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[=tôi] I tui

OXF3000N bao túi cặp xách bag
OXF3000N nvỏ ngăn túi case
OXF3000N túi (quần áo trong xe hơi) túi tiền pocket

like: tui
die Reisetasche túi du lịch
die Hosentasche túi quần
der Taschenrechner máy tính bỏ túi
der Taschendieb kẻ móc túi

Er hebt seinen Koffer, seine Reisetasche und seinen Rucksack auf einen Kofferkuli. Anh ấy nhấc va-li, túi du lịch và ba lô lên xe đẩy. (Lektion 3, Nr. 24)
Aber Tri kann die Karte nicht finden, sie ist nicht in seinen Taschen. Nhưng Tri không tìm thấy bản đồ. Nó không nằm trong túi. (Lektion 11, Nr. 105)
Er fühlte in seine Taschen, und der Ring war noch dort. Anh ấy sờ vào túi và chiếc nhẫn vẫn còn đó. (Lektion 27, Nr. 353)
Sicherheit: Airbag; Innenausstattung: Leder (leicht beschädigt); Sự bảo hiểm: Túi không khí, Nội thất bên trong: da (bị hư hỏng nhẹ); (Lektion 69, Nr. 989)
Du kannst dich auf uns verlassen, es wird sich niemand langweilen. Anh có thể tin tưởng vào tụi em, sẽ chẳng có ai phải buồn chán đâu. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1110)
Nicht ganz, zuerst ist unser Kontrabass ausgefallen, aber wir haben jemanden gefunden, der ihn vertritt. Không hoàn toàn, mới đầu thiếu đàn công bat, nhưng tụi em đã tìm được người có thể thay thế cho việc đó. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1112)

I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag? any
a plastic/polythene/paper bag bag
a laundry/mail bag bag
a black plastic rubbish/garbage bag bag
a shopping bag bag
a make-up bag bag
He's upstairs unpacking his bags. bag
She opened her bag (= her handbag ) and took out her comb. bag
This bag was left behind after the class. behind
I found some coins at the bottom of my bag. bottom
The bag broke under the weight of the bottles inside it. break
a cloth bag cloth
He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. content
One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. one day
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. drag
The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag. driver
empty sth out: I emptied out my pockets but could not find my keys. empty
She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table. empty
Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. everything
He felt in his pockets for some money. feel
fetch sb sth: Could you fetch me my bag? fetch
find sth for sb: Can you find my bag for me? find
find sb sth: Can you find me my bag? find
float in/on sth: A plastic bag was floating in the water. float
fold sth (up): He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. fold
The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods (= everything he owned). goods
Let me give you a hand with those bags (= help you to carry them). hand
She had her bag stolen. have
He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. hurry
'What are they doing here?' he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway. indicate
Turn the bag inside out and let it dry. inside out
an inside pocket inside
leave sth/sb (+ adv./prep.): I've left my bag on the bus. leave
Carry this bag—it's the lightest. light
The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. loose
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. by mistake
There was nothing in her bag. nothing
'What's that in your pocket?' 'Oh, nothing.' nothing
The bag burst open and everything fell out. open
She opened her bag and took out her passport. open
She shook the bag and some coins fell out. out
He packed a bag with a few things and was off. pack
He packed a few things into a bag. pack
Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready. park
He had a few pennies in his pocket. penny
a plastic bag/cup/toy plastic
Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you (= on a plane). pocket
a coat pocket pocket
I put the note in my pocket. pocket
Turn out your pockets (= empty your pockets). pocket
Take your hands out of your pockets! pocket
a pocket dictionary (= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket) pocket
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
a rubbish bag/bin rubbish
two sacks of groceries sack
He got the sack for swearing. sack
Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. sack
The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. seal
see sb/sth do sth: I saw you put the key in your pocket. see
He slung the bag over his shoulder. shoulder
slide sth + adv./prep.: The man slid the money quickly into his pocket. slide
Someone's left their bag behind. someone
Stick your bags down there. stick
He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off. stick
I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. struggle
He took some keys out of his pocket. take
take sth (with you): I forgot to take my bag with me when I got off the bus. take
Is this your bag? this
Just throw your bag down over there. throw
to tie up a garbage bag tie up, tie sth up
The letter was in my pocket all the time (= while I was looking for it). all the time, the whole time
I carried her bags upstairs. upstairs
This sleeping bag is very warm. warm
warn (sb) about/against sb/sth: He warned us against pickpockets. warn
warn (sb) + speech: 'Beware of pickpockets,' she warned (him). warn
Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? watch
Watch your bag—there are thieves around. watch
She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out. on your/the/its way
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. with
Don't stand with your hands in your pockets. with
She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box. wrapping
Where did I put the keys? Oh, yes—in my pocket! yes