Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP suitable
EVP unsuitable

IELTS: suitable + : 适当的 相配的 合适的 适宜的
OXF3000ZH: 合适的 适宜的 suitable
3000TH: เหมาะ mawL suitable, appropriate
5000FR: convenir to agree, be suitable
5000FR: adéquat appropriate, suitable, adequate
5000FR: convenable suitable, appropriate, correct, proper, acceptable
OXF3000: phù hợp suitable
OXF3000N hợp phù hợp thích hợp với suitable
GBENDE: 合适的 suitable passend
CORE: suitable + + + + + + +
NGLS: suitable + right for a particular purpose or occasion

ENDE: suitable geeignet
ENDE: suitable passend
FN: suitable a Suitability

I always feel they are not suitable. Tôi luôn cảm thấy họ không phù hợp. Adjectives 2
suitable phù hợp Adjectives 2
He is not the suitable person for our team. Anh ấy không phải là người thích hợp cho nhóm của chúng tôi. Adjectives 2
We are looking for suitable solutions. Chúng tôi đang tìm những giải pháp thích hợp. Adjectives 2
suitable. thích hợp Adjectives 2
However, many people criticize Confucianism because it is not suitable wit Tuy nhiên, nhiều người chỉ trích đạo Khổng vì nó không phù hợp với xã hội hiện đại. History
Her level is not suitable for this company. Trình độ của cô ấy không phù hợp với công ty này. Abstract Objects 3

like: suitable
appropriate means, suitable measures các biện pháp thích đáng
an appropriate, suitable solution (to a problem) giải pháp thích ứng
(1) air, manner
(2) to be suitable
(3) to doubt, suspect, become suspicious
to be suitable to thích hợp với
fit, suitable to the hand vừa tay

2535 Ten people applied for the job, none of whom were suitable. Mười người đã nộp đơn xin việc mà không một ai phù hợp.

Do as you think best (= what you think is the most suitable thing to do). best
not suitable for young children child
Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage. confine
He's cut out a niche for himself (= found a suitable job) in journalism. cut sth out
I thought I was on safe ground (= talking about a suitable subject) discussing music with her. ground
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
As a couple they are not very well matched (= they are not very suitable for each other). match
Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners). mean
a suitable candidate suitable
suitable for sth/sb: This programme is not suitable for children. suitable
a suitable place for a picnic suitable
suitable to do sth: I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party. suitable
Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? suitable
What I'm saying, I suppose, is that she's not really suitable for the job. suppose
unload (sth): This isn't a suitable place to unload the van. unload
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual

convenir seul un partenaire de même philosophie pourra leur convenir
adéquat la protection sociale n’est pas adéquate
convenable ils ont droit à une retraite convenable