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tap, faucet, spout vòi nước

Wasserhahn vòi nước Wohnung
Armatur vòi nước Küchengeräte

OXF3000: vòi nước tap

like: vòi nước
der Wasserhahn vòi nước

Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. keep sb amused
Please run a bath for me (= fill the bath with water). bath
Her eyes were bright with tears. bright
This chemical is liable to explode on contact with water. contact
It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one. contrast
to turn a faucet on/off faucet
She felt a light tap on her shoulder. light
mix with sth: Oil does not mix with water. mix
Who left the tap running? run
We were caught in a heavy shower. shower
Take two tablets with water before meals. tablet
the hot/cold tap (= the tap that hot/cold water comes out of) tap
Turn the tap on/off. tap
Don't leave the tap running. tap
the sound of a dripping tap tap
I put my head under the tap and let the cool water run over me. tap