Beginner Level Advanced Level



(1) hand, sleeve
(2) person, party, group

OXF3000: tay hand
OXF3000N cánh tay vũ trang trang bị (vũ khí) arm
OXF3000N chỗ rẽ chỗ uốn khuỷu tay bend
OXF3000N vỗ vỗ tay tiếng nổ tiếng vỗ tay clap
OXF3000N khuỷu tay elbow
OXF3000N giơ duỗi ra (tay chân) kéo dài (thời gian) dành cho gửi lời extend
OXF3000N ngón tay finger
OXF3000N bao tay găng tay glove
OXF3000N tay bàn tay trao tay truyền cho hand
OXF3000N cầm sờ mó tay cầm móc quai handle
OXF3000N móng (tay chânmóng vuốt nail
OXF3000N khoai tây potato
OXF3000N khác nhau riêng biệt làm rời tách ra chia tay separate
OXF3000N sự chia cắt phân ly sự chia tay ly thân separation
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilful
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilfully
OXF3000N có kỹ năng có kỹ sảo khẻo tay có kinh nghiệm lành nghề skilled
OXF3000N tay áo ống tay sleeve
OXF3000N ngón tay cái thumb
OXF3000N phía Tây theo phía tây về hướng tây west
OXF3000N về phía tây của phía tây western
OXF3000N cổ tay wrist
OXF3000D: tay hand Hand
OXF3000D: tay hand Handschrift
OXF3000D: tay hand Zeiger

glove găng tay Alphabet Introduction 1
A dirty glove Một cái găng tay dơ Alphabet Introduction 1
A mug and a glove Một cái ca và một cái găng tay Alphabet Introduction 1
a glove Một cái găng tay Alphabet Introduction 1
The glove is at the train station. Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. Alphabet Introduction 1
How many hands do ten people have? Mười người có bao nhiêu bàn tay? Medical
hand bàn tay Medical
Those two arms are very strong. Hai cánh tay đó rất khoẻ. Medical
My left arm is normal. Cánh tay bên trái của tôi bình thường. Medical
arm cánh tay Medical
I do not see his finger. Tôi không thấy ngón tay của anh ấy. Medical
finger ngón tay. Medical
The motorbike accident broke his right arm. Tai nạn xe máy đã làm gãy cánh tay phải của anh ấy. Medical
The doctor also gives up. Bác sĩ cũng bó tay. Informal Expressions
I give up on your problem. Tôi bó tay với vấn đề của bạn. Informal Expressions

And the bag is really very reasonable. Và túi xách tay thực sự là rất rẻ. * 056
The arms are athletic. Cánh tay này khỏe. * 060
My arm hurts. Cánh tay tôi bị đau. * 065
My foot and hand also hurt. Chân tôi và tay tôi cũng bị đau. * 065

like: tay
to let a cup slip down from one’s hand buột tay đánh rơi cái chén
blood stained hand bàn tay nhúng máu
right hand side bên tay mặt
the right side bên tay phải
left hand side bên tay trái
audacity, daring bạo tay bạo châm
to start work bắt tay vào việc
to have skinny limbs chân tay khẳng khiu
to have one’s hands and feel all mucky with mud chân tay nhơ nhớp những bùn
to extend one’s hand, hold out one’s hand chìa tay ra
to extend one's hand to greet chìa tay ra đón ai
to boss, queen it, lord it chỉ tay năm ngón
to point (with the hand) at chỉ tay vào
the struggle to gain independence cuộc chiến đấu giành tự do trong tay Anh Quốc
robot arm cánh tay máy tự động
to be someone’s right hand cánh tay phải
to be Pol Pot’s right hand cánh tay phải của Pol Pot
to have blood on one’s hands có bàn tay vấy máu
to hold out both hands dang hai tay ra
at my hand, by my hand dưới tay tôi
to die hai tay buông xuôi
the Tripartite Pact hiệp ước Tay Ba
get the upper hand (of) hớt tay trên
to saw the air, gesticulate khoa tay múa chân
arm in arm khoác tay nhau
painted fingernails móng tay sơn màu
delicate fingers, tapering fingers ngón tay búp măng
thumb ngón tay cái
middle finger ngón tay giữa
index finger, forefinger ngón tay trỏ
little finger ngón tay út
