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EVP trunk
Stamm thân cây Pflanzen

IELTS: trunk + : 树干 躯干 大箱子
3000TH: ต้น dtohnF stem, trunk
5000FR: coffre trunk, boot, chest
GBENDE: 箱子 trunk Koffer
GBENDE: 箱子 trunk Koffer
GBENDE: trunk Stamm
CORE: trunk + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [trunk] luggage compartment, automobile trunk

ENDE: trunk Amt
ENDE: trunk Baumstamm
ENDE: trunk Koffer
ENDE: trunk Rumpf
ENDE: trunk Schrankkoffer
ENDE: trunk Stamm
FN: trunk n Observable_body_parts
FN: trunk n Vehicle_subpart

like: trunk
(1) faucet, tap
(2) spout
(3) feeler (insect)
(4) trunk (elephant)

The tree trunk was hollow inside. hollow
to get the spare out of the boot/trunk spare

coffre les bagages sont dans le coffre