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OXF3000D: mặc dù in spite of trotz
OXF3000D: mặc dù in spite of trotz

ENDE: in spite of trotz

like: trotz

Schließlich findet heute das Spiel trotz des Regens statt. Cuối cùng trận đấu hôm nay cũng diễn ra mặc cho trời mưa. (Lektion 49, Nr. 696)
Tri rechnet sich aus, dass er trotzdem noch ein gutes Geschäft gemacht hat. Trí tính toán, mặc dù anh đã lợi nhuận. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1008)

The water was cold but I took a shower anyway. anyway
I'm afraid we can't come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. anyway
Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance. assistance
In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends. background
Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy. belief
In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control. be in control (of sth)
Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. despite
Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. despite
Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. effect
A note of defiance entered her voice. enter
There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay. even so
I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them). fault
I can't really afford it, but, what the hell (= it doesn't matter), I'll get it anyway. hell
They fell in love in spite of the language barrier (= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages). language
I don't think we'll make it, but let's try anyway. let
manage sth: In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. manage
There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. nevertheless
Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. nevertheless
People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning. ocean
I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway. offer
Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached. remain
The marriage failed despite repeated attempts to save it. repeated
He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. all/just the same
'Will you stay for lunch?' 'No, but thanks all the same.' all/just the same
All the same, there's some truth in what she says. all/just the same
In spite of his age, he still leads an active life. in spite of sth
They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs. in spite of sth
English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese. in spite of sth
The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. still
Our team lost. It was a good game though. though
Despite her problems, she carried on working as usual. as usual
In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live. will
Despite her grief, she found a hidden strength within herself. within
He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money. yet