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EVP spoil

IELTS: spoil + : 损坏 破坏 糟蹋 宠坏 溺爱 [pl.] 战利品,掠夺物,赃物
OXF3000ZH: 损坏 糟蹋 宠坏 spoil
3000TH: เสีย siiaR break, to be broken (machines or food that’s spoiled, to waste)
3000TH: บูด buutL spoiled (for rice, curry, or soup)
5000FR: gâcher to waste, spoil
OXF3000: cướp bóc spoil
OXF3000N cướp cướp đọat spoil
CORE: spoil + + + + + + +
WNS: (v.) [spoil] rot, go bad, become unfit for consumption
WNS: (v.) [spoil] impair, make imperfect
WNS: (v.) [spoil] pamper, coddle, mollycoddle, indulge

FN: spoil v Rotting

like: spoil

act like sb/sth: Stop acting like spoilt children! act
He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it. enjoyment
He didn't want to cast a shadow on (= spoil) their happiness. shadow
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
Don't let him spoil your evening. spoil
The tall buildings have spoiled the view. spoil
Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). spoil
spoiled ballot papers (= not valid because not correctly marked) spoil
I won't tell you what happens in the last chapter—I don't want to spoil it for you. spoil
She spoils those kids of hers. spoil

gâcher je ne voulais pas gâcher votre fête