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1945 斎 trai giới . . .
(1) [=giai] male
(2) to fast
(3) oyster
(4) study room

OXF3000N trại chỗ cắm trại cắm trại hạ trại camp
OXF3000N sự cắm trại camping
OXF3000N mũ lưỡi trai mũ vả cap
OXF3000N vải khăn trải bàn áo thầy tu cloth
OXF3000N sự tương phản làm tương phản trái ngược contrast
OXF3000N đất trái đất earth
OXF3000N kinh nghiệm trải qua nếm mùi experience
OXF3000N có kinh nghiệm từng trải giàu kinh nghiệm experienced
OXF3000N trang trại farm
OXF3000N nông dân người chủ trại farmer
OXF3000N quả trái cây fruit
OXF3000N cháu trai grandson
OXF3000N tim trái tim heart
OXF3000N trái luật bất hợp pháp illegal
OXF3000N trái luật bất hợp pháp illegally
OXF3000N trái đạo đức luân lý xấu xa immoral
OXF3000N bên trái về phía trái left
OXF3000N cháu trai nephew
OXF3000N lưỡi trai đỉnh chóp peak
OXF3000N người Ba Lan cực (nam châm trái đất...) pole
OXF3000N đảo ngược lại điều trái ngược mặt trái reverse
OXF3000N chăn khăn trải giường tấm phiến tờ sheet
OXF3000N trải căng ra bày ra truyền bá spread

You are their son. Bạn là con trai của họ. Family
her younger brother Em trai của cô ấy Family
The elder brother and the younger brother Anh trai và em trai Family
My younger brother and younger sister have three fishes. Em trai và em gái của tôi có ba con cá. Family
The older brother and the older sister Anh trai và chị gái Family
They are keeping my son. Họ đang giữ con trai của tôi. Verbs 2.5
the elder brother and the younger brother Anh trai và em trai Places
Her younger brother Em trai của cô ấy Family
The son and the daughter Con trai và con gái Family
You are their son. Bạn là con trai của họ. Family
male trai Family
Me elder brother is not a lazy researcher. Anh trai của tôi không phải là mộtnghiên cứu sinh lười biếng. Education
Yes, he is my boyfriend. Vâng, anh ấy là bạn trai của tôi. People
Her boyfriend does not drink alcohol. Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. People
boyfriend bạn trai People
My older brother always gets up after me. Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. Verbs 4
Her boyfriend does not drink wine. Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. Jobs 2
My son is very obedient. Con trai của tôi rất ngoan. Adjectives 3
I know her boyfriend is hiding here. Tôi biết bạn trai của cô ấy đang núp ở đây. Verbs 5
That is their son in an uniform. Đó là con trai của họ trong một bộ quân phục. Military

he and she Con trai và con gái * 004
Yes, for my boyfriend. Phải, bạn trai của tôi. * 048
But she already has a boyfriend. Nhưng mà nó đã có bạn trai rồi. * 067
My son did not want to play with the doll. Con trai tôi đã không muốn chơi với búp bê. * 090

like: trai
eldest son con trai trưởng
natural pearl ngọc trai thiên nhiên
youngest son thằng con trai út
links bên trái 左边 zuǒ biān
zelten dựng lều cắm trại 露营 lùyíng
links abbiegen rẽ trái 往左拐 wǎng zuǒ guǎi
auf der linken Seite ở phía trái 在左边 zài zuǒ biān
ausrollen trải 铺开 pū kāi
verdorbenes Obst trái cây thối 腐烂的水果 fǔ làn de shuǐ guǒ
den Tisch decken trải bàn 摆餐桌 bǎi cān zhuō
etwas widerstrebt jemandem điều gì đó không hợp với ai đó, điều gì đó trái với tính cách của ai đó 某事与某人相抵触 mǒushì yǔ mǒurén xiāng dǐchù
backbord mạn trái 左舷的 zuǒxián de
links bên trái
die Ferienanlage khu trại hè
der Campingplatz nơi cắm trại
das Camping cắm trại
zelten dựng lều cắm trại
die Bettdecke ga trải giường
die Ananas quả dứa, trái thơm
der Junge người con trai, thiếu niên
links abbiegen rẽ trái
der Sohn con trai
