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rainy trời mưa

like: trời mưa

Normalerweise geht sie zum Spielplatz mit ihnen, aber heute regnet es, also bleibt sie zu Hause. Bình thường thì cô ấy cùng lũ trẻ đến sân chơi, nhưng hôm nay trời mưa, nên cô ấy ở nhà. (Lektion 35, Nr. 485)
Es regnet wie während des Monsuns. Trời mưa như trong trận gió mùa. (Lektion 39, Nr. 559)
Schließlich findet heute das Spiel trotz des Regens statt. Cuối cùng trận đấu hôm nay cũng diễn ra mặc cho trời mưa. (Lektion 49, Nr. 696)

To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip. disappointment
It was raining harder than ever. ever
The day was set fair with the spring sun shining down. fair
It was raining this morning. it
Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. minute
Go outside and see if it's raining. outside
It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. poor
It hardly rained at all last summer. rain
It rained all week. week
It's raining worse than ever. worse