a snake in the grass ném đá giấu tay thành ngữ
to hold each other’s hands nắm tay nhau
make a left turn quẹo tay trái
to turn to the right rẽ tay phải
to turn to the left rẽ tay trái
to be left-handed thuận tay trái
to reach out with one’s hand thò tay ra
to stick one’s hand in, reach one’s hand in thò tay vào
to stick one’s hand in one’s waist thò tay vào bụng
to put one’s hand inside thò tay vào trong
to reach into thò tay vô
to help, assist, lend a hand tiếp tay với
to bite off more than one can chew, to vung tay quá trán
a three-way struggle vật lộn tay ba
diamond cuts diamond vỏ quít dày có móng tay nhọn
to slap one's hands together vỗ hai tay vào nhau
to extend one’s hand đưa tay ra
conjugal life đầu gối tay ấp
to place, put in someone’s hands đặt trong tay người nào
only when the hand is injured, does one đứt tay hay thuốc
sleeve of coat, armhole ống tay áo
on the left ở bên tay mặt
on the right ở bên tay trái
spanisch tây Ban Nha 西班牙的 Xībānyá de
Spanien nước Tây Ban Nha 西班牙 Xībānyá
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay 把某物拿在手里 bǎ mǒu wù ná zài shǒu lǐ
handgeschrieben viết bằng tay 手写的 shǒuxiě de
etwas boykottieren tẩy chay, bài xích thứ gì đó 抵制某事 dǐzhì mǒushì
klatschen, applaudieren vỗ tay 鼓掌 gǔzhǎng
entfärben tẩy màu 把 ... 除色 bǎ ... chúsè
desinfizieren tẩy trùng 消毒 xiāodú
jemandem die Hand schütteln bắt tay ai đó 与某人握手 yǔ mǒurén wòshǒu
die Erdbeere quả dâu tây
die Kartoffel khoai tây
die Zwiebel hành tây
spanisch tây Ban Nha
Spanien nước Tây Ban Nha
die Ellbogen khuỷu tay
der Arm tay
die Hand bàn tay
der Finger ngón tay
der Handschuh găng tay
der Westen phía tây
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay
der Laptop máy tính xách tay
der Oberarm vùng trên khủy tay
der Unterarm vùng dưới khủy tay
der Fingernagel móng tay
das Lenkrad tay lái
der Fotograf tay phó nháy, thợ chụp ảnh
die Armbanduhr Đồng hồ đeo tay
der Abschied chia tay
handgeschrieben viết bằng tay
die Trennung sự chia tay
der Radiergummi cục tẩy
etwas boykottieren tẩy chay, bài xích thứ gì đó
die Handschellen cái còng tay
die Türklinke tay cầm cửa
der Spargel măng tây
die Petersilie rau mùi tây
der Türgriff tay nắm cửa
der Wagenheber cái kích, tay đòn, đòn bẫy
der Lenker ghi đông, tay lái
die Speiche tay quay, cái nan hoa
der Truthahn gà trống tây
klatschen, applaudieren vỗ tay
der Applaus tiếng vỗ tay
der Ärmel tay áo
die Handschuhe găng tay
entfärben tẩy màu
der Schlagzeuger tay chơi trống
desinfizieren tẩy trùng
das Handgelenk cổ tay
die Handfläche gan bàn tay, lòng bàn tay
der Linkshänder người thuận tay trái
jemandem die Hand schütteln bắt tay ai đó
die Arme ausstrecken duỗi tay
der Nagellackentferner thuốc tẩy sơn móng tay
der Atlantik Đại tây dương
das Abendland phương Tây, Tây Âu

Tri erhält eine hausgemachte vegetarische Pizza und Trang Fisch und Pommes Frites. Tri nhận món Pizza chay do quán tự làm còn Trang thi nhận món cá và khoai tây rán. (Lektion 12, Nr. 119)
Zuerst wollte er Fisch und Pommes Frites machen, aber nun plant er, eine griechische Spezialität zu kochen. Lúc đầu, anh ấy muốn làm món cá và khoai tây chiên, nhưng bây giờ anh ấy lại lên kế hoạch nấu món đặc sản Hy Lạp. (Lektion 14, Nr. 141)
Sicher, ich hole dich an der spanischen Gaststätte ab. Tất nhiên rồi, em sẽ đón anh ở cạnh nhà nghỉ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 21, Nr. 252)
Ich benötige nur einige warme Pullover, Schuhe, Socken, einige Hosen und Jeans, aber nichts besonderes. Anh cần vài chiếc áo thun, giày, vài đôi vớ, vài cái quần tây và quần jeans, nhưng chắng có cái nào đặc biệt cả. (Lektion 22, Nr. 261)