der Bruder anh em trai
der Enkel cháu trai
auf der linken Seite ở phía trái
ausrollen trải
das Obst trái cây (sv), hoa quả (nv)
verdorbenes Obst trái cây thối
der Obstsalat trái cây trộn
den Tisch decken trải bàn
der Bauernhof nông trại
die Erde trái đất
der Obstanbau trồng trái cây
der Neffe cháu trai
etwas widerstrebt jemandem điều gì đó không hợp với ai đó, điều gì đó trái với tính cách của ai đó
die Perle ngọc trai
die Bettwäsche ga trải giường
die Erdkugel trái đất, quả địa cầu
backbord mạn trái
das Lagerfeuer lửa trại
die Tischdecke khăn trải bàn
der Linkshänder người thuận tay trái
das Waisenhaus trại mồ côi

Saft und Milchprodukte: Apfelsaft, Fruchtsaft, Mineralwasser, Milchshake, heiße Schokolade. Nước trái cây và sữa: nước táo, nước trái cây, nước khoáng, sữa khuấy, sô-cô-la nóng. (Lektion 14, Nr. 148)
Zum Frühstück: Honig, Toast, Butter, Joghurt, Ananas, Eier, Brötchen, Pfannkuchen, Mehl, Ahornsirup. Cho bữa sáng: mật ong, bánh mì nướng, bơ, ja-ua, trái thơm, trứng, bánh mì, bánh trứng chiên, bột mì, si-rô. (Lektion 14, Nr. 149)
Tri schreibt seinem Bruder einen Brief Tri viết thư cho anh trai. (Lektion 18, Nr. 198)
Ich habe Glück, ich muss jetzt nach links fahren. Thật may, bây giờ tôi phải rẽ trái. (Lektion 19, Nr. 226)
Er weiß nicht, wie lange er bei seinem Bruder bleiben möchte. Anh ấy không biết là mình sẽ ở chỗ anh trai bao lâu. (Lektion 20, Nr. 229)
Tri ist so aufgeregt, seinen Bruder in Berlin zu besuchen. Tri hồi hộp đi thăm anh trai mình ở Berlin. (Lektion 24, Nr. 292)
Er hat viele Andenken für seinen Bruder und seine Freunde gekauft. Anh ấy mua rất nhiều quà làm kỷ niệm cho anh trai và bạn bè. (Lektion 24, Nr. 295)
Ich denke, dass mein Bruder mein Reiseführer sein wird. Anh nghĩ rằng, anh trai của anh sẽ là người hướng dẫn cho anh. (Lektion 24, Nr. 305)
Sein Bruder wartete bereits in der Nähe von Kreuzberg. Anh trai anh ấy đã đợi sẵn ở gần Kreuzberg. (Lektion 27, Nr. 338)
Tri ging zur nächsten Straße und entschied sich, zur Wohnung seines Bruders zu trampen. Tri đi đến con đường kế tiếp và quyết định đi nhờ xe đến nhà anh trai. (Lektion 28, Nr. 358)
Wir müssen einen halben Kilometer zurückfahren und dann müssen wir nach links abbiegen. Chúng ta phải quay lại nửa kilomet và sau đó phải rẽ trái. (Lektion 28, Nr. 377)
Warte, was ist das für ein Film? Was für ein gutaussehender Typ! Đợi đã, phim gì đây? Anh chàng này đẹp trai quá. (Lektion 34, Nr. 467)
Jetzt musst du geradeaus gehen, und dann die zweite, nein, die dritte Straße links. Sau đó anh đi thắng và đến đường thứ hai, à không, đuờng thứ ba thì rẽ trái. (Lektion 37, Nr. 526)
Letztes Jahr versuchte sein Bruder, eine 'rockige Weihnacht' zu veranstalten. Năm ngoái anh trai anh ấy đã thử tố chức một lễ Giáng sinh theo phong cách rock. (Lektion 40, Nr. 577)
Schauen sie nicht so. Ich bin ein alter Mann, ich habe soviel in meinem Leben gesehen. Đừng nhìn tôi như vậy. Tôi đã đứng tuổi rồi, tôi đã trải qua nhiều chuyện rồi. (Lektion 41, Nr. 595)
Ich fände es schön, wenn wir im Wohnzimmer einen Teppich ausrollen könnten. Em thấy thật đẹp, nếu chúng ta trải một tấm thảm trong phòng khách. (Lektion 45, Nr. 644)
Hast du gestern das frische Obst für den Nachtisch gekauft? Hôm qua anh có mua trái cây tươi để tráng miệng không? (Lektion 48, Nr. 681)
Unsere Pfirsiche waren schon verschimmelt! Những trái đào của chúng ta đã mốc hết rồi! (Lektion 48, Nr. 682)
Wasche das Obst, schäle es und schneide es klein. Anh hãy rửa trái cây, gọt vỏ và cắt nhỏ chúng. (Lektion 48, Nr. 686)
