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1945 禅 thiền tọa . . .
Zen thiền
沉思 chen2si1 to contemplate; to ponder; contemplation; meditation Thiền

Meditation thiền Religion

OXF3000N lòng từ thiện lòng nhân đức sự bố thí charity
OXF3000N bất lương không lương thiện dishonestly
OXF3000N thiện ý sự quý mến sự đồng ý favour
OXF3000N thân thiện thân mật friendly
OXF3000N không thân thiện không có thiện cảm unfriendly
OXF3000N không thân thiện không có thiện cảm unfriendly
OXF3000N tốt hay tuyệt điều tốt điều thiện good
OXF3000N thiên đường heaven
OXF3000N linh thiêng sùng đạo holy
OXF3000N lương thiện trung thực chân thật honest
OXF3000N lương thiện trung thực chân thật honestly
OXF3000N cải thiện cái tiến mở mang improve
OXF3000N sự cái thiện sự cải tiến sự mở mang improvement
OXF3000N (thuộctự nhiên thiên nhiên natural
OXF3000N tự nhiên thiên nhiên nature
OXF3000N cải cách cải thiện cải tạo sự cải cách sự cải thiện cải tạo reform
OXF3000N đối địch không thân thiện unfriendly
OXF3000N đối địch không thân thiện unfriendly

like: thiền
to reflect an awareness of Zen phản ánh ý thức về thiền đạo
Zen Buddhism đạo Phật theo thiền tông
freundlich thân thiện 友好的 yǒuhǎo de
kurzsichtig thiển cận, cận thị 近视 jìn shì
verbessern làm cho tốt hơn, cải thiện 改进 gǎi jìn
Waage thiên bình 天平座 tiān píng zuò
im Himmel (Paradies) sein trên thiên đường 在天堂 zài tiān táng
unanständig không lương thiện, không đứng đắn 猥亵的 wěixiè de
Waage thiên bình chèng
meditieren ngồi thiền 冥想 míngxiǎng
heilig thánh, thiêng liêng 圣洁的 shèngjié de
freundlich thân thiện
kurzsichtig thiển cận, cận thị
die Natur thiên nhiên
das Unglück thiên tai
die Verbesserung cải thiện
verbessern làm cho tốt hơn, cải thiện
Waage thiên bình
das Christentum thiên chúa giáo
im Himmel (Paradies) sein trên thiên đường
die Abneigung mối ác cảm, sự thiếu thiện cảm
das Genie thiên tài
unanständig không lương thiện, không đứng đắn
das Erdgas khí thiên nhiên
der Schwan thiên nga
der Schneidersitz ngồi thiền
der Naturschutz bảo vệ thiên nhiên, bảo vệ môi trường
meditieren ngồi thiền
die Almosen, die Spende tiền làm từ thiện, sự đóng góp, sự quyên góp
heilig thánh, thiêng liêng
der Engel thiên thần
das Paradies thiên đường
der Wiederaufbau sự xây dựng lại, sự kiến thiến lại
der Scharfschütze nhà thiện xạ

Im Hintergrund ist Natur zu sehen: eine umzäunte Wiese und ein Wald. Đằng sau có thể thấy thiên nhiên: Một bãi cỏ được rào quanh và một cánh rừng. (Lektion 57, Nr. 809)
Die Naturkatastrophe Thảm họa thiên nhiên (Lektion 72, Nr. 1024)
Es ist ein Unglück passiert. Hör zu: Có một vụ thiên tai xảy ra. Nghe nè: (Lektion 72, Nr. 1027)
Sie reisen gerne und sind praktisch veranlagt. Rất thích du lich và thiên về thực tiễn. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1135)
Die Waage ist diplomatisch, freundlich und friedlich. Thiên bình có tài ngoại giao, thân thiện và hòa đồng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1141)
Ich halte die Berichterstattung zu diesem Thema für einseitig und voreingenommen. Tôi cho rằng bản báo cáo về đề tài này khá phiến diện và thiên lệch. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1640)
Dieses Produkt ist umweltfreundlich. Sản phẩm này thân thiện với môi trường. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2266)