Wir können Reis kochen oder machen gebackene Kartoffeln und gebratenes Fleisch oder Fisch. Chúng ta có thể nấu cơm hay làm món khoai tây chiên với thịt hay cá chiên. (Lektion 23, Nr. 285)
Meine Großmutter hat einen sehr wertvollen Ring aus Spanien. Bà em có một cái nhẫn rất quý từ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 25, Nr. 319)
Er hob vorsichtig seinen Daumen und wartete auf einen Fahrer. Anh ấy giơ ngón tay cái lên và chờ một tài xế. (Lektion 28, Nr. 359)
Sie müssen diesen Kartoffelsalat probieren. Er ist wirklich gut. Anh phải ăn thử salat khoai tây.Nó ngon lắm đấy. (Lektion 28, Nr. 368)
Was ist mit dem Western? Phim cao bồi viễn Tây được không? (Lektion 34, Nr. 472)
Diese spazieren Arm in Arm eine Straße entlang. Chúng đi dọc con phố tay trong tay. (Lektion 57, Nr. 808)
Alle Computer und Laptops wurden gestohlen. Tất cả máy tính và máy tính xách tay đều bị ăn cắp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 909)
Trang hält eine Kopie in der Hand und liest Tri laut vor: Trang cầm bản copy trên tay và đọc cho Trí nghe: (Lektion 75, Nr. 1068)
Der Fotograf hat einige lustige Fotos geknipst, besonders von Trangs Onkel und Opa. Tay phó nháy đã chụp được vài tấm ảnh vui nhộn, đặc biệt là cậu và ông của Trang. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1121)
Wie schätzen Sie Ihre Spanisch-Kenntnisse ein? Kiến thức về tiếng Tây Ban Nha của anh / chị thế nào? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1906)
Ich spreche Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch. Tôi biết nói tiếng Anh, tiếng Tây Ban Nha và tiếng Đức. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1913)
Diese Informationen dürfen nicht in die falschen Hände geraten. Những thông tin này không được phép lọt vào tay những người không liên quan. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2204)

6 My brother and I are good tennis players. Anh tôi và tôi đều là những tay vợt giỏi.
35 My hands are cold. Tay tôi đang lạnh.
43 He's a good swimmer. Anh ấy là một tay bơi giỏi.
154 Are your hands cold? — No, they aren't. Tay cậu có lạnh không? - Không.
378 How often do you wash your hair? Cậu rửa tay bao lâu một lần?
468 He's a good tennis player, but he doesn't play very often. Anh ấy là một tay vợt giỏi nhưng anh ấy không chơi thường xuyên lắm.
503 Ask if he has a watch. — Yes, he's got a watch. Hỏi xem anh ấy có đồng hồ đeo tay không. - Có, anh ấy có đồng hồ đeo tay.
668 I cut my hand this morning. — How did you do that? Tôi bị đứt tay sáng nay. - Sao cậu bị thế?
722 Khalid broke his arm last week. Khalid đã bị gãy tay tuần trước.
She's broken her arm.'> 915 She's broken her arm.'> Sabine's not coming to the party. She broke her arm. > She's broken her arm. She's broken her arm.'> ☊ Sabine sẽ không đến bữa tiệc. Cô ấy bị gãy tay. > Cô ấy đã bị gãy tay.
1175 I washed my hands because they were dirty. Tôi đã rửa tay vì tay bị bẩn.
1241 I'm going to wash my hands. Tôi sắp đi rửa tay.
1446 A tennis player must be very good to play professionally. Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên nghiệp.
1705 There was an armchair in the corner near the door. Từng có một cái ghế tay vịn ở góc nhà gần cái cửa.
1706 There was a sofa opposite the armchair. Từng có một cái sofa đối diện cái ghế tay vịn
1811 Have you ever brokyour arm? — Yes, I have. Cậu đã bị gãy tay bao giờ chưa? - Tôi bị rồi.
2041 help me move this table? Tôi cần cậu giúp một tay dịch cái bàn này đi. > Cậu thấy cậu có thể giúp tôi một tay dich cái bàn này đi được không?