Öffne eine Dose Ananas und vermische den Saft mit dem übrigen Obst. Rồi anh mở hộp dứa và trộn nước ép với trái cây còn lại. (Lektion 48, Nr. 687)
Lass uns den fertigen Obstsalat in den Kühlschrank stellen und den Tisch decken. Chúng ta để trái cây trộn xong vào tủ lạnh và trải bàn. (Lektion 48, Nr. 688)
Sie durchqueren eine Schlucht und kommen schließlich an einen großen Bauernhof. Họ đi qua một thung lũng và cuối cùng đến một nông trại lớn. (Lektion 52, Nr. 731)
Die beiden breiten ihre Handtücher aus und setzen sich ins hohe Gras. Cả hai trải khăn của họ ra và ngồi lên thảm cỏ. (Lektion 52, Nr. 736)
Fotografiere auch die Blumen im Garten des Bauernhofes! Em cũng chụp ảnh của những bông hoa trong vườn của nông trại. (Lektion 52, Nr. 741)
Trang rennt zum Bauernhof, um Hilfe zu holen. Trang chạy tới nông trại để kêu sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 53, Nr. 749)
Hast du dich jeden Tag mit dem Badetuch an den Strand gelegt? Hàng ngày anh có trải khăn tắm nằm trên cát không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 796)
Eigentlich nicht, ich fühle mich in jedem Land der Erde wohl. Thực sự không, anh cảm thấy thoải mái ở mọi nước trên trái đất. (Lektion 56, Nr. 801)
Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)
Dann fließt das Blut zur linken Seite des Herzens und von dort aus weiter in den ganzen Körper. Sau đó máu chảy tới bên trái của tim và từ đó tiếp tục tới toàn bộ cơ thể. (Lektion 66, Nr. 950)
Mein Bruder und seine Frau, das ist meine Schwägerin. Anh trai và vợ, đó là chị dâu anh. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1095)
Ich freue mich schon auf meinen Neffen. Anh mong ngóng đứa cháu trai này. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1097)
Außerdem kommt mein Onkel, der Bruder meines Vaters. Ngoài ra bác của anh cũng đến, đó là anh trai của bố anh. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1098)
Sie kommen mit ihren adoptierten Söhnen. Họ đến cùng những đứa con trai nuôi. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1103)
Ich bin stolz darauf, dass ich mir mein Studium und meinen Auslandsaufenthalt selbst finanziert habe. Tôi tự hào về việc đã tự trang trải chi phí cho khóa học đại học và thời gian sống ở nước ngoài của tôi. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1941)

262 My brother works in a bank. Em trai tôi làm việc ở ngân hàng.
404 Does your brother like football? Em trai cậu có thích bóng bầu dục không?
504 Hỏi xem anh ấy có anh chị em nào không. - Có, anh ấy có một anh trai và hai em gái.
902 Have you met my brother, or should I introduce you? Cậu gặp anh trai tôi chưa, hay là để tôi giới thiệu với cậu?
They've moved to Seattle.'> 916 They've moved to Seattle.'> My brother and his wife don't live here any more. They moved to Seattle. > They've moved to Seattle. They've moved to Seattle.'> ☊ Anh trai tôi và vợ anh ý không sống ở đây nữa. Họ chuyển đến Seattle. > Họ đã chuyển đến Seattle.
1187 run in a marathon? Anh trai tôi đã chạy ở Boston Marathon năm ngoái. Cậu đã bao giờ chạy marathon chưa?
1385 I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too. Tôi biết chơi dương cầm. Em trai tôi cũng biết chơi dương cầm.
1413 know him. Anh trai tôi đã làm việc ở công ti cậu nhiều năm rồi. Cậu chắc phải biết anh ấy.
1519 to take care of Tara's little brother. Ravi và em họ Tara của anh ấy tối nay không ra ngoài được. Họ phải trông em trai của Tara.
1596 until tomorrow morning? Chúng ta có nên gọi anh trai cậu tối nay không, hay cậu thích đợi mai gọi hơn?
