Beginner Level Advanced Level



ENDE: combat streiten
ENDE: to argue streiten
ENDE: to contend streiten
ENDE: to dispute streiten
ENDE: to quarrel streiten
ENDE: to wrangle streiten

like: streiten

My brothers are always arguing. argue
argue (with sb) (about/over sth): We're always arguing with each other about money. argue
argue with sb: I don't want to argue with you—just do it! argue
deny doing sth: He denies attempting to murder his wife. deny
My little brothers are always fighting. fight
We can't go on like this—we seem to be always arguing. go on
Who can deny the justice of their cause? justice
When they quarrel, I am often caught in the middle. middle
opposition forces (= people who are arguing, fighting, etc. with another group) opposition
They never argue in public. in public
You're always trying to start an argument. start