2125 People often have a lot of trouble reading my handwriting. Mọi người thường rất khó đọc được chữ viết tay của tôi.
You don't need to x that manually.'> 2762 You don't need to x that manually.'> You don't need to x that BY hand, I can write a computer program to help you. > You don't need to x that manually. You don't need to x that manually.'> ☊ Cậu không cần phải sửa nó bằng tay, tôi có thể viết một chương trình vi tính để giúp cậu. > Cậu không phải sửa nó theo cách thủ công.
2840 But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him. Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta.
2974 Ludwig and Rita broke up. > Ludwig and Rita split up. Ludwig và Rita đã chia tay. > Ludwig và Rita đã chia tay.
2975 ended up splitting up. Ludwig và Rita cuối cùng đã chia tay. > Ludwig và Rita cuối cùng đã chia tay.
2996 I waved to the children on the bus, and they waved back. Tôi vẫy tay với bọn trẻ trên xe bus và bọn chúng đã vẫy lại với tôi.

Several years after they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris. after
The crowd parted to allow her through. allow
'They're off to Spain next week.' 'It's all right for some, isn't it?' (= some people are lucky) all right
The whole thing just came apart in my hands. apart
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. apart from
The arms will need shortening. arm
He escaped with only a broken arm. arm
She threw her arms around his neck. arm
The officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm). arm
She touched him gently on the arm. arm
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). arm
She cradled the child in her arms. arm
They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other). arm
He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). arm
He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm (= next to him and holding his arm). arm
arm yourself/sb (with sth): The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. arm
He put his arms around her. around
I held it at arm's length. at
The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes. audience
They had their hands tied behind their backs. back
All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists. band
She wore a simple band of gold = a ring on her finger. band
Go and wash your hands in the bathroom. bathroom
I've never been to Spain. be
'Where does she come from?' 'Spain, I believe.' believe
The islands belong to Spain. belong to sb
She was one of the best tennis players of her generation. best
The handle was just beyond my reach. beyond
Stop biting your nails! bite
Go and wash your hands; they're absolutely black! black
blank whitewashed walls blank
Her hands were blue with cold. blue
She put some potatoes on to boil. boil
a notebook book
He was born in a small village in northern Spain. born
For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. both
the leading brand of detergent brand
She fell off a ladder and broke her arm. break
He broke down and wept when he heard the news. break down
She's just broken up with her boyfriend. break up (with sb)
the broad plains of the American West broad
a broken leg/arm broken
After the summer in Spain, the children were brown as berries. brown
Your hand looks badly burnt. burnt
He buried his face in his hands and wept. bury
I took him by the hand. by
Pick it up by the handle! by
She waved bye-bye and got into the car. bye
My brother called me from Spain last night. call
She can speak Spanish. can
I'll leave the organization in your capable hands. capable
I'm very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I do it). careful
She carried her baby in her arms. carry
carry doing sth: He carried on peeling the potatoes. carry on (with sth), carry sth on
catch sth (in/on sth): He caught his thumb in the door. catch
He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him. catch
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
Take this prescription to the chemist's. chemist
chicken and chips chicken
chips of wood chip
All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. chip
Add the finely chopped onions. chop
The audience cheered and clapped. clap
clap sb/sth: Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize. clap
Everyone clapped in time to the music. clap
She clapped her hands in delight. clap
He clapped his hands for silence. clap
Give him a clap! (= to praise sb at the end of a performance) clap
I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music! classic
Are your hands clean? clean
He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. clear
He's clever with his hands. clever
click sth: He clicked his fingers at the waiter. click
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
The hands of the clock crept slowly around. clock
cold hands and feet cold
The handle came loose. come
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand. come off (sth)
the first commercial flights across the Atlantic commercial
His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. contact
She blushed at the sudden contact of his hand against her arm. contact
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
Add the onion and cook for three minutes. cook
Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. take your courage in both hands
She covered her face with her hands. cover
crack sth: He has cracked a bone in his arm. crack
With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor. crash
strawberries and cream cream
hand/moisturizing cream cream
cross (over): I waved and she crossed over (= crossed the road towards me). cross
to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other) cross
Police had to break up the crowd. crowd
There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down (= the play ended). curtain
cut sth: She cut her finger on a piece of glass. cut
He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. cut sth off
Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm. cut
Is the Western a dead art form? dead
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. dead
his delicate hands delicate
Police have issued a description of the gunman. description
a Spanish-English dictionary dictionary
dirty hands/clothes dirty
The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand (= without thinking about it). dismiss
She bent down to pick up her glove. down
He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture. dramatic
Store onions in a cool dry place. dry
He put his hands over his ears. ear
early potatoes (= that are ready to eat at the beginning of the season) early
East Africa east
eastern Spain eastern
Come on. Eat up your potatoes. eat up, eat sth up
Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s. economy
She jabbed him with her elbow. elbow
He rested his elbows on his knees. elbow
She grazed her elbow in the fall. elbow
He's fractured his elbow. elbow
