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EVP steer
EVP steering wheel

IELTS: steer + : 引导 驾驶
OXF3000ZH: 驾驶 steer
5000FR: gouverner to govern, rule, steer, helm
5000FR: bœuf ox, steer, beef
5000FR: volant steering wheel
OXF3000: chỉ đạo steer
OXF3000N lái (tàu ô tô...) hướng dẫn hướng theo steer
GBENDE: 公牛 steer Ochse
CORE: steer + + + + + + +

ENDE: steer Ochse

like: steer
to steer (boat, ship) bẻ lái
to steer a car bẻ lái chiếc xe
to steer a ferry boat, ferry a boat chở đò
to avoid, escape, dodge, steer clear of tránh

She tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of marriage. conversation
Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. hand
a steering lock lock
He steered the boat into the harbour. steer
He took her arm and steered her towards the door. steer
You row and I'll steer. steer
The ship steered a course between the islands. steer
The ship steered into port. steer

gouverner il a été élu pour gouverner
bœuf il est bien possible que ce bœuf ait été engraissé aux hormones
volant vas-y, prends le volant