He's in jail.'> 2272 He's in jail.'> Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. > He's in jail. He's in jail.'> ☊ Em trai Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù.
2273 Milena went to the prison to visit her brother. Milena đã đến nhà tù thăm em trai của cô ấy.
2512 I met someone whose brother I went to school with. Tôi đã gặp một người mà anh trai người đó từng học cùng tôi.
2794 Rashid is really angry about what his brother said. Rashid thực sự tức giận về những gì em trai anh ấy nói.
2795 He's upset with him because he wants to put their parents in a nursing home. Anh ấy buồn với em trai vì em trai muốn đưa bố mẹ họ vào viện dưỡng lão.
2875 When you went to the movies with your boyfriend, did he pay for the tickets? Khi cậu đi xem lm với bạn trai, anh ấy có trả tiền vé không?
2894 I congratulated my brother for winning the tennis tournament. Tôi đã chúc mừng em trai tôi vì đã thắng trong vòng thi quần vợt.

Everything about the child's adoption was against accepted practice. accept
access to sth: The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. access
That's against the law. against
ways of calculating the age of the earth age
She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. leave/let sb alone
You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother. apart from
When did mammals appear on the earth? appear
appointment for sb to do sth: She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor. appointment
approach sb/sth: As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left. approach
The farm and surrounding area were flooded. area
army barracks/bases army
I turned left automatically without thinking. automatically
a baby boy/girl baby
It was the worst experience of her life. bad
The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. barrier
barrier against sth: Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation. barrier
The campsite provided only basic facilities. basic
'Who is that?' 'It's my brother.' be
She's alive—her heart is still beating. beat
Turn left just before (= before you reach) the bank. before
Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy. belief
believe (that)...: People used to believe (that) the earth was flat. believe
He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. believe
Most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences. benefit
She's far better at science than her brother. better
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
my big brother big
Terrorists bombed several army barracks. bomb
She was born with a weak heart. born
+ adj.: Her brother was born blind (= was blind when he was born). born
a salad/fruit/sugar, etc. bowl bowl
The older boys at school used to tease him. boy
They have two boys and a girl. boy
Her eldest boy is at college. boy
She's just broken up with her boyfriend. break up (with sb)
bring sb/sth to sth: She brought her boyfriend to the party. bring
He's my brother. brother
an older/younger brother brother
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
My brother called me from Spain last night. call
What's their son called? called
a refugee camp camp
a camp guard camp
a tennis camp camp
He spent two weeks at camp this summer. camp
summer camp camp
Let's return to camp. camp
to pitch/make camp (= put up tents) camp
to break camp (= to take down tents) camp
I camped overnight in a field. camp
They go camping in France every year. camp
Do you go camping? camping
a camping trip camping
camping equipment camping
Carry on until you get to the junction, then turn left. carry on
change sb/sth (from A) to/into B: With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince. change
Adventure camps are considered to be character-building (= meant to improve sb's strong qualities). character
He took charge of the farm after his father's death. charge
The boys climbed over the wall. climb
He coasted through his final exams. coast
collect sb (from...): She's gone to collect her son from school. collect
My son is coming home soon. come
While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities. confidence
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. contact
contrast (to sb/sth): The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier. contrast
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports. contrast
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood. contrast
The poem contrasts youth and age. contrast
Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. contrast
Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy. convenient
the earth's core core
We did not even make enough money to cover the cost of the food. cost
We spent a pleasant day in the country. country
He was handsome with dark eyes. dark
a dark handsome stranger dark
We have two sons and a daughter. daughter
a death camp (= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war) death
When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. defence
Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop
a devoted son/friend/fan devoted
There's an age difference of six years between the boys (= one is six years older than the other). difference
My son's terribly untidy; my daughter's no different. different
He's suffered a whole string of disappointments this week. disappointment
the distance of the earth from the sun distance
What have you been doing with yourselves (= how have you been passing the time)? do sth with sb/sth
He did/made a drawing of the old farmhouse. drawing
The boys were all dressed up as pirates. dress up, dress sb up
the planet Earth earth
the history of life on earth earth
the earth's ozone layer earth
The earth revolves around the sun. earth
I must be the happiest person on earth! earth
After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again. earth
You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer. earth
I cleaned off the earth clinging to my boots. earth
an enjoyable weekend/experience enjoyable
an escape from a prisoner of war camp escape
The charity will be taking food and essential supplies to six refugee camps. essential
Her second husband was the exact opposite of her first (= completely different). exact
Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise. expectation
The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. experience
Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives. experience
to experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness experience
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
Who is that on the far left of the photograph? far
a 200-hectare farm farm