The jacket was worn at the elbows. elbow
empty hands (= not holding anything) empty
enthusiastic about doing sth: She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain. enthusiastic
She made her entry to the sound of thunderous applause. entry
Everyone cheered and clapped. everyone
On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup. evidence
exchange sth with sb: I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager. exchange
The museum contains some interesting exhibits on Spanish rural life. exhibit
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
direct/first-hand experience of poverty experience
The firework exploded in his hand. explode
A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand. eye
He buried his face in his hands. face
Stand with your feet apart and your hands facing upwards. face
The handle had fallen off the drawer. fall
I had a bad fall and broke my arm. fall
He felt a hand on his shoulder. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself doing sth: He felt a hand touching his shoulder. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself do sth: I felt something crawl up my arm. feel
fight against sb: My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain. fight
fine clothes/wines/workmanship fine
She ran her fingers through her hair. finger
Hold the material between finger and thumb. finger
The old man wagged his finger at the youths. finger
The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. fire
With a firm grip on my hand, he pulled me away. firm
She took a firm hold of my arm. firm
Her handshake was cool and firm. firm
She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. fly
a foot pump (= operated using your foot, not your hand) foot
A large proportion of the labour force (= all the people who work in a particular company, area, etc.) is unskilled. force
He tried to force a copy of his book into my hand. force
form sth into sth: Form the dough into balls with your hands. form
Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa formerly
He held out his free hand and I took it. free
He managed to free his arms from their bonds. free
translating from English to Spanish from
You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting. from
Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? from
I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun. fun
fur-lined gloves fur
The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears. gear
the gentle swell of the sea gentle
This soap is very gentle on the hands. gentle
He got his fingers caught in the door. get
He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn't go. go
a gold bracelet/ring/watch, etc. gold
She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.). good
We waved them goodbye. goodbye
grab (sth): She grabbed the child's hand and ran. grab
He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go. grab
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
She took her arm and guided her across the busy road. guide
He guided her hand to his face. guide
Do you need a hand with those invoices? hand
The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand. hand
Ian placed a hand on her shoulder. hand
Put your hand up if you know the answer. hand
Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. hand
She was on (her) hands and knees (= crawling on the floor) looking for an earring. hand
Couples strolled past holding hands. hand
Give me your hand (= hold my hand) while we cross the road. hand
The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air) in dismay. hand
He killed the snake with his bare hands (= using only his hands). hand
a hand towel (= a small towel for drying your hands on) hand
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
The fabric was painted by hand. by hand
The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
At that time, the castle was in enemy hands. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
the handle of a knife handle
a broom handle handle
The handle's broken off this jug. handle
She turned the handle and opened the door. handle
hate sb/sth to do sth: She would have hated him to see how her hands shook. hate
He had his head in his hands. have
hide sth + adv./prep.: He hid his face in his hands. hide
a high standard of craftsmanship high
She stood with her hands on her hips. hip
He took my hand in his. his
Spain was one of the hardest hit countries. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
The girl held her father's hand tightly. hold
He was holding the baby in his arms. hold
We were holding hands (= holding each other's hands). hold
Hold on and don't let go until I say so. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
I held out my hand to steady her. hold sth out
His hold on her arm tightened. hold
She tried to keep hold of the child's hand. hold
He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain. humorous
My hands are as cold as ice. ice
He waved them away with an impatient gesture. impatient
customs imported from the West import
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. independence
He was the innocent party (= person) in the breakdown of the marriage. innocent
It's Spain that they're going to, not Portugal. it
strawberry jam jam
This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out. just
Everyone was down on (their) hands and knees (= crawling on the floor) looking for the ring. knee
knitted gloves knitted
a hand-knitted sweater knitted
knock against/on sth: Her hand knocked against the glass. knock
know (that)...: I know (that) people's handwriting changes as they get older. know
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
manual labour (= work using your hands) labour
She has a good command of the Spanish language. language
He laid a hand on my arm. lay
lean on sth: She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm. lean
lift sb/sth (up) (+ adv./prep.): He stood there with his arms lifted above his head. lift
What's it like studying in Spain? like
He traced the line of her jaw with his finger. line
The assistant pursed her lips. lip
The detergent comes in powder or liquid form. liquid
a long-sleeved shirt long
The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. loose
Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb. loosely
I love it in Spain (= I like the life there). love
The park was full of young lovers holding hands. lover
The potatoes are planted by machine. machine
Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime. match
a scarf with gloves to match match
I decided to take matters into my own hands (= deal with the situation myself). matter
My gloves have been missing for ages. missing
They left for Spain early this morning. morning
move sth: I can't move my fingers. move
hand/eye movements movement
He's not much of a tennis player. not much of a...
