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EVP swing
EVP swing
Schaukel trò chơi đánh đu Freizeit

IELTS: swing + : 摇摆 (使)突然转向 n. 摇摆 秋千
OXF3000ZH: 摇摆 回转 swing
5000FR: balancer to swing, sway
OXF3000: lung lay swing
OXF3000N sự đu đưa lúc lắc đánh đu đu đưa lúc lắc swing
GBENDE: 秋千 swing Schaukel
CORE: swing + + + + + + +
NGLS: swing + outdoor seat that hangs by two ropes, often from a tree
WNS: (n.) [swing] rapid fluctuation, vacillation
WNS: (n.) [swing] plaything
WNS: (v.) [swing] move with a swaying motion

ENDE: swing Schaukel
ENDE: swing Schwingen
FN: swing into v
FN: swing n Moving_in_place
FN: swing v Body_movement
FN: swing v Path_shape
FN: swing v Cause_to_move_in_place
FN: swing v Moving_in_place
FN: swing v Undergo_change
FN: swing v Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: swing v Change_direction
FN: swing v Motion
FN: swing v Self_motion

like: swing
to dangle, balance, hang loose, swing to and fro tòn ten
to wriggle, swing hips, play hard to get uốn éo

Some addicts suffer violent mood swings (= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug. mood
swing sth + adv./prep.: He swung his legs over the side of the bed. swing
swing sth + adj.: She swung the door open. swing
As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing). swing
swing from sth: A set of keys swung from her belt. swing
swing sth: He sat on the stool, swinging his legs. swing
swing yourself + adv./prep.: He swung himself out of the car. swing
The kids were playing on the swings. swing
He is liable to abrupt mood swings (= for example from being very happy to being very sad). swing
Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour. swing
There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power. swing
He took a wild swing at the ball. swing
the swing of her hips swing
The kids took turns on the swing. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
wild mood swings wild

balancer cela plie terriblement et se balance à la moindre brise