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EVP stubborn
EVP stubbornly
EVP tub
EVP tube
EVP tuberculosis
EVP washtub

OXF3000ZH: 电子管 显像管 tube
3000TH: กระบอก graL baawkL tube shaped, classifier for guns, flasks
3000TH: อ่างอาบน้ำ aangL aapL naamH bathtub
3000TH: หลอด laawtL drinking straw, tube, pipe; classifier for tube, tube of toothpaste
5000FR: tube tube
OXF3000N ống tuýp tube
WNS: (a.) [stubborn] obstinate
WNS: (n.) [bathtub] bath, bathing tub, tub
WNS: (n.) [tube] hollow cylinder

ENDE: tub Kübel

She is very stubborn. Adjectives 1
These children are very stubborn. Những đứa trẻ này rất bướng bỉnh. Adjectives 1
stubborn bướng bỉnh Adjectives 1

like: tub

She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth. admit
a tube of glue glue
a hollow ball/centre/tube hollow
They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. insert
As late as (= as recently as) the 1950s, tuberculosis was still a fatal illness. late
to travel on the bus/tube/coach on
to squeeze a tube of toothpaste squeeze
Just take hold of the tube and squeeze. squeeze
Give the tube another squeeze. squeeze
a tube/an underground station station
I stubbed my toe on the step. toe

tube deux fois déjà le tube a été retiré puis remis