farm buildings/machinery farm
to live/work on a farm farm
We camped in a field near the village. field
film sb/sth doing sth: Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video. film
Finally, stir in the fruit and walnuts. finally
People used to think the earth was flat. flat
a wine with a delicate fruit flavour flavour
The furniture and floor coverings date from the 1920s. floor
Follow this road until you get to the school, then turn left. follow
The main course was followed by fresh fruit. follow
Sam walked in, with the rest of the boys following closely behind. follow
The moon exerts a force on the earth. force
He managed to free his arms from their bonds. free
Some fruits freeze better than others. freeze
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fresh
tropical fruits, such as bananas and pineapples fruit
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fruit
a piece of fruit (= an apple, an orange, etc.) fruit
a fur farm (= where animals are bred and killed for their fur) fur
Hello, girls and boys! girl
give sth to sb: We discussed what punishment should be given to the boys. give
He was given a new heart in a five-hour operation. give
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. go through sth
She's been going through a bad patch recently. go through sth
He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through. go through sth
All her property went to her eldest son (= when she died). go to sb/sth
a prison governor governor
He's a great bloke. great
a big/nice/tough guy guy
Most of his clothes were handed down to him by his older brother. hand sth down (to sb)
I've had a long hard day. hard
They had put in hours of hard graft. hard
harmful to sb/sth: Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth. harmful
hate sb/yourself: The two boys hated each other. hate
The boys hung their heads in shame. head
The words 'I love you' were written inside a big red heart. heart
She has a kind heart. heart
Have you no heart? heart
He returned with a heavy heart (= sad). heart
Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart. heart
The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation. heart
to have a weak heart heart
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). heart
I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. by heart
She's learnt the whole speech off by heart. by heart
The island is truly a heaven on earth. heaven
My brother is much heavier than me. heavy
a hill farm/town/fort hill
a camping/skiing/walking, etc. holiday holiday
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. idea
identify what, which, etc...: They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. identify
She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). identity
The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth. imaginary
increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere increase
The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career. interruption
He was first introduced to drugs by his elder brother. introduce
a raspberry jelly jelly
His brother's just lost his job. job
It was, in her judgement, the wrong thing to do. judgement
I did it against my better judgement (= although I thought it was perhaps the wrong thing to do). judgement
Her heart jumped when she heard the news. jump
Keep left along the wall. keep
kick sb/sth + adv./prep./adj.: The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard. kick
a kind heart/face kind
We seem to take everything but the kitchen sink when we go camping. everything but the kitchen sink
The boys were knocking (= kicking) a ball around in the back yard. knock
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse. lane
It's the last house on the left. last
I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth! last
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child. law
We spent a lazy day on the beach. lazy
She led the horse back into the stable. lead
lean on sth: She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm. lean
Turn left at the intersection. left
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
She was sitting on my left. left
Twist your body to the left, then to the right. left
Take the next road on the left. left
To the left of the library is the bank. left
Take the first left. left
The Left only has/have a small chance of winning power. left
a left-leaning newspaper left
She is on the far left of the party. left
my little brother/sister (= younger brother/sister) little
They lost both their sons (= they were killed) in the war. lose
It's a lovely old farm. lovely
Our supplies are running low (= we only have a little left). low
They eat mainly fruit and nuts. mainly
He always manages to say the wrong thing. manage
a fruit/flower/antiques market market
We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. market
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
to undergo minor surgery minor
They still hoped to find their missing son. missing
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. mouse
a deeply moving experience moving
name sb/sth + noun: They named their son John. name
The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative. negative
This is a new experience for me. new
He's a really nice guy. nice
Her heart is beating normally. normally
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth. offend
a customs/prison/welfare officer officer
on the left/right on
I went through the items on the list one by one. one by one
He underwent a three-hour heart operation. operation
They are totally opposed to abortion. opposed
200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year. as opposed to
He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime. opposition
Is it a boy or a girl? or
geology, or the science of the earth's crust or
the origins of life on earth origin
One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash. other
We're over the worst of the recession. over
It's hard to make farming pay. pay
The climbers made camp halfway up the peak. peak
Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling. period
The stroke left his right side permanently damaged. permanently
She's going through a difficult phase. phase
He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit) plain
the planet Earth/Venus/Mars planet
a pleasant young man pleasant
Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men. popular
The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride. pride
I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles. principle
the prison service/system prison
