Beginner Level Advanced Level



5000FR: commencer to begin, start
5000FR: entreprendre to begin, start, undertake

ENDE: to begin beginnen

like: to begin
to make narrow, to begin to close hẹp lại

Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September. begin
I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. to begin with
We'll go slowly to begin with. to begin with
'What was it you didn't like?' 'Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.' to begin with
The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise (= for the play to begin). curtain
It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. explain
to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system process
to take your seat (= to begin your duties, especially in Parliament) seat
She's moving abroad to make a fresh start (= to begin a new life). start

commencer il est important que ces entretiens commencent immédiatement
entreprendre la dame blanche entreprend de monter l’escalier