Stop biting your nails! nail
nail clippers nail
neat handwriting neat
new potatoes (= ones dug from the soil early in the season) new
He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief ). nose
Stop picking your nose! (= removing dirt from it with your finger) nose
The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording. note
the Antarctic/Arctic/Atlantic/Indian/Pacific Ocean ocean
2 kilos of potatoes of
an island off the coast of Spain off
Taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work. offer
The country's official language is Spanish. official
French onion soup onion
He opened his arms wide to embrace her. open
an order for steak and fries order
He raised one arm and then the other. other
This detergent is good for getting stains out. out
She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. over
a pair of gloves/shoes/earrings, etc. pair
pick sth: to pick your nose (= put your finger inside your nose to remove dried mucus ) pick
She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. pick sth up
He broke his arm in three places. place
He placed his hand on her shoulder. place
a tomato/potato plant plant
She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. plate
Take your hands out of your pockets! pocket
point sth: She pointed her finger in my direction. point
polish sth (up) (with sth): He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. polish
She polished the apple on her sleeve. polish
The performance was greeted with polite applause. polite
My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. position
She was learning to change her hand from first to third position (= on the strings of a violin ). position
Will you peel the potatoes for me? potato
roast/boiled/baked/fried potatoes potato
A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available. powder
The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. pressure
pull sth/yourself + adv./prep.: The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand. pull
Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off. pull
She took his arm and pulled him along. pull
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose. punch
Put your hand up if you need more paper. put
Her quick hands suddenly stopped moving. quick
a racing driver racing
He raised a hand in greeting. raise
He raised himself up on one elbow. raise
He reached across the table to squeeze her hand. reach
reach sth + adv./prep.: He reached out his hand to touch her. reach
I nudged her but she didn't react. react
the automatic recognition of handwriting and printed text by computer recognition
the Basque region of Spain region
Regular or large fries? regular
All our suggestions were rejected out of hand. reject
He relaxed his grip on her arm. relax
to release the clutch/handbrake/switch, etc. release
He refused to release her arm. release
remove sth/sb from sth/sb: He removed his hand from her shoulder. remove
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
He rested his chin in his hands. rest
Three riders (= people riding horses) were approaching. rider
horses and their riders rider
She's an experienced rider. rider
I'm glad you split up. She wasn't right for you. right
onion rings ring
A diamond glittered on her ring finger (= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ring
roll sth up: Roll up your sleeves. roll
He was rolling a pencil between his fingers. roll
We tied his hands together with rope. rope
The skin on her hands was hard and rough. rough
Everybody joins hands and dances round. round
She put her arms round him. round
He rubbed a hand wearily over his eyes. rub
I rubbed a clear patch on the window with my fingers. rub
rub sth (together): She rubbed her hands in delight. rub
He waved her rudely away. rudely
She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. run
They got through a sack of potatoes. sack
potato salad salad
She scratched at the insect bites on her arm. scratch
Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles. scratch
seed potatoes (= used for planting) seed
serve sth with sth: Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans. serve
to sew by hand/machine sew
Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on. sew
Her hands had started to shake. shake
Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? shake
They shook hands on the deal (= to show that they had reached an agreement). shake
He shook my hand warmly. shake
Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand. shake
His hand shot out to grab her. shoot
shoot sth + adv./prep.: He shot out his hand to grab her. shoot
Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net. shot
They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan. side
people on both sides of the Atlantic side
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
The sign on the wall said 'Now wash your hands'. sign
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
'They've split up.' 'Since when? ' since
The sun was sinking in the west. sink
a skilled engineer/negotiator/craftsman skilled
a shortage of skilled labour (= people who have had training in a skill) skilled
skilled in/at sth/doing sth: She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers. skilled
Furniture-making is very skilled work. skilled
a dress with short/long sleeves sleeve
Dan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands. sleeve
slide sth + adv./prep.: She slid her hand along the rail. slide
slip sth + adv./prep.: Anna slipped her hand into his. slip
The fish slipped out of my hand. slip