professional conduct/misconduct professional
Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface. proportion
the earth's gravitational pull pull
In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time. in reality
A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck. rear
When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space. reflect
regular offenders (= against the law) regular
the position of the sun relative to the earth relative
remote from sth: The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings. remote
It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. remove
Lift and lower the right leg 20 times. Repeat with the left leg. repeat
I have the greatest respect for your brother. respect
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
He was met by his brother on his return from Italy. return
ride sth (+ adv./prep.): The boys were riding their bikes around the streets. ride
Take the first right, then the second left. right
A diamond glittered on her ring finger (= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ring
risk (that...): There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through. risk
Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs. road
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. rock
The earth moves round the sun. round
Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth. rule
The divorce left him sadder and wiser (= having learned from the unpleasant experience). sad
a satisfying experience satisfying
say to do sth: The guidebook says to turn left. say
They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings). scene
My brother and I went to the same school. school
She selected an apple from the fruit bowl. select
His son found him and sent for help. send for sth
My brother is my senior by two years. senior
She doesn't have a serious boyfriend. serious
A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street. set sth off
The pool was in the shape of a heart. shape
He's in good shape for a man of his age. shape
The group listens while one person shares (= tells other people about their experiences, feelings, etc.). share
a sharp turn to the left sharp
In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. sharp
Have you changed the sheets (= put clean sheets on the bed)? sheet
The farm buildings form three sides of a square. side
They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan. side
It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. significant
a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) single
a camping/caravan site site
Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation. slice
He sliced the fruit open. slice
The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. slow
She's smarter than her brother. smart
He was not so quick a learner as his brother. so
There's something wrong with the TV. something
We have two sons and a daughter. son
For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort (= you are not sure what kind). sort
There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite. sort
He reduced speed and turned sharp left. speed
Increasing your walking speed will help to exercise your heart. speed
spend sth + adv./prep.: We spent the weekend in Paris. spend
Her childhood was spent in Italy. spend
split sth (with sb): She split the money she won with her brother. split
She's split up with her boyfriend. split up (with sb)
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
to spread a cloth on a table spread
Papers had been spread out on the desk. spread
squeeze sth out of/from sth: to squeeze the juice from a lemon squeeze
His heart won't stand the strain much longer. stand
stand sb/sth: I can't stand his brother. stand
We camped out under the stars. star
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
I felt as if my heart had stopped. stop
If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago. (out) on the streets/street
Beyond the mountains stretches a vast desert. stretch
The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. stretch
In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming. striking
a string of pearls string
a white tablecloth with red stripes stripe
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
the earth's surface surface
They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals and fruit. survive
sweet sherry sweet
The boys swam across the lake. swim
The school doesn't take boys (= only has girls). take
take sb to do sth: The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends. take
I told the boys off for making so much noise. tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth)
They suffered terribly when their son was killed. terribly
They themselves had had a similar experience. themselves
The debate is centred around two conflicting theories. theory
There once was a poor farmer who had four sons. there
I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing. thing
it is thought that...: It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth. think
Wash the fruit thoroughly before use. thoroughly
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left. through
First I have to get through the exams. through
He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title. thus
Place the cursor to the left of the first word. to
He kicked the earth with the toe of his boot. toe
The road turns to the left after the church. turn
She turned the wheel sharply to the left. turn
Make a left/right turn into West Street. turn
twin boys/girls twin
Twist the knob to the left to open the door. twist
unite (sb/sth): A special bond unites our two countries. unite
an unpleasant experience unpleasant
an upsetting experience upsetting
a valuable experience valuable
a guided walk around the farm walk
A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art. way
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way
He was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys. way
Way back, when he was a boy, he had lived on a farm in Wales. way back (in...)
She suffered from a weak heart. weak
One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on wheels. wheel
It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left. where
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before. whose
work as sth: My son is working as a teacher. work
farm/factory/office workers worker
Our son's having problems with his reading and writing (= at school) writing
The doctor could find nothing wrong with him. wrong
My son's thirteen but he's young for his age (= not as developed as other boys of the same age). young