collecting money in aid of charity in aid of sth/sb
appeal (to sb) (for sth): to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity appeal
I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach (= not easy to talk to in a friendly way). approach
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service. atmosphere
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
the endless battle between man and nature battle
It may be many years before the situation improves. before
belief in God/democracy belief
They're improving day by day. by
It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving. case
a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity) cause
Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias. charge
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. charity
The concert will raise money for local charities. charity
Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity. charity
Do you give much to charity? charity
a charity concert (= organized to get money for charity) charity
to live on/off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor) charity
Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel. clean
collect (for sth): We're collecting for local charities. collect
Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? comment
The new airport will improve communications between the islands. communication
Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago. compare
a strike to improve pay and conditions condition
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
contribution (to sth): to make a contribution to charity contribution
Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not as friendly with each other as they were). cool
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity. dance
The decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home. decorative
The issues raised in the report relate directly to the ongoing work of the charity. directly
a natural disaster (= one that is caused by nature) disaster
financial disaster disaster
We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. efficient
The charity will be taking food and essential supplies to six refugee camps. essential
This book is essential reading for all nature lovers. essential
the eternal struggle between good and evil evil
The charity exists to support victims of crime. exist
Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. FALSE
Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months figure
a beautifully finished piece of furniture finish
to apply extra coats of finish finish
furniture available in a range of finishes finish
A group of swans floated by. float
to improve traffic flow (= make it move faster) flow
the forces of good/evil force
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
a warm and friendly person friendly
friendly to/toward(s) sb: Everyone was very friendly towards me. friendly
a friendly smile/welcome friendly
a small hotel with a friendly atmosphere friendly
We soon became friendly with the couple next door. friendly
We were not on the friendliest of terms (= we were not friendly at all). friendly
This software is much friendlier than the previous version. friendly
environmentally-friendly farming methods friendly
ozone-friendly cleaning materials friendly
a friendly argument friendly
friendly rivalry friendly
It was only a friendly match. friendly
There are numerous functions in aid of charity. function
a disaster relief fund fund
He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. genuine
give to sth: They both gave regularly to charity. give
He gave away most of his money to charity. give sth away
Proceeds from the concert will go to charity. go to sb/sth
the Son of God (= Christ) god
the difference between good and evil good
I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health). do good, do sb good
The weather gradually improved. gradually
The performance improved as their confidence grew. grow
the kingdom of heaven heaven
I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. heaven
This isn't exactly my idea of heaven! heaven
It was heaven being away from the office for a week. heaven
The island is truly a heaven on earth. heaven
This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves. help
She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters. history
holy ground holy
Islam's holiest shrine holy
a holy life/man holy
They applied for a home improvement loan. home
The situation is not good but we live in hope that it will improve. hope
a friendly, family-run hotel hotel
If he improved his IT skills, he'd (= he would) easily get a job. if
The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image. image
In the Bible it states that humans were created in the image of God. image
craters made by meteorite impacts impact
Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly). impression
We've certainly improved on last year's figures. improve on/upon sth
Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement. improvement
indication (that...): There are clear indications that the economy is improving. indication
'An Introduction to Astronomy' introduction
God knows what else they might find. God/goodness/Heaven knows
lead sb to do sth: This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies. lead
We are still absorbing the harsh lessons of this disaster. lesson
His English is improving little by little. little by little
a nature-lover lover
In the main, the money raised goes to children's charities. in the main
to have an aggressive/a friendly/a relaxed manner manner
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters. matter
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. in memory of sb, to the memory of sb
She's in a good mood today (= happy and friendly). mood
natural disasters natural
a country's natural resources (= its coal, oil, forests, etc.) natural
nature conservation nature
Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less. nature
The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need. need
nice (to do sth): Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the first time) nice
an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) overall
The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity. pay
The new management techniques aim to improve performance. performance
She takes a personal interest in the work of the charity. personal
The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction. point
a country poor in natural resources poor
Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve. possibility
Please suggest possible ways in which you would improve the existing program. possible
They tried everything they possibly could to improve the situation. possibly
a powerful telescope powerful
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales. presentation
promise sth: The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster. promise
prospect for sth: Long-term prospects for the economy have improved. prospect
The charity is run on a purely voluntary basis. purely
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
We are raising money for charity. raise
relate that...: The story relates that an angel appeared and told him to sing. relate
relation (between A and B): We seek to improve relations between our two countries. relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
research (into/in/on sth): They're researching into ways of improving people's diet. research
She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve. reserve
the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources resource
a local campaign to improve road safety safety
The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. satisfaction
scale of sth: It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster. scale
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven. in seventh heaven
Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources. shine
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
Her work is showing some signs of improvement. sign
sign (of doing sth): The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. sign
social advancement (= improving your position in society) social
There is some hope that things will improve. some
a lawyer on the staff of the Worldwide Fund for Nature staff
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
swear to sb/on sth (that)...: I swear to God I had nothing to do with it. swear
I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault. sympathy
Her technique has improved a lot over the past season. technique
The people I met there were very friendly. the
The vegetables were cooked to perfection. to
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). understanding
an unfriendly atmosphere unfriendly
unfriendly (to/towards sb): There's no need to be so unfriendly towards them. unfriendly
the use of environmentally unfriendly products (= that harm the environment) unfriendly
Medical units were operating in the disaster area. unit
His smile was warm and friendly. warm
They grinned at her in a friendly way. way
The swan flapped its wings noisily. wing
It's a friendly place—people come up to you in the street and start talking. you