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Nehmen Sie auch an dieser Tagung teil? Quý vị cũng tham dự cuộc hội thảo này phải không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2364)

attend sth: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. attend
to attend a wedding/funeral attend
How many people attend church every Sunday? attend
It's no business of yours who I invite to the party. business
Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting. can
They're at church (= attending a church service). church
She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education. conference
delegates to the Labour Party's annual conference conference
The numbers attending fell short of expectations. expectation
We're invited for 7.30. for
It is important that he attend every day. important
It is important that he should attend every day. important
It is important for him to attend every day. important
invitation to sth: an invitation to the party invitation
invite sb to sth: Have you been invited to their party? invite
to attend a series of lectures on Jane Austen lecture
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
to have/hold/call/attend a meeting meeting
He attended in his official capacity as mayor. official
Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. partly
She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. take sb's/sth's place, take the place of sb/sth
Several presidents attended the funeral. president
The Press was/were not allowed to attend the trial. press
She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work. pressure
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. prior
to hold/attend a service service
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting. unfortunately
Have you been invited to their wedding? wedding