Beginner Level Advanced Level



straight thẳng tuột

EVP straight
EVP straight
EVP straighten
EVP straightforward

OXF3000ZH: 直的 正直的 straight
3000TH: ตรงไป dtrohngM bpaiM go straight
3000TH: ตรง dtrohngM straight
5000FR: aussitôt straight away, immediately
5000FR: redresser to straighten, set right, redress, turn around
5000FR: raide stiff, straight
5000FR: carrément completely, directly, straight out
5000FR: redressement straightening up, upturn, righting
5000FR: simplicité simplicity, straightforwardness
OXF3000: thẳng straight
OXF3000N thẳng không cong straight
GBENDE: 直接的 straight direkt
GBENDE: 刚刚 straight gerade
GBENDE: 直接的 straight unmittelbar
CORE: straight + + + + + + +
NGLS: straight + Not having curves, bends, or angles
WNS: (a.) [straight] square, honest, fair, decent
WNS: (a.) [straight] free from curves or angles
WNS: (v.) [straighten] straighten out, make straight

ENDE: straight direkt
ENDE: straight gerade
ENDE: straight geradewegs
ENDE: straight unmittelbar
FN: straight a Candidness

Please go straight ahead. Làm ơn đi thẳng. * 040
Then go straight for a while. Rồi bạn đi thẳng một đoạn. * 042
Then drive straight through the next intersection. Rồi bạn lái thẳng qua ngã tư tiếp theo. * 042

like: straight
(1) ice
(2) straight
(3) bank
(4) ribbon, strip, band, bandage, tape
four straight hours, four hours straight bốn giờ liên tục
a straight nose mũi dọc dừa
a straight forward person người ngay
in a straight line như thẳng hàng
in a straight line thẳng hàng
to move straight towards tiến thẳng
online, direct line, straight line trực tuyến
(1) to drink straight out of a container
(2) to blush, be embarassed
(3) to enter a religion
(4) to repair
(5) beard
to lack straight thinking vụng nghĩ
to lack straight thinking vụng suy
to go across, through, straight towards đi ngang
to go straight on đi thẳng
to go straight into đi thẳng vào

2207 After getting o work, she went straight home. Sau khi tan sở, cô ấy về thẳng nhà.

He was looking straight ahead (= straight forward, in front of him). ahead
The road continues as straight as an arrow. arrow
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight. bend
Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight). bent
a column of smoke (= smoke rising straight up) column
a pattern of straight lines and curves curve
He was drinking straight from the bottle. drink
This dessert can be served straight from the fridge. fridge
Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead. front
guess sth: She guessed the answer straight away. guess
straight/curly/wavy hair hair
Just keep going in a straight line; you can't miss it. line
a straight/wavy/dotted/diagonal line line
Keep straight on for the beach. on
a romance straight out of a fairy tale out
He just walked straight past us! past
a plain, straightforward sort of man plain
I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. point
The signpost pointed straight ahead. point
You need to get your priorities straight. priority
The instructions are reasonably straightforward. reasonably
recognize that...: We recognized that the task was not straightforward. recognize
This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator. refrigerator
The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts. shoot
a long/short/straight/pleated, etc. skirt skirt
You'll look taller if you stand up straight. stand up
Sit up straight! straight
She pulled her hat straight. straight
Come straight home after school. straight
I was so tired I went straight to bed. straight
She went straight from college to a top job. straight
I'm going to the library straight after the class. straight
I'll come straight to the point—your work isn't good enough. straight
Keep straight on for two miles. straight
Can you stretch your arms out straighter? straight
He was too tired to walk straight. straight
I can't shoot straight (= accurately). straight
She looked me straight in the eye. straight
I'll do it straight away. straight away
Is my tie straight? straight
a straight skirt straight
a straight line straight
a straight road straight
long straight hair (= without curls) straight
a boat sailing in a straight line straight
straight-backed chairs straight
Surprisingly, he agreed straight away. surprisingly
take sth out of sth: Part of her article is taken straight (= copied) out of my book. take
She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight. that
The bullet went straight through him. through
The lights were red but he drove straight through. through
'Did you stop in Oxford on the way?' 'No, we drove straight through.' through
This train goes straight through to York. through
Can you touch your toes? (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) toe
She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. up
We got straight down to business without wasting time on small talk. waste

aussitôt on décida aussitôt de dîner ensemble
redresser il se redresse légèrement sur sa chaise
raide elle se tient immobile, raide, les regardant
carrément ici, on passe carrément par-dessus la tête des syndicats
redressement le redressement d’Air France est un impératif
simplicité la simplicité de ces adieux le toucha