The child slipped from his grasp and ran off. slip
His handwriting slopes backwards. slope
They were discussing the problems of Western society. society
a solid gold bracelet solid
southern Spain southern
My parents split up last year. split up (with sb)
She's split up with her boyfriend. split up (with sb)
Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime. split sb up, split up
split (with sb/sth): the years following his bitter split with his wife split
She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. spread
He squeezed her hand and smiled at her. squeeze
He gave my hand a little squeeze. squeeze
to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) stand
the states of Victoria and Western Australia state
Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand. steady
He took her arm and steered her towards the door. steer
He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off. stick
Stick 'em up! (= put your hands above your head — I have a gun!) stick
stick sth + adv./prep.: The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. stick
Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage. stick
Don't stick your arm out of the car window. stick out (of sth), stick sth out (of sth)
Her arms and legs were like sticks (= very thin). stick
sticky fingers covered in jam sticky
I was stung on the arm by a wasp. sting
Can you stretch your arms out straighter? straight
stretch sth + adv./prep.: I stretched out a hand and picked up the book. stretch
He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger. suck
Stop sucking your thumb! suck
Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. suffer
I was driving westwards and I had the sun in my eyes (= the sun was shining in my eyes). sun
She held on to his arm for support. support
The palms of his hands began to sweat. sweat
Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her. swell
Bacteria can cause gums to swell and bleed. swell
The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye. swelling
His arms swung as he walked. swing
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. symbol
He took her hand/took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere). take
She took the child in her arms and kissed him. take
arms/pay/peace, etc. talks talk
He kept tapping his fingers on the table. tap
a torn handkerchief tear
First cook the onions, then add the mushrooms. then
thick fingers thick
He's good at making things with his hands. thing
He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final. threat
threaten to do sth: This dispute threatens to split the party. threaten
The sand ran through (= between) my fingers. through
I ran up and threw my arms around him. throw
She still sucks her thumb when she's worried. thumb
He had to tie her hands together. tie
He kept a tight grip on her arm. tight
He held on tightly to her arm. tightly
Did you have a good time in Spain? time
the tips of your fingers tip
He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. together
They split up after ten years together. together
The cat sank its teeth into his finger. tooth
Give the handle a few turns. turn
A snake was twisting around his arm. twist
Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger. twist
twist sth (+ adv./prep.): He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back. twist
Everyone's fingerprints are unique. unique
an unsteady hand unsteady
the upper arm upper
Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards. upwards
We visited towns and villages all over Spain. village
He put his arm around her waist. waist
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
to wash your hands wash
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. wave
The people on the bus waved and we waved back. wave
wave sth (about/around): A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically. wave
wave sth at sb: She waved her hand dismissively at the housekeeper. wave
wave sb sth: My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye. wave
wave sth to sb: My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her. wave
wave sth/sb + adv./prep.: 'He's over there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees. wave
I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through. wave
She waved me away impatiently. wave
She weighed the stone in her hand (= estimated how heavy it was by holding it). weigh
They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm). welcome
Which way is west? west
Rain is spreading from the west. west
He lives to the west of (= further west than) the town. west
I was born in Japan, but I've lived in the West for some years now. west
West Africa west
the west coast of Scotland west
This room faces west. west
western Spain western
Western Europe western
the western slopes of the mountain western
Western art western
Willing hands pulled him to safety. willing
a north/south/east/west wind wind
Wind the bandage around your finger. wind
Don't stand with your hands in your pockets. with
His fingers were numb with cold. with
She withdrew her hand from his. withdraw
Several witnesses testified that there had been two gunmen. witness
What's the Spanish word for 'table'? word
manual/skilled/unskilled workers worker
I've only broken my arm; other people are far worse off than me. be worse off (than sb/sth)
He had been wounded in the arm. wound
His arms were wrapped around her waist. wrap
She's broken her wrist. wrist
He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. wrist
We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. wrong
The bank is on your right. your