She's aiming high (= hoping to be very successful) in her exams. high
We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses. hit
He was holding the baby in his arms. hold
Hopefully the doctors will allow her home tomorrow. home
She was hoping against hope that there'd been some mistake. hope against hope (that...)
I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best. hope for the best
'Nobody blames you.' 'I should hope not!' I should hope so/not, so I should hope
hope (of sth): There is now hope of a cure. hope
hope (for sb/sth): Hopes for the missing men are fading. hope
hope (that...): There is little hope that they will be found alive. hope
hope (of doing sth): They have given up hope of finding any more survivors. hope
She has high hopes of winning (= is very confident about it). hope
The future is not without hope. hope
Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed. hope
I'll do what I can, but don't get your hopes up. hope
There is still a glimmer of hope. hope
The situation is not good but we live in hope that it will improve. hope
She told me all her hopes, dreams and fears. hope
They have high hopes for their children. hope
York was within an hour's drive. hour
We hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour). hour
I have a pretty good idea where I left it—I hope I'm right. idea
The prospects for the immediate future are good. immediate
She was suitably impressed (= as impressed as sb had hoped) with the painting. impressed
We expect to see further improvement over the coming year. improvement
Since I started jogging I've lost three and a half inches from my waistline. inch
The pesticide is lethal to all insect life. insect
interrupt sb/sth (with sth): I hope I'm not interrupting you. interrupt
Her baby's due next month. She hopes it will be a boy. it
The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness. journey
To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed. judge
A bunch of kids were hanging around outside. kid
He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. knock sb down/over
know (sth): This case is hopeless and he knows it (= although he will not admit it). know
He knew this was his last hope of winning. last
He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts. last
Relatives laid wreaths on the grave. lay
She took the lead in the second lap. lead
She started the last lap just behind the leading group. leading
This machine won't let you down. let sb down
Good luck! I hope it goes well. the best of luck (with sth), good luck (with sth)
He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more. magic
manage sth: In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. manage
+ noun: They marched 20 miles to reach the capital. march
matter with sb/sth: Is something the matter with Bob? He seems very down. matter
He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him. memory
I hope you don't mind the noise. mind
For a minority, the decision was a disappointment. minority
They still hoped to find their missing son. missing
Anger is often caused by frustration or embarrassment, or a mixture of the two. mixture
a narrow circle of friends narrow
Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. nevertheless
'Will she be there?' 'I hope not.' not
You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number. number
This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal. occasionally
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. offer
I only hope that she never finds out. only
He opened his arms wide to embrace her. open
The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds. operation
Brown goes on to the semi-finals but Lee is out. out
Why don't you just own up and hope she forgives you? own up (to sth/to doing sth)
They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. peaceful
We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits. permit
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
Let's hope everything will go according to plan. plan
The ring is one of her most treasured possessions. possession
They are hoping to return to power. power
Images are projected onto the retina of the eye. project
a job with excellent promotion prospects promotion
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): There is no immediate prospect of peace. prospect
A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen). prospect
prospect (that...): There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid. prospect
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm. prospect
good job/employment/career prospects prospect
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. prospect
prospect for sth: Long-term prospects for the economy have improved. prospect
prospect of sth: What are the prospects of promotion in this job? prospect
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
The report was not expected to provide any answers. provide
She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off. put sb off
I hope the police don't ask any awkward questions. question
race (against sb/sth): Who will he be racing against in the next round? race
Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). raise
Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank. rank
I hope this letter reaches you. reach
She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. realize
realize (sth): I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime. realize
He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once. reasonably
register sth: to register a birth/marriage/death register
a parish register (= of births, marriages and deaths) register
Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached. remain
They are hoping to repeat last year's victory. repeat
+ speech: 'I won't let you down,' he replied confidently. reply
rescue sb/sth + adj.: She had despaired of ever being rescued alive. rescue
We had given up hope of rescue. rescue
The company has substantial reserves of capital. reserve
Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. responsible
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. reward
I hope we're doing the right thing. right
a circus ring ring
The next competitor rode into the ring. ring
a key ring ring
a T-shirt with a round neck round
Everybody joins hands and dances round. round
How do you make the wheels go round? round
We walked round to the back of the house. round
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
He went round interviewing people about local traditions. round
Have we enough cups to go round? round
the first woman to sail round the world round
Our house is round the next bend. round
There she is, coming round the corner. round
She put her arms round him. round
They had hoped to win and were sadly disappointed. sadly
one of the first people to sail around the world sail
He searched desperately for something to say. search
He made no secret of his ambition (= he didn't try to hide it). secret
She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round. secure
The tickets sold out within hours. sell out, be sold out
share capital share
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market. share
People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. shelter
Losing in the first round was a shock to the system (= it was a more of a shock because it was not expected). shock
The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round. shock
She tried not to let her disappointment show. show
show sth: Her expression showed her disappointment. show
show how, what, etc...: She tried not to show how disappointed she was. show
Their footsteps echoed in the silence. silence
a solid gold bracelet solid
There is some hope that things will improve. some
sound as if/as though...: I hope I don't sound as if/as though I'm criticizing you. sound
The ring was specially made for her. specially
spread sth (out) (over sth): A series of five interviews will be spread over two days. spread
Things didn't look too hopeful at the start of the year. start
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
succeed as sth: He had hoped to succeed as a violinist. succeed
The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects. as such
In summary, this was a disappointing performance. summary
sure of sth: I hope you are sure of your facts. sure
She took the child in her arms and kissed him. take
A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved. talk
I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. talk
Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. target
I hope we get there in time. there
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
I expect I'll struggle through until payday. through
I ran up and threw my arms around him. throw
She hoped that getting this job would finally be her ticket to success. ticket
He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. turn sb/sth down
twist sth/yourself + adv./prep.: He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space. twist
unconscious desires unconscious
He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. unfortunate
I hope you haven't used all the milk. use
This ring has great sentimental value for me. value
There's a virus going around the office. virus
I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. vision
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
wave sth (about/around): A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically. wave
I didn't leave you. It was the other way round (= you left me). the other way round
I just hoped the branch would take my weight. weight
They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm). welcome
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
Jenny has a wide circle of friends. wide
Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn. withdraw
You should receive a reply within seven days. within
The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made. within
Two elections were held within the space of a year. within
wrap B round/around A: I wrapped a blanket around the baby. wrap
write sth about/on sth: He hopes to write a book about his experiences one day. write
That picture is the wrong way round. wrong
We're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals. yes