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to finish làm hết
to finish tom ngỏm

3000TH: เสร็จ setL to finish, complete, succeed
5000FR: terminer to finish, end,
5000FR: finir to finish
GBENDE: 结束 to finish beenden
GBENDE: 处理 to finish erledigen

ENDE: to finish beenden
ENDE: to finish beendigen
ENDE: to finish erledigen
ENDE: to finish vollenden

like: to finish
being able to finish what one has started có đầu có đuôi
after school; to finish studying tan học

anxious to do sth: She was anxious to finish school and get a job. anxious
argue that...: He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. argue
We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time. effort
She was given an extension to finish writing her thesis. extension
I need about an hour to finish off this report. finish sth off
The story was a lie from start to finish. finish
They worked late into the night to finish the report. late
I just have to finish this—I won't be a minute. minute
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. as much as sb can do
'Do we have to finish this today?' 'Yes, you must.' must
It's physically impossible to finish by the end of the week. physically
It's just not physically possible to finish all this by the end of the week. possible
set sb/yourself to do sth: I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month. set
The trip was a disaster from start to finish. start
I have some paperwork to finish up. up

terminer va terminer ton petit déjeuner
finir je dois finir de nettoyer les droïdes