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inferiority complex; to feel inferior tự ti

OXF3000N tin tưởng tin cậy tự tin confident
OXF3000N tự tin confidently

They are confident their army will win. Họ tự tin quân đội của họ sẽ thắng. Reduplicative Words 2

like: tự ti
selbstsicher sein tự tin 自信 zìxìn
selbstsicher sein tự tin

Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Ich bin ehrgeizig und selbstsicher. Tôi là người có tham vọng và tự tin. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1819)

argument (with sb) (about/over sth): We had an argument with the waiter about the bill. argument
As she grew older she gained in confidence. as
barrier to sth: Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success. barrier
The incident has shaken my belief (= made me have less confidence) in the police. belief
They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. confidence
He expressed his confidence that they would win. confidence
He answered the questions with confidence. confidence
People often lose confidence when they are criticized. confidence
He gained confidence when he went to college. confidence
She suffers from a lack of confidence. confidence
While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities. confidence
I didn't have any confidence in myself at school. confidence
a lack of confidence in the government confidence
The new contracts have undermined the confidence of employees. confidence
She was in a relaxed, confident mood. confident
Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities. confident
The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand. confident
confident of sth/doing sth: The team feels confident of winning. confident
Carla smiled confidently at the cameras. confidently
Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. consumer
He seems confident but deep down he's quite insecure. deep down
He delivered his lines confidently. deliver
Failure was slowly destroying him (= making him less and less confident and happy). destroy
Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word 'home'? equivalent
She sounded more confident than she felt. feel
The trees form a natural protection from the sun's rays. form
translating from English to Spanish from
to gain confidence/strength/experience gain
They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off (= brought them success). gamble
The performance improved as their confidence grew. grow
She is growing in confidence all the time. grow
She has high hopes of winning (= is very confident about it). hope
invest sth (in sth): He invested his life savings in his daughter's business. invest
involved (in sth/sb): I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock. involved
She was a star pupil—keen, confident and bright. keen
She's not usually lacking in confidence. lacking
There are thousands of verbs in English and most (of them) are regular. most
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
He is quietly confident that they can succeed (= he is confident, but he is not talking about it too much). quietly
Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous. in reality
He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. relaxed
+ speech: 'I won't let you down,' he replied confidently. reply
Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. spread
He told me in the strictest confidence (= on the understanding that I would tell nobody else). strict
Confidence is the key to success. success
What's the Spanish word for 'table'? word