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EVP tight
EVP tight
EVP tighten
EVP tightly
EVP tightrope
EVP tights

OXF3000ZH: 紧紧地牢固的 tight
OXF3000ZH: 紧地 牢固地 紧紧地 tightly
3000TH: ตึง dteungM tight
3000TH: แน่น naaenF securely, tightly, solidly
3000TH: คับ khapH tight
5000FR: tendre to tighten; to extend, stretch; tender
5000FR: étroit narrow, tight
5000FR: serrer to tighten, squeeze
5000FR: resserrer to tighten up, strengthen
5000FR: serré tight, packed, crowded
OXF3000N kín chặt chật tight
OXF3000N chặc chẽ sít sao tightly
GBENDE: 大腿 tigh Oberschenkel
WNS: (a.) [tight] constrained, constricted, constricting

ENDE: tigh Oberschenkel

like: tigh

Don't bandage the wound too tightly. bandage
to do up/fasten/tighten a belt belt
These trousers are a bit tight. bit
We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to spend). budget
Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container. container
I've got a tight feeling in my stomach. feeling
They won in the end but it was a tight finish. finish
Hang on tight—we're off! hang on
These jeans are too tight around the hips. hip
The girl held her father's hand tightly. hold
His hold on her arm tightened. hold
My shoes hurt—they're too tight. hurt
He felt every muscle in his body tighten. muscle
I believe we should resist calls for tighter controls. resist
We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time). schedule
Now tighten all the screws. screw
screw sth + adj.: Screw the bolt tight. screw
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
stretch sth: Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame. stretch
stretch sth + adj.: Make sure that the rope is stretched tight. stretch
She had to struggle into the tight dress. struggle
The rope was stretched tight. tight
to keep tight control over sth tight
We need tighter security at the airport. tight
She was wearing a tight pair of jeans. tight
These shoes are much too tight. tight
The new sweater was a tight fit. tight
He kept a tight grip on her arm. tight
She twisted her hair into a tight knot. tight
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. tight
Her eyes were tightly closed. tightly
He held on tightly to her arm. tightly
a tightly packed crowd of tourists tightly
The dress was too tight for me. too
The nurse wrapped a bandage tightly around my ankle. wrap
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping

tendre il faut parler, tendre la main, dialoguer
étroit ils demeurèrent quelques instants dans l’étroit couloir
serrer elle serre les mains
resserrer nous devrions nous voir plus souvent, resserrer nos relations
serré le budget est serré cette année