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EVP ultimate
EVP ultimately

IELTS: ultimate + : 最后的 最终的 根本的 n. 最好(或先进、伟大等)的事物,极品,精华
OXF3000ZH: 最后的 最终的 ultimate
OXF3000ZH: 最后 终究 最终 ultimately
5000FR: ultime ultimate
OXF3000: cuối cùng ultimate
OXF3000N cuối cùng sau cùng ultimate
OXF3000N cuối cùng sau cùng ultimately
CORE: ultimate + + + + + + +
SAT: ultimate + Beyond which there is nothing else. 
WNS: (a.) [ultimate]

ENDE: ultimate endgültig
ENDE: ultimate letzter

like: ultimate

Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment. goal
The divorce ultimately led to his ruin. ruin
our ultimate goal/aim/objective/target ultimate
We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens. ultimate
The ultimate decision lies with the parents. ultimate
This race will be the ultimate test of your skill. ultimate
Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury. ultimate
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent. ultimate
Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself. ultimately
A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness. ultimately

ultime cette station est à présent l’ultime puissance de l’univers