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storage tồn khố

EVP storage

3000TH: ที่เก็บของ theeF gepL khaawngR storage place
3000TH: ห้องเก็บของ haawngF gepL khaawngR storage space, storage room
5000FR: accumulation accumulation, amassing, storage, stockpiling, build-up
CORE: storage + + + + + + +
NGLS: storage + act of storing something; a depository for goods
WNS: (n.) [storage] repositing, warehousing

ENDE: storage Lagerung
ENDE: storage Speicherung
FN: storage n Storing

like: storage
reservoir, storage tank bồn chứa
trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) cốp chiếc xe
trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) cốp xe

a hard disk storage capacity of 500 gigabytes capacity
There is very little storage space in the department. space
bedroom/kitchen/storage units unit

accumulation il y a de dangereuses accumulations de neige